Well, what do you know—another Christian institution seems poised to abandon Christ in favor of sexual anarchy. Fuller Theological Seminary—a school that when founded by Charles Fuller in 1947, actually believed in the inerrancy and authority of Scripture—is now...
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“He Gets Us!” Posts False Gospel at Angels Game Claiming “Jesus Included Everyone”
Last night, the "He Gets Us" campaign—a marketing ploy headed up by Ed Stetzer that rebrands Jesus—displayed a sign at the Angels game proclaiming, "Jesus Included Everyone." This silly slogan, which is designed to subtly implant the idea that Jesus was "tolerant" of...
Rosaria Butterfield Scolds SBTS Professors for Approving Revoice Founder’s “Godforsaken” Queer Theory Dissertation
In 2018, a new movement was born out of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) called Revoice, founded by Nate Collins, which sought to integrate queer theory into mainstream Evangelicalism. The movement began with a dissertation by Collins that is as absurd as...
If Southern Baptists Failed to Take a Stand on Women in the Pulpit, Just Imagine What’s Next
In a move that should surprise no one who’s been paying attention, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has once again proven that when faced with a choice between standing firm on biblical principles or caving to cultural pressure, they’ll take the path of least...
The CBF, Which Many SBC Churches are Aligned With, Merges With Pro-Sodomy Organization
In the modern landscape of American Christianity, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) finds itself grappling with internal conflicts that reveal the troubling infiltration of leftist ideologies. A prime example is the dual alignment of some Southern Baptist churches...
Popular Gospel Artist, Kirk Franklin, Celebrates ‘Juneteenth’ by Dancing With Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ Vice President Kamala Harris
Kirk Franklin, the so-called “gospel artist” associated with Maverick City Music, has consistently used the facade of Christianity to push his secular social ideology. Franklin's “Christian” career has been marked by a blatant disregard for biblical truth, using his...
Southern Baptists Vote to Continue Funding ERLC and Leftist Agenda
In a disheartening turn of events at last week's Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) annual meeting, messengers voted overwhelmingly to affirm the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), defeating a motion that would have defunded the entity amid a clear...
How Greg got Saved, Part Five. Greg Gets Saved.
We left off yesterday with my having gotten clean and sober in court mandated Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and my subsequent disillusionment with AA, which was functioning as a religion of sorts in my life. I continued going to AA (and NA) meetings because I didn’t...
How Greg got Saved, Part Four. Final BC Chapter
Yesterday we left off with the first glimmer of light I had probably had in my whole life. I had no idea what I was going to do, but for the first time I realized in earnest that whatever it was, this life of being a homeless criminal had to end somehow. In spite of...
How Greg got Saved, Part Three. BC
We’ll pick it up where we left off last time where I burned up my uncle’s kitchen, drunk in the morning, left an apology note and ran away. I was 17 years old at that time, BTW. I just couldn’t face him. I pretty much just found someplace to sleep outside every night...
How Greg got Saved, BC Part Two
Last time I gave a quick overview of my early life and the circumstances leading up to my move at 16 to Arizona to live with my uncle. To pick up there, I took off from Detroit Metro at about 11pm and landed at Phoenix Sky Harbor a few hours later. I was filled with...
Tony Evans Steps Down From Pastorate “Due to Sin,” Enters “Restoration Process”
Dr. Tony Evans has recently stepped down from his pastoral duties following an admission of personal failure. Evans, a towering figure in the evangelical world, has long been a polarizing character due to his controversial theological positions and alliances. Serving...
How Greg got Saved, BC Part One.
I’m not going to give my life story here, but a brief synopsis will lay the groundwork for what ultimately led to my receiving Christ in August of 1984. I enjoy other people’s salvation testimonies and thought somebody might be interested in mine. My mother was...
Meet David French’s Pastor, a Rank Heretic Who Preaches an Absurdly False Gospel
If you ever wondered how such professing Christians like David French get so messed up in their theology that they're willing to abandon the gospel in favor of some kind of social cause, and then defend it with every fiber of their being, more often than not, you need...
NAMB Regional Director Admits They Have No Problem With Women Preachers
If you’ve been following the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), you’re probably aware of its latest debacle, a battle over women preachers. As a few remaining conservatives in the denomination fight to pass what is known as the Law Amendment, an amendment to the...
Fake “Pastor” Says Lydia Could Have Been a Lesbian and Paul Should “Sit This One Out”
This foolish, silly woman. The chutzpah of this charlatan masquerading as a “pastor” (LOL) is nothing short of hilarity. Her contempt for apostolic authority and her mangled interpretation of Scripture are comedic gold. Suggesting that Paul "needs to sit down"—as if a...
White Pastor Explains How Churches With Majority White Staff Should Just Burn Their Websites Down
In a spectacular display of pandering and virtue signaling, Johnson Bowie of Victory Church recently delivered a sermon that epitomizes the worst excesses of the woke DEI agenda infecting Evangelical churches today. His assertions, filled with cringe-inducing...
Beth Moore Denounces Southern Baptists as “Masters of Diversion” For Dealing With Women Preachers
In 2021, the popular Evangelical lady-preacher, Beth Moore, left the SBC after it became apparent to her that she would not be able to impose her feminist ideology on the denomination. Moore’s departure from the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has been portrayed by...
Treason to God as Rational Justification for Eternal Punishment
by Chris ColeI get challenged regularly by atheists who object to God because, they believe, they don't deserve Hell. they claim that Hell is overkill for the actions of most human beings. Do they have a case? No, I don't believe that they do. In his book, The...
75-Year-Old Diabetic Woman in Wheelchair Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Praying at Abortion Clinic
The recent sentencing of 75-year-old Paulette Harlow for her involvement in a peaceful pro-life protest epitomizes the glaring double standards in our legal system. Harlow, a Roman Catholic from Kingston, Massachusetts, took part in a non-violent "lock and block"...
Contemporary Worship is a Breeding Ground for Idolatry and False Worship, Leading to Judgment
The Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) industry is a modern-day embodiment of false worship and idolatry—mooching off the name of Christ to launch careers, only to end up apostatizing, blaspheming Him, and supporting the very things God abhors, like homosexuality,...
U.S. Gov. Spending Millions in Tax Dollars to Promote Homosexuality in Third World Countries
It’s bad enough that our government pushes radical leftism at the expense of our sanity in our own nation, but did you know these leftists are spending your money to promote homosexuality around the world?Okay, so let’s talk about USAID, shall we? You know, the United...
“Church” Rewrites “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” to a Pro-LGBTQ Social Justice Song
Paul’s warning in Galatians 6:7 is crystal clear: "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." This isn't just a gentle reminder, it's a dire warning. If you think you can twist God’s Word and pervert His worship to fit your agenda, you're...
Jars of Clay Lead Singer Shows Up at LGBT Pride Festival to “Show My Support”
Apostasy—which comes from the Greek word apostasia ("ἀποστασία") which literally means in the context of Scripture, departure -- or falling away. In other words, it refers to those who have professed Christ, especially for a long time, and then have renounced their...
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One of the The Fruits of Human Depravity is: Stupidity
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, imbuing the world with order, reason, and morality, and most importantly, a desire to worship Him. However, the first tangible evidence of stupidity emerged in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve, deceived by...
Any Professing Christian Claiming It’s Okay to Vote For Joe Biden Should be Excommunicated
In the sobering words of 1 Corinthians 5:5, the Apostle Paul instructs the church to hand over unrepentant sinners to Satan "for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus." This truth reveals to us the gravity of...
The Bible Has One Word for Pro-Homosexual Southern Baptist Churches Like FBC Orlando: Ichabod!
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) isn’t just fighting a battle over women pastors, though this is the issue that will be front and center at the 2024 annual meeting in June. The reality is that the SBC is facing full-on apostasy from every angle, from women...
Major Virginia SBC Church to Hold Vote to Leave Denomination Over Law Amendment
In Richmond, Virginia, a local Southern Baptist church makes headlines not for its doctrinal integrity, service to the community, or even its centuries of history, but for its decision to hold a vote to sever ties with the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). But let's...
UMC General Conference Leaders Warn Attendees To Avoid “Exclusively Male Language for God”
Yesterday, The Dissenter reported that homosexuals outside the United Methodist Church General Conference, which is being held in Charlotte, NC, danced and sang "hallelujah" as the denomination passed petitions to essentially excommunicate any non-affirming clergy.In...
Texas (False) “Church” Opens Pregnancy Center That Transports People from Texas to Neighboring States for Abortions
In the current cultural and religious climate where the line between biblical truth and personal convenience increasingly blurs, the announcement by the Truth Pregnancy Resource Center in Dallas is a reminder of just how far some people will go to justify sin—even...
In the Beginning, God: I Believe So That I May Understand
In the beginning, God. This is not just the opening line of the Bible, it's the foundation of all existence, knowledge, and truth. Before the universe, before light and dark, there was God—absolute, sovereign, the epitome of reason and the source of all that is...
Heresy of the Day #22: Kenoticism (Kenosis Theory)
Heresy: KenoticismKenoticism, also known as Kenosis Theory, or simply as Kenosis, is a Christological heresy that stems from a misinterpretation of Philippians 2:7, where it is stated that Jesus "emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in...
Hell is Filled With Cultural Christians and Culture Warriors
Today's Evangelical landscape reveals a chilling spectacle—a dismal reality where the very foundation of Christianity has been grossly diluted. This watered-down gospel, prevailing in the vast majority of what calls themselves "churches," caters to a cultural craving...
How Did a Southern Baptist Leader Become America’s Top Lobbyist for Corrupt Policies in a Third World Nation
The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission's (ERLC) Brent Leatherwood's journey to the center of Southern Baptist policymaking reads not so much as a pilgrimage of faith but rather a trek through the thickets of political activism, where the compass often points left...
ERLC’s Brent Leatherwood Confronted by Media For His Suppression of the Trans Shooter’s Motive at Christian School
On March 27, 2023, a mass shooting occurred at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, which resulted in multiple fatalities. The attack was carried out by a transgender leftist who had written a "manifesto" which has currently been withheld due to public records...
False Teacher of the Day #58: Jonathan Cahn
It is appropriate that we continue to warn Christians about the dangerous teachings of Jonathan Cahn, who positions himself as a modern-day prophet and decoder of biblical mysteries. Despite numerous bold predictions about economic collapses and national disasters,...
IHOPKC Winding Down, Coming to a Close, According to Leaked Recording of IHOP University President
Despite what Mike Bickle claims, IHOPKC was never a move of God or a work of the Holy Spirit, rather, it was a carefully orchestrated façade, which quickly became a cult, that has finally crumbled under the weight of its own leadership scandals. According to a leaked...
Matt Chandler’s Acts 29 Network Requires Members to Agree Not to Criticize the Organization
The infamous Acts 29 Network appears to be crumbling before our eyes. We’ve covered a lot of the ongoing controversies in at Matt Chandler’s Acts 29 church planting network over the years and this organization has been wrought with controversy since its...
Doug Wilson Speaks to Tucker Carlson About “Christian Nationalism”
As the world rages against Christianity from all sides, from the far-left American progressivism to even the ostensibly "Christian" centrists like David French, the movement for some within Christendom to embrace what is being labeled "Christian Nationalism" is...
False Teacher of the Day #57: Jesse Duplantis
In the pantheon of modern prosperity preachers, few people are as brazen or as voraciously money-hungry as Jesse Duplantis. Broadcasting from Destrehan, Louisiana, where he founded Jesse Duplantis Ministries, this charlatan of the highest order has spent over half a...
Joseph Prince Performs Epic Scripture Twisting To Say That Praying in Tongues Heals Our Bodies of Diseases
In the world of extreme charismaticism where the "Health and Wealth gospel" reigns supreme, and where spectacle trumps scripture, notorious false teacher and charismatic self-appointed NAR "apostle," Joseph Prince, claims that speaking and praying in tongues heals our...
Reconciling Christian Love and Hatred Toward Enemies of God
In an age where progressive thought and postmodernism dominate the cultural and intellectual landscape, Christians often find themselves challenged with the task of navigating their faith amidst conflicting ideologies. One such challenge arises in the form of a...
Why America Deserves to Fall, Part II
In a nation that once heralded the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, a shadow has fallen, casting a long and dark silhouette over the moral landscape. At the heart of this darkness lies the tragedy of systematic child-murder, a scourge that...
Abortion and the Proliferation of Wicked Rulers is the Death Sentence on a Nation
The Bible speaks much to the truth that God's judgment on nations manifests in many ways, especially in rampant sexual immorality. In fact, Romans 1 teaches that sexual immorality is one of the only sins by which the sin itself is the judgment, a sobering reality that...
Christ is King!
The phrase, "Christ is King!" has become taboo in our times with even professing Christians on social media complaining that the usage of the phrase is a form of bigotry and supremacy. Yet, the phrase itself is foundational to Christianity, and we must not allow...
Churches Embracing Queer Ideologies are Idolatrous, Robbing God of the Glory He Deserves
Every day, it seems we're confronted with another headline about how the Church is "evolving" or "becoming more inclusive" by embracing some version of queer theory or gender ideology. But here's the crux of the matter: this so-called progress is actually a profound...
Richard Dawkins Declares Himself a Cultural Christian: A Mirage in the Desert of Faith
In a bizarre twist that would leave even the most seasoned theologian bemused, Richard Dawkins, the high priest of New Atheism, has draped himself in the garb of cultural Christianity. Dawkins, in an unexpected revelation, declared himself a "cultural Christian" who...
In 2018, SBC Moderates Complained About Mike Pence at SBC Annual Meeting, Now They Welcome Him in 2024
In 2018, former U.S. Vice President, Mike Pence, who is a Southern Baptist himself, was invited to speak at the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting. While at the time, Pence was largely viewed as a conservative politician who supported conservative policies,...
Popular Social Media False Teacher Twists the Parable of the Good Samaritan to Re-interpret the Gospel
Self-styled theologians, always cloaked in a facade of benevolence, are purveying a gospel that is a rude departure from the sound, uncompromising truths of Scripture. They twist the words of the Bible to advance a secular agenda, often under the guise of social...
Virgil Walker Discusses the Christian Response to the Legalization of Marijuana on OAN
Christians are now finding themselves at a cultural crossroads, grappling with questions of faith, obedience, and witness as the world spirals increasingly into moral chaos. What does the Bible say about substances that alter the mind, such as marijuana, now legal in...
Dusty Deevers Announces Intent to Nominate Jared Moore for SBC Presidency
In a world increasingly adrift in moral ambiguity, the Evangelical Church as a whole has severely lacked a leadership that is willing to take a stand for biblical integrity even at the expense of their own reputations and even their personal safety. This is especially...
TGC Author Who Wrote About Jesus “Penetrating” the Church Publishes Book on Conservatives and Democrats Uniting
You may remember last year, there was an uproar on social media involving an article published at The Gospel Coalition that described Jesus’s relationship with the Church in a graphically detailed comparison to how a man embraces and has intercourse with his wife. Not...
Labeling Extreme Movements as “Far Right” is Intellectually Dishonest and These Movements Have No Ties to Conservatism
In a recent tweet, Neil Shenvi, a self-described apologist who attends former SBC president, JD Greear's Summit Church in Raleigh, NC, raised an alarm about the "radicalization" of young, white men by the far-right, suggesting a toxic influence from Critical Race...
90-Year-Old Volunteer Gets Boot From National M.S. Society for Not Knowing What “Preferred Pronouns” Means
In the labyrinth of modern societal golden calves, there lies a thread, not so much golden as it is cunningly spun, weaving through the former sanity of traditional values towards a singular, covert objective: the dismantling of society itself. This thread, known...
The SBC Leftist Task Force’s Epic Power Grab: Creation of a New Sex Abuse Reform Non-Profit Bypassing Messengers
In the midst of the Southern Baptist Convention's endless witch hunt for accused sex abusers, a shadow has been cast over the denomination orchestrated by men and women cloaked in the guise of "reformers" but, upon closer examination, are mere agents of division....
Fani Willis Preaches at Woke Church, Twists Scripture and Plays the Victim Card
You're probably aware by now of the saga surrounding Fani Willis and the witch hunt against Trump. In recent days, the focus has turned away from Trump and the spotlight on Willis herself as serious ethical concerns have now been exposed. Willis, who initiated an...
Alabama Supreme Court Rules Life Begins at Conception and Has Inherent Value Based on the Image of God
In a landmark ruling, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled on Friday that life begins at conception. Referencing God, the ruling states that life begins at conception and is inherently valuable, underscoring a profound respect for the sanctity of unborn life. The Court's...
After Woman Opens Fire in Joel Osteen’s Church, Watch Gun Control Become Even More Popular in America
In a tangible reminder of the broken world we inhabit, a harrowing incident unfolded at Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church, a venue noted for its false prosperity gospel teachings—a message that perverts the biblical gospel. This tragedy, where a woman armed with a long...
Ed Stetzer’s Super Bowl He Gets Us Commercial is the Most Blasphemous One Yet, Depicts Jesus as Affirming of Homosexuality and Abortion
Last year, The Dissenter reported on a proposed partnership between the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board (NAMB) and a heretical “evangelism” ministry called He Gets Us. He Gets Us, as we demonstrated, is not only a gay-affirming ministry that...
The ERLC Comes Out in Praise and Support of Open Borders Bill Pushed by Leftists and RINOs in the Senate
In an age where the clarity of conservative conviction is often clouded by the fog of political double-speak, the ERLC's endorsement of the recent Senate border bill is a bewildering affront to the very constituents it claims to represent. The bill, masquerading as a...
Calvin Professor Seeks Loopholes Through “Ensoulment” Timing to Justify Committing Abortions
A Christian university named after arguably the most famous Protestant reformer in the Reformed Tradition, John Calvin, has become an icon for liberalism. Calvin University, formerly Calvin College, is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan and is associated with the...
Imagine Dropping Your Child Off in This Man’s Classroom Every Morning
Imagine dropping your child off in this man's classroom, and there's nothing you could say or do about it. Imagine walking into a supposedly professional environment and seeing a man dressed in women's clothing and knowing this delusional weirdo is the person...
TGC Board Member Says Jesus Gave Up Rights, So We Should Give Up Second Amendment
Ryan Kwon, a board member of The Gospel Coalition and pastor of Resonate Movement Church, is yet another voice in the long parade of woke ideologues masquerading as shepherds who distort the Scriptures to advance their communism-lite agenda—always under the thin guise...
Father of Boy Killed by Illegal Haitian Says He Wishes It Was an Old White Man So People Would Stop Hating Immigrants
Hermanio Joseph, the illegal Haitian national who killed 11-year-old Aiden Clark after hitting a school bus while driving illegally, had entered the U.S. at the southern border in 2022 under the Biden administration’s policies.Joseph, who was released into the country...
Curtis Chang and Guest Question Whether an Unborn Fetus is a Human Being Worthy of the Same Protection as a 2YO
Russell Moore, David French, and Curtis Chang—three names that have wormed their way into Christian discourse under the guise of unity and healing, but whose agenda reeks of progressive subversion. Their new project, “The After Party,” pretends to offer "biblical...
Preston Sprinkle Assembles LGBTQ and Other Woke Activists to Release New Study Bible
Today’s the day, folks! Preston Sprinkle, the theologian extraordinaire of the pro-LGBTQ leftist evangelical machine, founder of the Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender, and one of the original board members of Revoice, is back with his latest attempt to...
Christianity Today Editor Urges Parents to Ship Children Off to Public School Indoctrination Camps
Stefani McDade, a cronie of Russell Moore—both of whom seem to have taken up residence as thought-leaders in leftist Christianity—has been named the “theology editor” at Christianity Today. Yes, that Christianity Today—once a respectable outlet for serious Christians...
Things ERLC Head, Brent Leatherwood, Wanted to Hide From You Regarding Trans School Shooter
On March 27, 2023, a mass shooting occurred at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, which resulted in multiple fatalities. The attack was carried out by a transgender leftist, Audrey Hale, who had written a “manifesto” that had previously been withheld due to...
“Christian” NBA Superstar, Stephen Curry, Endorses Kamala Because Abortion is about “Decent People”
Stephen “Steph” Curry was once the golden boy of college basketball, captivating fans with his electric play at Davidson College and propelling the team into a Cinderella run during the NCAA tournament. As the son of former NBA Charlotte Hornets player Dell Curry, he...
Mike Signorelli Blames Online Discernment Ministries for the Shooting of Greg Locke’s Home
Earlier this week, Greg Locke’s home was sprayed with bullets—an act of violence that could have claimed the lives of Locke’s children, demonstrating just how spiritually lost some people have become. The fact that anyone would place children in harm’s way over...
Update on Arizona Street Preacher Who Was Shot in the Head While Preaching the Gospel
In a remarkable story of faith and perseverance, Arizona street preacher Hans Schmidt has defied all odds after being shot in the head while preaching the gospel on the streets of Glendale in November 2023. Schmidt, a 26-year-old veteran and father of two, was...
“Pastor” Greg Locke’s Home Targeted in Shooting Amid Heightened Political Climate
In a disturbing act of violence, the home of controversial Tennessee pastor Greg Locke was riddled with bullets on the night of September 3, 2024. Approximately 30-40 rounds were fired into Locke’s Mt. Juliet residence, which he shares with his family, including young...
Social Issues
Calvin Professor Seeks Loopholes Through “Ensoulment” Timing to Justify Committing Abortions
A Christian university named after arguably the most famous Protestant reformer in the Reformed Tradition, John Calvin, has become an icon for liberalism. Calvin University, formerly Calvin College, is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan and is associated with the...
Imagine Dropping Your Child Off in This Man’s Classroom Every Morning
Imagine dropping your child off in this man's classroom, and there's nothing you could say or do about it. Imagine walking into a supposedly professional environment and seeing a man dressed in women's clothing and knowing this delusional weirdo is the person...
TGC Board Member Says Jesus Gave Up Rights, So We Should Give Up Second Amendment
Ryan Kwon, a board member of The Gospel Coalition and pastor of Resonate Movement Church, is yet another voice in the long parade of woke ideologues masquerading as shepherds who distort the Scriptures to advance their communism-lite agenda—always under the thin guise...
Father of Boy Killed by Illegal Haitian Says He Wishes It Was an Old White Man So People Would Stop Hating Immigrants
Hermanio Joseph, the illegal Haitian national who killed 11-year-old Aiden Clark after hitting a school bus while driving illegally, had entered the U.S. at the southern border in 2022 under the Biden administration’s policies.Joseph, who was released into the country...
Curtis Chang and Guest Question Whether an Unborn Fetus is a Human Being Worthy of the Same Protection as a 2YO
Russell Moore, David French, and Curtis Chang—three names that have wormed their way into Christian discourse under the guise of unity and healing, but whose agenda reeks of progressive subversion. Their new project, “The After Party,” pretends to offer "biblical...
Preston Sprinkle Assembles LGBTQ and Other Woke Activists to Release New Study Bible
Today’s the day, folks! Preston Sprinkle, the theologian extraordinaire of the pro-LGBTQ leftist evangelical machine, founder of the Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender, and one of the original board members of Revoice, is back with his latest attempt to...
Christianity Today Editor Urges Parents to Ship Children Off to Public School Indoctrination Camps
Stefani McDade, a cronie of Russell Moore—both of whom seem to have taken up residence as thought-leaders in leftist Christianity—has been named the “theology editor” at Christianity Today. Yes, that Christianity Today—once a respectable outlet for serious Christians...
Things ERLC Head, Brent Leatherwood, Wanted to Hide From You Regarding Trans School Shooter
On March 27, 2023, a mass shooting occurred at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, which resulted in multiple fatalities. The attack was carried out by a transgender leftist, Audrey Hale, who had written a “manifesto” that had previously been withheld due to...
“Christian” NBA Superstar, Stephen Curry, Endorses Kamala Because Abortion is about “Decent People”
Stephen “Steph” Curry was once the golden boy of college basketball, captivating fans with his electric play at Davidson College and propelling the team into a Cinderella run during the NCAA tournament. As the son of former NBA Charlotte Hornets player Dell Curry, he...
Mike Signorelli Blames Online Discernment Ministries for the Shooting of Greg Locke’s Home
Earlier this week, Greg Locke’s home was sprayed with bullets—an act of violence that could have claimed the lives of Locke’s children, demonstrating just how spiritually lost some people have become. The fact that anyone would place children in harm’s way over...
Update on Arizona Street Preacher Who Was Shot in the Head While Preaching the Gospel
In a remarkable story of faith and perseverance, Arizona street preacher Hans Schmidt has defied all odds after being shot in the head while preaching the gospel on the streets of Glendale in November 2023. Schmidt, a 26-year-old veteran and father of two, was...
“Pastor” Greg Locke’s Home Targeted in Shooting Amid Heightened Political Climate
In a disturbing act of violence, the home of controversial Tennessee pastor Greg Locke was riddled with bullets on the night of September 3, 2024. Approximately 30-40 rounds were fired into Locke’s Mt. Juliet residence, which he shares with his family, including young...
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The U.S. Department of Education Promoting Pride Month is Just the Beginning of the Birth Pangs of God’s Wrath
I'm certainly no prophet, but here’s what’s undeniable—from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible makes it clear that when people reject God and embrace idolatry, His judgment and wrath will inevitably follow.We see this picture painted vividly in Romans 1, where God...
NAR “Prophetess” Prophesied that Trump Would Win Court Trial and Be Proven Innocent
Julie Green, associate “pastor” at Faith Family Fellowship and head of Julie Green Ministries, has once again proven herself to be a false prophet—as if we needed another reason to believe so.As recently as last week (video clip above), she predicted that former...
June 2024, Pride Month – Part IX: Your Answer To The Fourth ‘Horseman’
by Jim Fennell These four words are used by homosexuals (LBGHTQ+) to attack anyone (specifically Bible-believing Christians) who opposes their purpose: practicing their deviant lifestyle freely out in the open and spreading their message of ‘sexual freedom’ (and now...
June 2024, Pride Month – Part VII: Your Answer To The Third “Horseman”
by Jim FennellHate/Fear/Ignorance/BigotryThese four words are used by homosexuals (LBGHTQ+) to attack anyone (specifically Bible-believing Christians) who opposes their purpose: practicing their deviant lifestyle freely out in the open and spreading their message of...
If You Support Exceptions for Anti-Abortion Laws, You Are Not a Christian
Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, leftists have come unglued thinking about the possibility of their religious sacrament of child sacrifice being taken from them. And honestly, the likelihood of that happening is slim to none—most Americans actually...
Deranged Trump Prosecutor, Fani Willis, Gets Her Holy Oil Makeover in Atlanta Pastor Gregory Sutton’s Political Circus
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Record High Abortion Numbers in Scotland Demonstrate Failure of the Pro-Life Movement’s Incrementalist Strategy
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The Episcopal “Church’s” New “Pride Shield” Logo is Emblematic of the Harlot Church’s Apostasy
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Is Failed Hillsong NYC Pastor, Carl Lentz, About to Start a New Church?
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Ed Young Sr. Resigns: The Cult-like Trend of Pastors Handing the Pulpit Over to Their Children
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How Should Christians Approach Pride Month?
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June 2024, Pride Month – Part VII: Your Answer To The Second “Horseman”
by Jim FennellHate/Fear/Ignorance/BigotryThese four words are used by homosexuals (LBGHTQ+) to attack anyone (specifically Bible-believing Christians) who opposes their purpose: practicing their deviant lifestyle freely out in the open and spreading their message of...
Mother Forcibly Removed From James River Church for Disagreeing With Pastor Hosting Former Male Stripper at Men’s Conference
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June 2024, Pride Month: Part VI – Your Answer To The First “Horseman”
by Jim FennellHate, Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry…These four words are used by homosexuals (LBGHTQ+) to attack anyone (specifically Bible-believing Christians) who opposes their purpose: practicing their deviant lifestyle freely out in the open and spreading their message...
Lesbian “Pastor” Reinstated by United Methodist Church After Being Defrocked in 2004
In a stunning yet unsurprising display of moral and doctrinal capitulation, the United Methodist Church (UMC) has reinstated Beth Stroud, a lesbian and self-described "pastor" who was defrocked in 2004 for openly defying the denomination's longstanding prohibition...
Revealed: Church of SC Pastor Non-Chalantly Preached About Wife’s “Suicide” Owns a Private Jet and Millions in Assets
If you've been following the unfolding scandal surrounding the alleged suicide of Mica Miller, the wife of South Carolina pastor John-Paul Miller, then you may be aware of some of the speculation surrounding her tragic death. Although authorities have ruled her death...
Is the Excessive Prevalence of Venomous Snakes in Third World Countries Just Nature or the Judgment of God?
I don't know why, but the various social media networks has decided that I am interested in snakes. No matter what platform I get on, the "For You" reels and "suggested content" are always videos of people messing with snakes. And in these video clips, which,...
Gateway Seminary Professor Comes Out Against Law Amendment Claiming Women in the Pastorate is NOT Sinful
The president of Gateway Seminary, a Southern Baptist Convention seminary, has come out against implementing measures that would see the convention stay true to God's word. In an article at the Baptist Press, Jeff Iorg's objections to the Mike Law amendment regarding...
Union Seminary Hires Sikh as Professor of Religion
Union Theological Seminary has a storied history that dates back to its Presbyterian founding in 1836. Despite its origins, the seminary has always been a center for liberalism, never truly grounding itself in the Scriptures or the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Over the...
Federal Appeals Judge Rules Parents Can’t Opt Children Out of Sexualized LGBTQ Propaganda in Public Schools
Anyone needing another reason to abandon all hope in a political savior, here's one: a federal judge has now ruled that Christian parents cannot opt their children out of LGBTQ lessons in public schools. For now, the ruling applies to Maryland parents, but unless the...
June 2024, Pride Month – Part V: Aiming for the ‘Achilles Heel’
by Jim FennellJune 2024: Once again homosexuals are given a “green light” to push their immoral agenda upon America in social media, entertainment, and education with the blessings of our federal government, as well as the support of many state governments. And now,...
Apostasy and Its Leaders
by Chris ColeWe live in a time where the culture has returned to a pre-Christian stage, in which every man does what is right in his own eyes (Judges 21:25). Things which were considered too shameful for polite company within the lifetimes of man of us living today...
Southern Baptist Pastor Oversees Ordination of False Apostle, Greg Locke
In a spectacle reminiscent of the prophet Elijah who mocked the prophets of Baal, Greg Locke’s recent ordination as an "apostle" at Global Vision Bible Church reeks of theological absurdity. This grandiose ceremony, officiated by Southern Baptist pastor Malachi...
June 2024, Pride Month: Part IV – American Cancer
by Jim Fennell This is Part IV in the “pride month” series… The Civil Rights Act was passed by Congress with the approval of President Lyndon Johnson on July 2, 1964. In 1969 in New York City, the ‘gay movement came out’ demanding that they be given their ‘civil...