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Popular Gospel Artist, Kirk Franklin, Celebrates ‘Juneteenth’ by Dancing With Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ Vice President Kamala Harris

by | Jun 17, 2024 | Abortion, Apostasy, Cult, LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video

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Kirk Franklin, the so-called “gospel artist” associated with Maverick City Music, has consistently used the facade of Christianity to push his secular social ideology. Franklin’s “Christian” career has been marked by a blatant disregard for biblical truth, using his platform not to spread the Gospel but to promote his own sociological beliefs that stand in direct opposition to Scripture. His public endorsements of pro-choice views and LGBTQ ideology, among other leftist causes, expose his fraudulent representation of Christian values.

Franklin has made many statements that reveal his true colors, such as, “I am pro-life but I still believe that I do not have a right to force a woman to do anything with her body,” equating this to not being able to force someone to come to Jesus Christ​​. This is not the voice of a pro-life advocate but a clear echo of pro-choice rhetoric. Franklin also made an “apology” to the LGBTQ community for the church’s biblical stance on homosexuality.

Last week, Franklin’s alignment with secular ideologies was spotlighted during the White House’s Juneteenth celebration. This event, ostensibly meant to commemorate the end of slavery, has been hijacked by progressives to further their Marxist narratives. At this year’s White House celebration, Franklin was seen dancing with Vice President Kamala Harris, a known activist for abortion and LGBTQ rights​. This moment was not just a dance, it was a public declaration of Franklin’s allegiance to the leftist cause.

Popular Gospel Artist, Kirk Franklin, Celebrates ‘Juneteenth’ by Dancing With Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ Vice President Kamala Harris

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Juneteenth, now a federal holiday, is being used by progressives as a tool to push their distorted view of American history and values. Instead of honoring the any actual historical significance of Juneteenth, the celebration has become a platform for advancing leftist ideologies, with performances and speeches that promote everything from radical Marxist views to abortion on demand to transgender queer theory. This White House, and this event, epitomizes the moral decline and cultural rot that Franklin and his ilk perpetuate​.

Franklin is a glaring example of the hypocrisy within the celebrity Christian worship scene. People like Franklin and those associated with Maverick City Music have transformed their platforms into stages for secular applause rather than sanctuaries for worship. Their version of Christianity is a diluted, powerless gospel that seeks cultural relevance over the truth that sets us free.

The absurdity of Kirk Franklin’s actions is clear—a supposed “gospel” artist celebrating with a political figure who stands for everything that true Christianity opposes. This is a man who uses the name of Christ as a prop while championing causes that grieve the heart of God. Franklin, with his secularist thoughts masquerading as faith, exemplifies the modern-day Pharisee.

The entire celebrity Christian worship scene is marred by this kind of deceit. These false teachers blend secularism with spirituality, creating a hybrid faith that pleases the masses but betrays the Gospel. Beware of those who profess faith but deny its power, for their end will be as hollow as their pretenses are grand.

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