When I first saw the trailer to this upcoming series, I thought it was a parody. I thought it was going to be some kind of satirical sitcom making fun of “ex-vangelicals” who have deconstructed into complete apostasy. The fact of the matter, though, is that this is...
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SBC Picks Pastor Who Brags About Women Pastors in His Church for Lady-Pastor Study Committee
In 2023, during the annual meeting, several churches were disfellowshipped from the Southern Baptist Convention for openly defying the denomination’s statement of faith, the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 (BFM2K). Among these churches was the infamous Saddleback...
The Spirit of the Age: How Secularism Undermines the Church’s Faithfulness to Christ
From the time of the early apostles until now, the church of Jesus Christ has always faced the powerful threat of worldliness, of assimilating into the culture around it and compromising on the pristine and inviolable truths it has been entrusted with. One of the most...
Charismatic Prophetess Has Bizarre Loch Ness Monster “Prophecy” and Compares Patricia King to Jesus
In the ever-expanding realm of self-proclaimed Christian leaders, few figures are as bewildering as Katie Souza. Armed with dubious teachings that dance on the fringes of Christian orthodoxy, she recently added to her repertoire of controversy by prophesying about...
Woke Christian Rapper, Kirk Franklin, Rebuked by Street Preacher for Friendship With the World
Kirk Franklin has become an icon in the Contemporary Christian Music Gospel genre and has gained even more notoriety after touring with and becoming heavily involved in the contemporary worship music collective, Maverick City Music. Franklin made headlines in 2019...
Unfortunately, Sarah Young Did Not Really Hear Jesus Calling
Sarah Young, the author of the blockbuster devotional "Jesus Calling," met the real Jesus after a long battle with cancer. Before her passing, Young had spent years publishing what she claimed were direct dialogues with Jesus Christ. Using a first-person voice, she...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part XIII: Christian-Cloaked Occultism
In Part XIII of our hard-hitting series on the Snares of the Modern Church, we unmask one of the most pernicious yet insidious traps that have ensnared unwitting believers—occultism. Yes, you read that right. We're talking about occult practices that have slithered...
Queer Pre-school Teacher Says She Teaches Children If They Don’t Love Their Families, Find a New One
If you need any other reason to pull your children out of Pagan institutions, look no further than DeDe Duffy. DeDe Duffy, a preschool teacher in Cape Coral, FL, says that she hates her family because she is a queer. She goes on to say that she teaches the kids in her...
Children’s Director at Acts 29 Board Member’s Church Openly Supports Transgenderism and Black Lives Matter
We've been covering some of the controversy going on at Matt Chandler's Acts 29 church planting network over the last few weeks. This organization has been wrought with controversy since its inception. Notably, the well-publicized removal of co-founder Mark Driscoll...
Major Canadian Headline Claims It’s a “Privilege, Not a Right” to Know Your Child’s “Gender Identity”
It's beyond troubling to see the lengths to which some are willing to go to strip away parental rights under the guise of modern progressivism. In fact, it's horrifying. When I first read the headline, "It’s a privilege, not a right, to know your kid’s gender...
Acts 29 Pastor Says Gay Atheist Came to Christ Through a Psychic Tarot Card Reader Consulting a Native American Spirit Guide
In a cultural landscape teeming with ideological disarray, even the dialogue surrounding Christian interaction with the LGBTQ movement has been pulled apart by polarizing narratives. A particularly concerning viewpoint comes to light through the Acts 29 Network, which...
Abortion: A Moral Quagmire Rooted in Rebellion Against the Creator
In recent years, a surge of academic inquiries has sought to dissect the contentious issue of abortion from various angles: moral, legal, scientific, and sociological. This has led to a broad range of opinions, some claiming the practice to be a woman's right, while...
SBC Megachurch Worships to Rave Song by DJ Who Committed Suicide After Battling Drug, Alcohol Addiction
David Hughes, the "pastor" of Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, has turned this "church" into nothing short of a circus. Instead of nourishing souls with the gospel, Hughes seems more concerned with putting on a show. When a church trades the pulpit for a...
Pastor Who Compares Jesus to a Stripper Applauds White Woman Who Succumbs to “Anti-racism” and “White Fragility”
Tim Ross, an associate pastor at the controversial Transformation Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has made headlines for all the wrong reasons. Serving alongside lead pastor Mike Todd, Ross is infamous for preaching sermons that not only twist the teachings of the Bible...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part XII: “Jesus Over Everything”
In Part XII of our series on the Snares of the Modern Church, we dismantle yet another beguiling but perilous slogan: the "Jesus Over Everything" mantra. On the surface, this catchphrase seems innocuous, even laudable. After all, shouldn't Jesus be our primary focus?...
Explaining the Lure of Atheism in the 21st Century
“Atheism” is no longer an alien, rarely heard-of term. It is, in fact, a phenomenon that continues to grow at exponential rates in the 21st century. And when such a state of irreligiousness and disbelief engulfs the world while a great number of major and minor...
Acts 29 Promotes LGBTQ Inclusivity in the Church and Waters Down the Gravity of The Sin of Homosexuality
In an era marked by increasing ideological fragmentation, the discussion around how Christians should engage with LGBTQ individuals is not exempt from polarizing viewpoints. A recently uncovered video clip from the Acts 29 Network, represented by Justin Anderson and...
California Senate Passes Bill Forcing Parents to Affirm Child’s “Gender Transition” or Face Removal
In an unsurprising yet deeply horrifying move, the California Senate has passed AB957, a law that not only usurps the God-given duty of parents to guide and protect their children but also establishes a chilling precedent for the future. This law is a tyrannical...
Memphis Church, in 2023, Instructs Members to Quarantine and Mask Up for COVID
Four years after the COVID panic hit the world, the vast majority of sane people in this world have finally come to see it for what it is—a scare tactic designed to force the masses into submission. Yet, there are some out there who just don't seem to learn, despite...
Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part V: Jesus Was a Political Centrist
In Part V of our series on Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus, we confront the disingenuous claim that Jesus was a centrist—a convenient compromise in the ideological battles between progressives and conservatives. This myth, often peddled by compromised church...
Max Lucado Waters Down Sin, Presents Sin as Merely a “Shortcut”
Max Lucado, a prominent Christian author, recently discussed the concept of sin in a way that, while aiming for accessibility, inadvertently waters down the gravity of what sin truly is. Lucado describes sin as an "unwillingness to wait, to trust, to follow God's...
Jesus Calling Author, Sarah Young Now Knows Who Was Really Calling, and It Wasn’t Jesus
Upon hearing of the passing of Sarah Young last week, I made a decision to wait a few days before commenting on the tragic reality. Not because I believed I had to, but rather so these words would not get lost in the news cycle. I also know how people are in these...
Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part IV: Jesus Was Tolerant
In Part IV of our series on Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus, we tackle the dishonest notion that Jesus was the epitome of modern-day "tolerance." The proponents of this myth willfully ignore the full scope of Christ's teachings to cherry-pick instances that serve...
Imam Stands in Pulpit at Beth Moore’s Church and Preaches From the Koran
Beth Moore, when she apostatized a few years ago and left a somewhat biblical denomination for a completely apostate denomination, made it clear that her intentions were to continue to rebel against God by performing the function and role of a pastor, which the...
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Podcast: The Christian Franchise and the Pre-packaged Church Model
In this episode, I rant about the Christian Franchise. Modern Christianity has adopted the franchise model in the 20th and 21st centuries. The Christian Franchise’s top service is affirmation. Everything she says and does is geared toward affirming people in the...
Hickory Dickory Dockery: Meet Southwestern Seminary’s New Ecumenical President
You may be aware by now of the scandal surrounding former Southwestern Seminary president, Adam Greenway and his forced resignation on the premise of incompetency. Greenway was slated to leave Southwestern and take a newly-created role at the International Mission...
Soros-Funded Evangelical Immigration Propaganda Has Infected Evangelicals at an Alarming Rate
The Evangelical elitists have been relentlessly pushing pro-open borders propaganda on Christians in the name of "loving your neighbor" and "caring for refugees." Russell Moore, along with other well-known established Evangelical leaders and groups, have been...
Can the Church Embrace Climate Change Activism?
Today, I saw a tweet by Daily Wire writer, Megan Basham, who had a pretty good observation on why leftist and even moderate Evangelicals are jumping on board the "climate change" bandwagon. Basham's theory, in her words: "They're not lacking in critical thinking....
Jon Harris Reviews Gay Anglican Priest, Sam Allberry
Today, the attack on biblical orthodoxy is not from the typical atheists, feminists, and homosexuals you would typically see at women’s marches and pride parades — it’s from various ministries within the ranks of the Church that are shifting the paradigm with gay...
The Word of God Against Abortion Exceptions for Rape and Incest
In Ezekiel 18, that prophet gives us this rebuke to Israel from her God: "Behold, all souls are Mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine: the soul who sins shall die" (Ezekiel 18:4). This verse is often taken out of context to mean that sin...
When Churches Embrace Movements That Teach “Whiteness is Wickedness,” This is What We Get
The Church should be the conscience of society, speaking biblical truth to the lost and destroying arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:5). One of those lofty opinions raised against the knowledge of God is Critical...
Lecrae Compares Himself to Jesus, Says Jesus Deconstructed
Lecrae, who describes himself as a “rapper who happens to be Christian” and is “done with white Evangelicalism,” has taken a sharp turn in the last couple of years to align himself with the Pagan culture rather than the Kingdom of Christ. Over the last few years,...
The Demise of the American Church and God’s Judgment on This Nation
Hardly anyone disputes that America and her system of governance were founded on the moral principles of Scripture. And while imperfectly so, historically, this is what is meant by the oft-repeated phrase that "America is a Christian nation." However, we must define...
Evolutionists Are Mentally Unstable if They Believe Nothing Created Everything!
According to many significant scientists, the universe popped out of nothing with a neon sign proclaiming, “Well, here we are.” That is a little irreverent, but that is what many “experts” teach. Moreover, they are offended if you roll your eyes at that ludicrous...
Doug Wilson Blasts Bethel Music Leader for Painting Fingernails Like a Queer
Last week, we reported on Bethel's Cory Asbury who took to social media to explain why he thinks it's okay for him to paint his fingernails. In a recent post on Instagram, Asbury explained, “I have three daughters. It’s one of their favorite things to do, paint...
The Big Bang is in Big Trouble: It Never Happened
With apologies to Kierkegaard, there are two ways to be deceived. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. I prefer always to assume the Bible is right, while atheists always assume the scientists are right. Both positions are...
Is Queen Elizabeth Resting in Peace?
Yesterday, one of the most remarkable monarchs in modern Western history passed away. Queen Elizabeth of England was said to pass peacefully at 96 years old. Elizabeth has been heralded by her defenders as one of the kindest and most beloved queens ever to hold the...
Another SBC Megachurch Pastor Caught in Plagiarism Scandal, This Time He’s Plagiarizing…Rank Heretics?
You are probably well aware of the plagiarism scandal that former Southern Baptist president, Ed Litton was caught up in during his one-year tenure in the SBC. Litton was exposed shortly after his election in June but dates as far back as 2013, has admitted that he...
How to Deal with False Teachers
There are many opinions when it comes to naming the names of those who teach falsely or shining a light on their false doctrine. The pastors and people protesting for more tolerance in the church today often stick to some of these common sentiments regarding...
Revoice Leader Says He Knows Matt Chandler’s Situation, Overblown, And Will Still Speak at Conference This Year
Earlier this week, we reported that Acts 29 leader and pastor of Village Church, Matt Chandler had stepped down in accordance with the recommendations of his fellow elders after he revealed that he'd had what was described as an "inappropriate" texting relationship...
Jesus: Reactionary or Revolutionary? Woke, Progressive “Christianity”
During the recent Feast of the Nativity (aka, Christmas), various Christian pastors and writers presented Jesus, the Incarnate God, as (among other things) a “downwardly mobile” migrant, whose single, teenaged, pregnant mother (God’s baby mama?), persecuted at home in...
Timothy Keller: Human Reason vs. Biblical Authority
by Tom Hill "We live in a post-modern world, and postmodernism is about relativism. My truth is your falsehood, and your falsehood is my truth. But there is such a thing as the plain truth." (Barukh Binah) Barukh Binah captured succinctly one of the pillars of...
Praise God! Rick Warren Preaches Last Sermon, But His Replacement is Even Worse
Rick Warren, the pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA, boasts one of the largest Southern Baptist churches in the nation. Rick Warren has an enormous amount of influence within Evangelicalism. Rising to stardom in the late ’90s and early 2000s with his...
I’m Prepared to Die. I Hope You Are Too.
During the current political crisis in America and around the world, it's easy to become frustrated and overwhelmed by what could happen. For many, taking a stand for your faith, your conscience, and your values could spell the end of your career, your income, your...
Is the World Approaching Another Perfect Storm as in 1172 B.C.—the First Dark Age?
What mankind has learned from history is that we don’t learn much from history. Every generation seems to think they are living in the most unusual time. Those who believe things are getting worse and violence is accelerating are correct. Genesis 6:11-13 reveals, “The...
Do Not Cheapen the Cross by Comparing It to Student Loan Forgiveness, That’s Blasphemous
There has been a lot of chatter on social media the last few days from professing Christians throwing around their differing opinions on Biden's student loan forgiveness plan. And while everyone has their opinion, the most extreme is comparing this student loan...
False Teacher of the Day #52: Sid Roth
Today's false teacher is sort of an obvious one for a lot of people, yet, I've been asked multiple times why he isn't on the list. Making number 52 on our False Teacher of the Day series is Sid Roth. Sid Roth is a popular charismatic televangelist featured on TBN and...
The Inconvenient Holiness of God
For You are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not dwell with You.The boastful shall not stand before Your eyes; You hate all evildoers.You destroy those who speak lies; the Lord...
The Climate Change Agenda is Nothing But an End-Times Suicide Cult
End-times cults and religious movements have been the subject of fascination, horror, and a fair share of eye-rolls for decades—even centuries. You know the ones I'm talking about, the ones with the extremist beliefs, the apocalyptic prophecies, and the tragic...
Get This, The Phrase “Worship Leader” is Trademarked and People Using It Are Getting Legal Notices
In one of the most asinine revelations in church history, it has come to our attention that the extremely common phrase, "worship leader," has been trademarked and is threatening legal actions against people who are using it. Depending on the specific phrase and how...
Democrat “Reformed Christian” Politician Defends Abortion at Calvin University
Anyone acting surprised that Calvin University has caved to the cultural prostitutes of LGBTQ activism hasn’t actually been following the news. For years, Calvin University has been in liberal decline as it has increasingly embraced facets of the LGBTQ movement...
Iconic London Church Hosts Drag Queen Performance
The Church of England was founded by King Henry VIII in the 16th century after he broke away from the Roman Catholic Church due to his failed attempt to divorce his wife. As we explained in great detail in a previous article, the Church of England has devolved into a...
Feminist Worried That Men Who Don’t Believe David Raped Bathsheba Might be Raping Their Wives and Daughters
The Evangelical social justice movement combines leftist propaganda, feminism, Critical Theory, and intersectionality. They disguise their agenda as biblical exegesis, but in reality, they aim to rewrite history and reinterpret Scripture to support their goal of...
Rick Warren Tells Russell Moore There are Hundreds of Interpretations of “Women Pastors” Passages
Rick Warren recently went on the Russell Moore podcast to complain that his former church is being kicked out of the Southern Baptist Convention over the ordination of women pastors. Saddleback Church, which was removed earlier this year due to Rick Warren ordaining...
A Review of Rising Contemporary Christian Music Artist, Iveth Luna, and Her Popular Music
Iveth Luna is a singer/songwriter from Mesquite, Texas, who grew up in a family involved in ministry. She began singing in church at the age of 16 and claims she later had a "spiritual encounter" that confirmed her calling to music. She writes pop-style music that...
John MacArthur Calls Out Tim Keller, Andy Stanley, for Trying to Appease the Culture
In 2021, we reported that John MacArthur had refuted what Tim Keller referred to as the "Urban Mandate." Tim Keller's "urban mandate" theology interprets Genesis 1:28 as a dominionist mandate for Christians to move into cities, assimilate to the culture, and...
Several US Megachurch Pastors Implicated in Major Alleged Hillsong Tax Fraud Scandal
Recently, an alleged scandal has emerged which is gaining significant media attention. Australian Parliament member, Andrew Wilkie, has made serious allegations against the leaders of Hillsong Church, namely Brian Houston and Phil Dooley, accusing them of engaging in...
John MacArthur Releases Trailer for New Film Decrying Government Oppression of the Church
The upcoming film Essential Church, a dramatic production brought forth by John MacArthur and Grace Community Church, delves deep into the trials and tribulations faced not only by this church in California, but also by many other churches across the nation and around...
David French is an Insufferable, Pathetic, Delusional Clown
It's becoming increasingly easy to separate the sheep from the goats as we watch the religious, cultural, and political climate become increasingly divisive. David French, a religious leftist who devotes his life to standing against conservative Christianity in the...
SBC Pastor Says Disfellowship of Saddleback Church Will Be Overturned at Annual Meeting
It is likely that you are familiar with the recent controversy surrounding Saddleback Church, previously led by Rick Warren and presently led by Andy Wood. The Southern Baptist Convention made the decision to disfellowship the church due to its ordination of women to...
Richard Dawkins Declares Himself a Cultural Christian: A Mirage in the Desert of Faith
In a bizarre twist that would leave even the most seasoned theologian bemused, Richard Dawkins, the high priest of New Atheism, has draped himself in the garb of cultural Christianity. Dawkins, in an unexpected revelation, declared himself a "cultural Christian" who...
In 2018, SBC Moderates Complained About Mike Pence at SBC Annual Meeting, Now They Welcome Him in 2024
In 2018, former U.S. Vice President, Mike Pence, who is a Southern Baptist himself, was invited to speak at the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting. While at the time, Pence was largely viewed as a conservative politician who supported conservative policies,...
Christians are Posting “Christ is King,” David French Complains on MSNBC, “Very Dangerous”
It’s becoming increasingly easy to separate the sheep from the goats as we watch the religious, cultural, and political climate become increasingly divisive. David French, a religious leftist who devotes his life to standing against conservative Christianity in the...
Church Holds Drag Show for Easter Sunday Service
In an age where sanity and decency are increasingly in short supply, a startling trend has emerged within the bounds of what one might call the modern-day temple, the body of Christ. During this past "Easter" celebration, a time traditionally reserved for solemn...
Highly Prominent Gospel Artist Dances, Twerks in Sexually Suggestive Ways
Kirk Franklin has become an icon in the Contemporary Christian Music Gospel genre and has gained even more notoriety after touring with and becoming heavily involved in the contemporary worship music collective, Maverick City Music.Franklin made headlines in 2019...
Lecrae Says He’s Been To Lots of Celebrity Parties With Homosexual Orgies And Never Felt “Forced” to Participate
Lecrae, who describes himself as a “rapper who happens to be Christian” and is “done with white Evangelicalism,” has taken a sharp turn in the last couple of years to align himself with the Pagan culture rather than the Kingdom of Christ. Over the last few years,...
The Invasion of Secularism and the Loss of Shame in Society
In the escalating conflict between religion, biblical Christianity in particular, and the ever-evolving tides of Secularism, the distinction has never been more profound or more critical. Biblical Christianity, which is anchored in the sovereignty and lordship of...
SBC Women’s Conference Speaker Appears in Promo Video With Transgenders Promoting LGBTQ Ideology in the Church
Rachel Gilson, a self-described same-sex attracted woman who spoke at the Southern Baptist Convention's women's conference in 2023 has now appeared in a promo video released by Preston Sprinkle's Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender. The video portrays God as...
Former SBC Professor and ERLC Fellow Defends Women Having Abortions, Rebukes Al Mohler for Wanting to Hold Them Accountable
After Politico published a leaked draft of the Supreme Court's upcoming decision on Roe v. Wade in 2022, former Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary professor, Karen Swallow Prior, took to social media to express her disdain for President Trump who is responsible...
Is Todd White Really a Charlatan of the Highest Order as Justin Peters Claims? Let’s Look at the Facts
Maybe you've heard of Todd White and maybe you haven't. If not, you're probably better off for it. But Todd White is a popular charismatic preacher who appeals to the young crowd for his alluring personality—but is the gospel he preaches laced with spiritual poison?...
Black Churches in Boston Are Calling on White Churches to Support Reparations in the BILLIONS
Modern reparations? A Marxist innovation, not a stitch of it rooted in the Bible. And while pro-reparations "churches" like to point to Nehemiah, Nehemiah didn’t pass the hat generations later. He solved injustice head-on, immediate and personal. Today’s reparations...
Church is Giving Away Prizes, Including Cash, for Attending Easter Sunday Service
If you have to pay people to come to church, you might have a dead church. Jesus promised He would build his church on the solid rock of faith—faith in the atoning work of Christ on the cross. Yet, some "churches" either don't believe that, or are just simply...
Social Issues
Richard Dawkins Declares Himself a Cultural Christian: A Mirage in the Desert of Faith
In a bizarre twist that would leave even the most seasoned theologian bemused, Richard Dawkins, the high priest of New Atheism, has draped himself in the garb of cultural Christianity. Dawkins, in an unexpected revelation, declared himself a "cultural Christian" who...
In 2018, SBC Moderates Complained About Mike Pence at SBC Annual Meeting, Now They Welcome Him in 2024
In 2018, former U.S. Vice President, Mike Pence, who is a Southern Baptist himself, was invited to speak at the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting. While at the time, Pence was largely viewed as a conservative politician who supported conservative policies,...
Christians are Posting “Christ is King,” David French Complains on MSNBC, “Very Dangerous”
It’s becoming increasingly easy to separate the sheep from the goats as we watch the religious, cultural, and political climate become increasingly divisive. David French, a religious leftist who devotes his life to standing against conservative Christianity in the...
Church Holds Drag Show for Easter Sunday Service
In an age where sanity and decency are increasingly in short supply, a startling trend has emerged within the bounds of what one might call the modern-day temple, the body of Christ. During this past "Easter" celebration, a time traditionally reserved for solemn...
Highly Prominent Gospel Artist Dances, Twerks in Sexually Suggestive Ways
Kirk Franklin has become an icon in the Contemporary Christian Music Gospel genre and has gained even more notoriety after touring with and becoming heavily involved in the contemporary worship music collective, Maverick City Music.Franklin made headlines in 2019...
Lecrae Says He’s Been To Lots of Celebrity Parties With Homosexual Orgies And Never Felt “Forced” to Participate
Lecrae, who describes himself as a “rapper who happens to be Christian” and is “done with white Evangelicalism,” has taken a sharp turn in the last couple of years to align himself with the Pagan culture rather than the Kingdom of Christ. Over the last few years,...
The Invasion of Secularism and the Loss of Shame in Society
In the escalating conflict between religion, biblical Christianity in particular, and the ever-evolving tides of Secularism, the distinction has never been more profound or more critical. Biblical Christianity, which is anchored in the sovereignty and lordship of...
SBC Women’s Conference Speaker Appears in Promo Video With Transgenders Promoting LGBTQ Ideology in the Church
Rachel Gilson, a self-described same-sex attracted woman who spoke at the Southern Baptist Convention's women's conference in 2023 has now appeared in a promo video released by Preston Sprinkle's Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender. The video portrays God as...
Former SBC Professor and ERLC Fellow Defends Women Having Abortions, Rebukes Al Mohler for Wanting to Hold Them Accountable
After Politico published a leaked draft of the Supreme Court's upcoming decision on Roe v. Wade in 2022, former Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary professor, Karen Swallow Prior, took to social media to express her disdain for President Trump who is responsible...
Is Todd White Really a Charlatan of the Highest Order as Justin Peters Claims? Let’s Look at the Facts
Maybe you've heard of Todd White and maybe you haven't. If not, you're probably better off for it. But Todd White is a popular charismatic preacher who appeals to the young crowd for his alluring personality—but is the gospel he preaches laced with spiritual poison?...
Black Churches in Boston Are Calling on White Churches to Support Reparations in the BILLIONS
Modern reparations? A Marxist innovation, not a stitch of it rooted in the Bible. And while pro-reparations "churches" like to point to Nehemiah, Nehemiah didn’t pass the hat generations later. He solved injustice head-on, immediate and personal. Today’s reparations...
Church is Giving Away Prizes, Including Cash, for Attending Easter Sunday Service
If you have to pay people to come to church, you might have a dead church. Jesus promised He would build his church on the solid rock of faith—faith in the atoning work of Christ on the cross. Yet, some "churches" either don't believe that, or are just simply...
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3 Months Ago, This Literal Clown Was “Delivered From Demons,” Now He’s Becoming a Pastor?
Richie, the clown barber, is a gimmicky character that combines the worlds of circus entertainment and haircare. While some may find his act amusing or engaging, the whole concept trivializes the craft of barbering. It's essentially a sideshow novelty. But three...
C3 Church Cult Leader Releases a Manual for Interaction With Him Nearly Naming Himself as God
The newest trend in modern Evangelical megachurches is to set the lead pastor up as the primary visionary to which the rest of the church must conform without question. We've seen this evident in many of these megachurches from Hillsong to Elevation. In 2015, In a...
Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part III: Jesus Was a Universalist
In this ongoing series, we continue to strip away the veneer of faux spirituality to expose the rotting core of myths that have led many astray in their understanding of Christ and His teachings. These fabrications are not harmless misunderstandings—they are perverse...
Maryland Judge Rules Parents Cannot Opt Their Children Out of LGBTQ Curriculum
In a shocking but not shocking move, a Maryland district court judge has turned a blind eye to the plea of concerned parents, allowing a new policy that sidelines them from their children's education on LGBTQ issues. Conservative and Christian parents have come...
Southern Baptist Megachurch Invites Lady-Pastor to Preach Sermon on Sunday Morning
If you've been involved at all in Southern Baptist life over the past few years, you're probably aware by now of the growing controversy surrounding women pastors and preachers. With an increasing number of Southern Baptist churches calling women to preach and to...
Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part II: Jesus Was a Political Rebel
The many ways that some movements have perverted the history and theology of Christ is a phenomenon that has perplexed many of us throughout history. At its root, this twisting of biblical truth typically stems from a desire to justify personal ideologies and...
Russell Moore’s Church-Teaching Partner Says New Age Breathing Techniques Originate in Jesus
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Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part I: Jesus Advocated Wealth Redistribution
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Notorious False Teacher, Benny Hinn, to Join Lou Engle for Pursuit Conference
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Snares of the Modern Church – Part X: Self-Importance (God Needs Us)
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New Southern Baptist CEO’s Wife is a Pastor at a Church in a Pro-LGBTQ Denomination
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Apostasy of the Modern Church and the Immutable Righteousness of God
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The Real King Jesus vs The Modern False Jesus
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Snares of the Modern Church – Part IX: Superficial Unity
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Why Full Belief in the Whole Bible is an Essential Doctrine of the Christian Faith
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SBC-Backed Organization Puts Out Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Propaganda Video
Over the past two years, the so-called "woke church" movement appeared to be losing steam as its obsession with social justice and identity politics began losing favor with many of the laypeople who are committed to sound biblical doctrine and waking up to the...
Mark Dever Releases Video Pleading With People to Register for Conference Or It Will Be Canceled
9Marks, better known as 9Marx, is an Evangelical Marxist organization founded by Southern Baptist pastor, Mark Dever and its sole purpose is to convert Evangelicals into social justice activists and, primarily, Democrat voters. 9Marks is responsible for advancing the...
Pastor at Transformation Church Defends Dropping F-Bombs, Says Holy Spirit Has Never Convicted Him of Cussing
In the sphere of what some call "pastoral leadership," Mike Todd, the "pastor" of Transformation Church has shamelessly gained recognition through shenanigans that are nothing short of disgraceful and offensive. Over the past few years, he degraded the act of tithing...
Christianity Today Says Barbie and Taylor Swift Are Bringing Christians Together
Christianity Today has truly outdone itself by stringing together the so-called "epic trifecta" of Greta Gerwig's Barbie, Beyoncé's Renaissance Tour, and Taylor Swift's Eras Tour into a fanciful tale of cultural enlightenment. If we are to believe this narrative,...
5 Ways to Tell if Your Church’s Worship Music is Man-Centered
In the modern age, it's not uncommon to find churches falling into a pattern of cheesy, shallow worship music. The superficiality of these songs often reveals much about the theology in the church itself. When a church preaches and a congregation subscribes to shallow...
Alex Jones Praises Transvestite and Tells Him That God is Working Through “Her”
Alex Jones has definitely gone off the deep end, and it's for different reasons than most leftists would have you believe. There was once a time when I was caught up in the hype of Jones and his takes. Jones is known for his provocative takes on conspiracy theories,...
Hypocrite Pastors Who Complain About Trump, But Refuse to Complain About Democrats
One of my favorite follows on Twitter is Woke Preacher Clips (WPC). I'm the kind of person who is *mildly* entertained by the mass amounts of stupidity plaguing our world, but at the same time, I grieve over it in the hopes that God will open the eyes of some of these...
TGC: Instead of Owning Guns, Defend Others by Standing in Front of Bullets and Tanks for Them
In a recent conversation with The Gospel Coalition (TGC) in it’s “Good Faith Debates” series, TGC Contributor, Andrew Wilson argued his views on self-defense, gun control, and biblical mandates regarding turning the other cheek. His argument can be generously...
Cop Tells Christian He’s Trespassing on Public Property, Arrests Him for Preaching Gospel
An alarming trend of arrests of Christians preaching the gospel in public spaces—a completely legal and constitutionally protected activity—is beginning to break of real and actual persecution in the United States. Just two weeks ago, we reported that a young teen was...