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Memphis Church, in 2023, Instructs Members to Quarantine and Mask Up for COVID

by | Sep 6, 2023 | News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Four years after the COVID panic hit the world, the vast majority of sane people in this world have finally come to see it for what it is—a scare tactic designed to force the masses into submission. Yet, there are some out there who just don’t seem to learn, despite the obvious nature of it.

One such church is Greater Harvest in Memphis, TN. Recently, this church released a COVID Update video instructing its members to quarantine and mask up, despite the enormous amount of proof that such tactics were completely useless against this mild, mostly harmless cold they call “COVID.”

If you “test positive,” and even if you’re not showing any symptoms, “still stay quarantined for five days and then wear your mask up to 10 days,” a representative from the church said. “You may not have any symptoms and may not develop symptoms until four to five days later. Stay at home. You are still at risk when you come out to the community and to others. We are asking that you check with your healthcare provider.”

According to this person, apparently there is a mass epidemic of tests showing “false negatives” for COVID, too. And who are the ones who are the highest risk? According to this person, anyone who has “two or more co-mobilities.” Yes, you read that right, “co-mobilities.”

The worst part about this is that this is happening in 2023, not 2020.

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