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Doug Wilson Blasts Bethel Music Leader for Painting Fingernails Like a Queer

by | Sep 15, 2022 | Apostasy, Cult, Opinion, Religion, Social Justice, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Last week, we reported on Bethel’s Cory Asbury who took to social media to explain why he thinks it’s okay for him to paint his fingernails. In a recent post on Instagram, Asbury explained, “I have three daughters. It’s one of their favorite things to do, paint daddy’s nails. They love it. They think it’s amazing. They think it’s incredible. And you know, the funny thing is, is a segue into number two, they have never once thought to themselves, it’s weird that daddy paints his nails.”

And as I wrote in that post last week, as a man with three daughters myself, I certainly understand the temptation to appease them at times. But one thing my daughters understand is that their father is a man, and men don’t wear dresses, carry purses, or paint their fingernails, especially pink and blue, because men are men.

But Doug Wilson answered it even better than me: “because they haven’t read the Bible yet.” Here is Wilson’s critique of Asbury below. (Disclaimer: not a blanket endorsement of all things Doug Wilson.)

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