I don't claim to be an expert on the Orthodox religion, and I understand that every sect has its extremes. But to me, this, to me, seems like a good reason to stay away from Orthodoxy. Like Catholicism, such a practice reeks of blasphemy—the veneration of men deemed...
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Love Your Neighbor Authentically: The Courage to Speak Truth About Sin and Act Accordingly
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In Perverse “Sermon Illustration,” Mike Todd Pours Syrup and Whip Cream All Over the Bible
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The After Party Curriculum Leader Explains How it Gives Pastors “Plausible Deniability” For Avoiding Politics in Pulpit
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Alistair Begg Dropped from MacArthur’s Shepherd’s Conference Amid “Gay Wedding” Remarks
This past weekend, Alistair Begg responded to the backlash from his critics, expressing surprise at the intensity of the reaction he received amid giving advice to a grandmother that she should not only attend her grandson's homosexual wedding, but also purchase them...
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Preston Sprinkle, one of the original advisory board members of Revoice, the “gay Christian” movement within Evangelical churches, has been instrumental in shifting the church’s doctrinal stance on homosexuality and other aberrant sexualities. It is through Sprinkle’s...
Breaking: Pro-Life Activists Found Guilty of FACE Act, Face Jail Time For “Blocking” Abortion Clinic Entrance
From the National Catholic Register (not a blanket endorsement of this website): Six pro-life activists are on trial in Nashville, Tennessee, facing federal charges related to a 2021 blockade of a nearby abortion facility. The blockade, documented in a March 5, 2021,...
Why Attending a Homosexual “Wedding” is Unbiblical, Part I: It Is a Contradiction of Biblical Marriage Doctrine
In my previous exposition, Ten Reasons Why a Christian Should Never Attend a Homosexual "Wedding," I cataloged a series of arguments, painting a picture of how such events are an abomination in the eyes of God. The list, although somewhat extensive, only skimmed the...
Alistair Begg Responds to Criticism of Him Urging Christians to Attend Homosexual Weddings
If you haven’t caught up on the scandal involving Alistair Begg and his advice to Christians to attend the “wedding” ceremonies of homosexual couples, you can get caught up on that at this link. But for those of you who have, this weekend, Begg responded to the...
SBC Prez Lies, Says Committee Member He Appointed Only Has Children’s and Pre-School Women Pastors
In 2023, during the annual meeting, several churches were disfellowshipped from the Southern Baptist Convention for openly defying the denomination’s statement of faith, the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 (BFM2K). Among these churches was the infamous Saddleback...
Russell Moore’s Politics Curriculum Praises Pastor Who Invited Lesbian Mayor to Preach as an Example of Good Christian Politics
Russell Moore, David French, and Curtis Chang are the authors of “The After Party” curriculum which is supposed to equip churches and Christians on how to engage in politics without being "divisive." Yet, these clowns epitomize everything that is wrong with today’s...
Ten Reasons Why a Christian Should Never Attend a Homosexual “Wedding”
In today's Evangelical landscape, a seismic shift is unfolding, notably influenced by movements like Revoice and Living Out that have influenced Evangelical churches and advocate for a more inclusive approach within the church toward aberrant sexualities. Revoice,...
25 Percent of Gen Z Now Identifies as LGBTQ: The Spiritual Truth Behind This Shift
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Alistair Begg Doubles Down on Gay Wedding Remarks, Gets the Boot From American Family Radio
Last week, The Dissenter reported that Alistair Begg, a prominent pastor associated with The Gospel Coalition, urged Christians to not only attend homosexual weddings, but to also buy them a gift—a position that starkly contradicts the biblical view of marriage as a...
ERLC Author Claims He’s Immune to the Influence of Porn-Filled Movies, Claims They Motivate Him to “Spread the Gospel”
Blogs like ours here at The Dissenter have spent countless hours exposing the grim reality behind institutions like the ERLC and The Gospel Coalition. These entities, who masquerade as paragons of Christian virtue, have been unmasked as nothing more than carnal...
Should We Even Try to Bridge Political Divides Within Our Churches?
In an age where the church grapples with political divides, a new curriculum titled "The After Party" emerges, aiming to bridge gaps within Christian communities. Developed by Curtis Chang, founder of Redeeming Babel, along with David French, a New York Times...
Proposed Oklahoma Legislation Would Ban Lewd Content and Explicit Material in Digital Media
In Oklahoma, a conservative pastor, Dusty Deevers has now emerged as a big league player in the political sphere. His background as a Southern Baptist mirrors quite a bit of the religious landscape of the state, known for its conservative leanings and emphasis on...
Actually Biblical Interaction with Modern Cinema
The following are excerpts from a conversation I had six years ago with some allegedly Westminster Presbyterians trying to equate meat sacrificed to idols with sinful content in movies and television. RC says: “I learned today I can’t watch HBO's The Wire. Can I...
Abortionist Says If She Isn’t Allowed to Perform Full-Term Abortions in Wisconsin, Then She’ll Leave
A student at the Medical College in Wisconsin, in a blatant tantrum against ethical decency, declares she will leave the state if barred from aborting full-term babies. This alarming statement reeks of the moral decay plaguing our society and a disturbing view of...
Why Leftists Hate the Castle Doctrine and Why Christians Should Uphold It Without Question
In an era where the sanctity of one's home is increasingly challenged by rising crime rates and shifting social attitudes, the Castle Doctrine emerges as a crucial legal and moral safeguard. This doctrine, established in several states, guarantees the right of...
Prosperity Charlatan, Joel Osteen, Cries on Stage While Telling Audience He Paid Off $100 Million Building Loan
Talk about cultish! Joel Osteen, false teacher and fake pastor, is most definitely a cult leader. The followers of Joel Osteen’s ministry do not follow Christ, they follow the man and they are in it for no other reason than to hear the man tickle their ears with his...
“Climate Scientist” Promoted by Danny Akin at SEBTS Has Pagan Ritual Performed Over Her at World Economic Forum
Dr. Katharine Hayhoe calls herself a climate scientist and an evangelical Christian, blending her role as a professor at Texas Tech University with efforts to weave climate change narratives into religion. Her approach, essentially merging speculative science with...
Breaking: Newly-Elected OK State Senator Introduces Bill to Repeal No-Fault Divorce
In Oklahoma, a new legislative voice has emerged with the election of Dusty Deevers to the Oklahoma State Senate—a voice that carries the convictions of faith into the chambers of public policy. Dusty Deevers, known for his tenacious commitment to biblical principles...
Alistair Begg Caves to LGBTQ Movement, Suggests Christians Attend LGBTQ Wedding Ceremonies
In 2014, Russell Moore, then president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) advised Southern Baptists to attend a "gay wedding" reception as a gesture of affection towards a homosexual friend or relative. Moore was...
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God’s Impending Judgment on the False Churches of the Modern World
In the sprawling panorama of modern Evangelicalism, where the bright marquees of celebrated figures like Andy Stanley and Rick Warren frequently shine, a troubling trend stands out prominently. While historically, the church stood as a pillar of truth against the...
Voddie Baucham Schools Ben Shapiro on Apologetics, the Existence of God, and the Scriptures
Presuppositional apologetics is an approach within Christian apologetics that asserts that one's foundational beliefs, or presuppositions, form the basis for all reasoning. In essence, it contends that everyone comes to the table with a set of presupposed beliefs or...
Biblical Purity in Youth Ministries: Should Youth Groups Welcome Transgender Youth?
In today's rapidly changing cultural landscape, it is becoming even more important for the church to defend our younger generation by teaching and standing firm on the foundational truths of Scripture. One of the most contentious topics of our day is the issue of...
Why We Must Confront False Teachers No Matter How Outlandish and Absurd They Are
In a world feverishly engaged in an unrestrained pursuit of "progress," the demarcation line between secular culture and shallow, cultural Christianity is not merely fading—it is being intentionally obliterated. To be clear, the line between the pagan culture and...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part VII: Cultural Relevance
Every Sunday, across the globe, congregations gather in church buildings, expecting not only to hear the Word of God but often to be entertained. We see the theatrical spectacle of contemporary churches engaging in “culturally relevant” productions, sermon series...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part VI: False Love
The pages of Scripture are permeated with a resplendent theme: the inestimable and unspeakable love of God. This love cascades through time and eternity, an everlasting torrent of grace and mercy. We are taught even as little children the profound simplicity of love,...
Wheaton Professor Teaches Class on Environmental Justice at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
The buzzwords 'stewardship', 'sustainability', and 'creation care' are ringing out from pulpits across the nation. At face value, they sound biblical and commendable. However, once we peel back the layers, we see a different picture—one where biblical truths are...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part V: The Gospel Coalition and Worldly Wisdom
A dark and disquieting influence has infiltrated the modern church, casting long shadows across the pulpit and pews alike. Though this enemy began in a far subtler way—cloaked in the guise of social enlightenment, a pied piper playing the seductive melody of "woke"...
The Continual Charade of False Apostleship at Bethel Church
In a post-Christian culture where even a minute illusion of professing Christianity still exists, sensationalism often supersedes substance and the allure of prophetic visions and mystical experiences continues to bewitch believers. A case in point is the recent claim...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part IV: Clericalism
Continuing our series on the snares confronting the modern church, we now delve into the subtle yet pernicious snare of clericalism. This term, perhaps unfamiliar to some, captures a dynamic that, unfortunately, is far too familiar within the walls of many...
Snares of the Modern Church, Part III: Consumer Christianity
As we continue our exploration of the snares of the modern church, a challenging, yet important, topic comes to the fore: Consumer Christianity. This term, while perhaps unfamiliar to some, paints a vivid picture of a troubling trend. It points to the conversion of...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part II: Cultural Accommodation and Moral Relativism
In Part I of our Snares of the Modern Church series, we dissected the issues of the modern church aligning with the prosperity gospel and an overemphasis on speculative interpretations about the unknown, drawing upon the wisdom of Colossians 2:8, 2 Corinthians 11:3,...
Pope Francis Affirms “Transgenderism”
In an unsurprising assault on biblical truth and Christian orthodoxy, the Roman Catholic Pope Francis has yet again aligned himself with the cultural zeitgeist, telling a young transvestite that "God loves us as we are." According to an article in the Vatican's own...
Snares of the Modern Church: Part I
This is the first in a series of articles I intend to publish involving the snares, or the enticing traps, that modern Christians face. In this first article, I will be covering three of them. But the driving focus of all of them will be that we must rely solely on...
Bethel Church Teams Up With Roman Catholics to “Bring the Gospel” to Every Person
The snare of ecumenism among charismatic churches is increasing at an alarming rate. For several years, Hillsong Phoenix had been hosting the Alpha Conference, an ecumenical conference designed to tear down doctrinal divides between opposing apostate Christian...
Another Popular Contemporary Christian Band Departs the Faith, Affirms LGBTQ
Here at The Dissenter, we have repeatedly hammered the undeniable fact that the contemporary Christian music industry is essentially a breeding ground for apostasy. We've covered numerous artists and bands that have fallen over the last several years. From one of...
If This is How You Dress When You Preach, Don’t Call Yourself a Christian Pastor
I'm not legalistic when it comes to what you wear to church, even if you're a pastor. But there is a such thing as reverence, and there are some who go out of their way to be irreverent in how they present themselves to the Lord for worship. Take Pastor Scott...
Pro-Life Women Bust Out in Fight With Pro-Aborts, Start Dropping F-Bombs
I post this here as an example of exactly how NOT to advocate for life at an abortion clinic. As one who has spent many hours in front of abortion clinics preaching the gospel and pleading with mothers not to murder their children, I can readily admit that the...
Short Op-Ed: Should Christians Support Turning Point USA?
I've never been a fan of Turning Point USA (TPUSA) or its movement. I really just don't care much for the personalities involved in it, particularly, Charlie Kirk. But there are a lot of churches—so-called conservative churches—that are embracing, promoting, and...
Praising God Even in the Midst of Difficult Times
Today, the glittering facades of prosperity and self-interest have largely shrouded the sacred reverence and humble piety at the heart of Christianity. The Holy Scripture is often misinterpreted and misused to serve the interests of man rather than glorify the...
Despite What Popular Evangelical Pastors Are Saying, Doubt is an Enemy of the Faith
The winds of modern thought have blown into the halls of the Church, stirring up a novel perspective that now echoes loudly from the pulpit to the pews. The perception that doubt is a beneficial, even necessary, component of faith has started to hold sway. This novel...
Homosexuality: Orientation Or Abomination? How the LGBTQ Movement Rejects God’s Commands
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22) “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination…” (Leviticus 20:13) When confronted with these Biblical commands, the...
Abortion is Nothing More Than a Sexual Fetish, Women Are Not Victims
In the maelstrom of our continually metamorphosing society, a singular issue continually fuels the fires of contention, setting minds and hearts ablaze: the matter of abortion. This contentious topic cleaves society with an almost surgical precision, causing a chasm...
Christ as Our Substitute for God’s Wrath and Our Reward His Work
The Apostle Paul, in his second epistle to the Corinthians, makes an assertion of unparalleled profundity: "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21). This single verse in the...
Rabbi Says Christians Should Be Worshiping All Jews Because They “All Die For Their Sins Everyday”
It’s bad enough that Judaism is a false religion, a religion that denies Christ. John says in 1 John 2:22 that this is the antichrist. But what about an orthodox Jewish Rabbi who tells Christians that they shouldn’t just be worshiping one Jew—Jesus. But that they...
Ohio “Pastor” Does TV Commercial Twisting Scripture to Support Pro-Abortion Constitutional Amendment
In the land of make-believe—otherwise known as Columbus, Ohio—a man by the name of Tim Ahrens plays dress-up as a pastor. The setting? The First Congregational Church, a stage in the theatrical United Church of Christ, a denomination better known for its creative...
Diane Feinstein Joins Elijah Cummings in Eternal Rat-Infested Neighborhood
Dianne Feinstein, the oldest member of the U.S. Senate and a long-serving Democrat from California, has passed away at the age of 90, joining former U.S. Congressman, Elijah Cummings in an eternally rat-infested neighborhood. Her death marks the end of a political...
Prayer or Counseling Outside Abortion Clinic Now a Crime in Northern Ireland, $2500 Fine
A controversial new law passed in Northern Ireland threatens to restrict the religious freedom of Christians who pray or offer help to women outside abortion clinics. The Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Act, which takes effect this Friday, creates "safe access...
Police Apologize to Woman Arrested for Silent Prayer Outside Abortion Clinic, Drop All Charges
West Midlands Police have issued an apology to the charity volunteer who was arrested twice over the past year for praying silently within the vicinity of an abortion clinic, and have confirmed that they will not be bringing charges against her. Isabel...
Biden Admin Targets Conservative Christian Family for Deportation While Ignoring Millions of Illegals
The Biden administration's hypocrisy on immigration is nothing short of a calculated assault on conservativism and Christianity. While turning a blind eye to the mass influx of illegal migrants at the Southern Border, they have zeroed in on law-abiding, conservative...
Female Pastor From Ministry Promoted by NOBTS Compares “White Christianity” to “Easy Mac”
Despite her array of worldly "credentials" and an illustrious résumé that spans from BET to Yale, "Pastor" Gabby Wilkes stands as little more than another woke Marxist pawn on the Evangelical social justice chessboard. Her claim to the title of "pastor" serves more as...
SBC President Unites With God-hating Pro-LGBTQ Pro-Abortion Feminist to Battle Christian Nationalism
This past week, some Christians went to the G3 Conference in Atlanta. This conference featured many Reformed and Reformed-ish speakers, sound, biblical worship of the Creator, and fellowship with other believers, which is a rare occurrence on this level. And while I...
New Poll: Only 84 Percent of Protestants Identify as Straight
What a golden age we live in, where even those who lay claim to the name of Christ, pretending to uphold the pillars of the Christian faith toss those very pillars aside like yesterday's trash. Clearly, or queerly, I should say, the future of the world is, well,...
Lecrae Says Christianity is a Hotbed for Homophobia, But Real Christianity Isn’t Like That
Lecrae Moore, known professionally simply as Lecrae, has garnered a wide following as a Christian rapper and author. While his early career was largely built upon espousing biblically sound messages through his music, there's been a noticeable shift in his position on...
Male Student Crowned “Homecoming Queen” at Kansas City High School
It appears that the LGBTQ mafia is overtaking every area of society in America and the world. We’re going to have to get used to it. Sane people with good morals are now in the minority—at least it seems that way. Two years ago, The Dissenter reported on several...
Donald Trump Advocates for Abortion, Says He Will Bring Peace By Compromising
During Donald his first round as president, Donald Trump surprised many of us by taking stronger than expected conservative stances on many issues, including abortion. During his presidency, he selected Supreme Court justices that ultimately overturned Roe v. Wade,...
Fuller Seminary Contemplates Caving to Sexual Anarchy by Allowing Same-Sex Relationships on Campus
Well, what do you know—another Christian institution seems poised to abandon Christ in favor of sexual anarchy. Fuller Theological Seminary—a school that when founded by Charles Fuller in 1947, actually believed in the inerrancy and authority of Scripture—is now...
“He Gets Us!” Posts False Gospel at Angels Game Claiming “Jesus Included Everyone”
Last night, the "He Gets Us" campaign—a marketing ploy headed up by Ed Stetzer that rebrands Jesus—displayed a sign at the Angels game proclaiming, "Jesus Included Everyone." This silly slogan, which is designed to subtly implant the idea that Jesus was "tolerant" of...
Rosaria Butterfield Scolds SBTS Professors for Approving Revoice Founder’s “Godforsaken” Queer Theory Dissertation
In 2018, a new movement was born out of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) called Revoice, founded by Nate Collins, which sought to integrate queer theory into mainstream Evangelicalism. The movement began with a dissertation by Collins that is as absurd as...
If Southern Baptists Failed to Take a Stand on Women in the Pulpit, Just Imagine What’s Next
In a move that should surprise no one who’s been paying attention, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has once again proven that when faced with a choice between standing firm on biblical principles or caving to cultural pressure, they’ll take the path of least...
The CBF, Which Many SBC Churches are Aligned With, Merges With Pro-Sodomy Organization
In the modern landscape of American Christianity, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) finds itself grappling with internal conflicts that reveal the troubling infiltration of leftist ideologies. A prime example is the dual alignment of some Southern Baptist churches...
Popular Gospel Artist, Kirk Franklin, Celebrates ‘Juneteenth’ by Dancing With Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ Vice President Kamala Harris
Kirk Franklin, the so-called “gospel artist” associated with Maverick City Music, has consistently used the facade of Christianity to push his secular social ideology. Franklin's “Christian” career has been marked by a blatant disregard for biblical truth, using his...
Southern Baptists Vote to Continue Funding ERLC and Leftist Agenda
In a disheartening turn of events at last week's Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) annual meeting, messengers voted overwhelmingly to affirm the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), defeating a motion that would have defunded the entity amid a clear...
How Greg got Saved, Part Five. Greg Gets Saved.
We left off yesterday with my having gotten clean and sober in court mandated Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and my subsequent disillusionment with AA, which was functioning as a religion of sorts in my life. I continued going to AA (and NA) meetings because I didn’t...
How Greg got Saved, Part Four. Final BC Chapter
Yesterday we left off with the first glimmer of light I had probably had in my whole life. I had no idea what I was going to do, but for the first time I realized in earnest that whatever it was, this life of being a homeless criminal had to end somehow. In spite of...
How Greg got Saved, Part Three. BC
We’ll pick it up where we left off last time where I burned up my uncle’s kitchen, drunk in the morning, left an apology note and ran away. I was 17 years old at that time, BTW. I just couldn’t face him. I pretty much just found someplace to sleep outside every night...
How Greg got Saved, BC Part Two
Last time I gave a quick overview of my early life and the circumstances leading up to my move at 16 to Arizona to live with my uncle. To pick up there, I took off from Detroit Metro at about 11pm and landed at Phoenix Sky Harbor a few hours later. I was filled with...
Tony Evans Steps Down From Pastorate “Due to Sin,” Enters “Restoration Process”
Dr. Tony Evans has recently stepped down from his pastoral duties following an admission of personal failure. Evans, a towering figure in the evangelical world, has long been a polarizing character due to his controversial theological positions and alliances. Serving...
Social Issues
Fuller Seminary Contemplates Caving to Sexual Anarchy by Allowing Same-Sex Relationships on Campus
Well, what do you know—another Christian institution seems poised to abandon Christ in favor of sexual anarchy. Fuller Theological Seminary—a school that when founded by Charles Fuller in 1947, actually believed in the inerrancy and authority of Scripture—is now...
“He Gets Us!” Posts False Gospel at Angels Game Claiming “Jesus Included Everyone”
Last night, the "He Gets Us" campaign—a marketing ploy headed up by Ed Stetzer that rebrands Jesus—displayed a sign at the Angels game proclaiming, "Jesus Included Everyone." This silly slogan, which is designed to subtly implant the idea that Jesus was "tolerant" of...
Rosaria Butterfield Scolds SBTS Professors for Approving Revoice Founder’s “Godforsaken” Queer Theory Dissertation
In 2018, a new movement was born out of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) called Revoice, founded by Nate Collins, which sought to integrate queer theory into mainstream Evangelicalism. The movement began with a dissertation by Collins that is as absurd as...
If Southern Baptists Failed to Take a Stand on Women in the Pulpit, Just Imagine What’s Next
In a move that should surprise no one who’s been paying attention, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has once again proven that when faced with a choice between standing firm on biblical principles or caving to cultural pressure, they’ll take the path of least...
The CBF, Which Many SBC Churches are Aligned With, Merges With Pro-Sodomy Organization
In the modern landscape of American Christianity, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) finds itself grappling with internal conflicts that reveal the troubling infiltration of leftist ideologies. A prime example is the dual alignment of some Southern Baptist churches...
Popular Gospel Artist, Kirk Franklin, Celebrates ‘Juneteenth’ by Dancing With Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ Vice President Kamala Harris
Kirk Franklin, the so-called “gospel artist” associated with Maverick City Music, has consistently used the facade of Christianity to push his secular social ideology. Franklin's “Christian” career has been marked by a blatant disregard for biblical truth, using his...
Southern Baptists Vote to Continue Funding ERLC and Leftist Agenda
In a disheartening turn of events at last week's Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) annual meeting, messengers voted overwhelmingly to affirm the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), defeating a motion that would have defunded the entity amid a clear...
How Greg got Saved, Part Five. Greg Gets Saved.
We left off yesterday with my having gotten clean and sober in court mandated Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and my subsequent disillusionment with AA, which was functioning as a religion of sorts in my life. I continued going to AA (and NA) meetings because I didn’t...
How Greg got Saved, Part Four. Final BC Chapter
Yesterday we left off with the first glimmer of light I had probably had in my whole life. I had no idea what I was going to do, but for the first time I realized in earnest that whatever it was, this life of being a homeless criminal had to end somehow. In spite of...
How Greg got Saved, Part Three. BC
We’ll pick it up where we left off last time where I burned up my uncle’s kitchen, drunk in the morning, left an apology note and ran away. I was 17 years old at that time, BTW. I just couldn’t face him. I pretty much just found someplace to sleep outside every night...
How Greg got Saved, BC Part Two
Last time I gave a quick overview of my early life and the circumstances leading up to my move at 16 to Arizona to live with my uncle. To pick up there, I took off from Detroit Metro at about 11pm and landed at Phoenix Sky Harbor a few hours later. I was filled with...
Tony Evans Steps Down From Pastorate “Due to Sin,” Enters “Restoration Process”
Dr. Tony Evans has recently stepped down from his pastoral duties following an admission of personal failure. Evans, a towering figure in the evangelical world, has long been a polarizing character due to his controversial theological positions and alliances. Serving...
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Woke Speaker Says Discussing Racial Trauma in “White Evangelical Spaces” is Like Slitting Her Wrists for Entertainment
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Choose This Day: You Can Have the World, or You Can Have Christ, But You Can’t Have Both
“Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve,...
Preston Sprinkle Hosts Webinar on Why We Need More Homosexual and Queer “Christian Leaders”
Preston Sprinkle, one of the original advisory board members of Revoice, the “gay Christian” movement within Evangelical churches, has been instrumental in shifting the church’s doctrinal stance on homosexuality and other aberrant sexualities. It is through Sprinkle’s...
The Collective SBC Response to Harvard Plagiarism Scandal is a 180 U-Turn from the Ed Litton Plagiarism Scandal
The Ed Litton plagiarism scandal, first brought to light by Reformation Charlotte, now known as The Dissenter, struck at the heart of the Southern Baptist Convention's commitment to integrity and truth. This controversy began not with the unearthing of sermon...
The Methodist Church Officially Deems Terms Like “Husband” and “Wife” Offensive
The Methodists have been embroiled in scandal over sexuality for several years. In the United States, the Methodist Church has split over the issue, with a majority of these "churches" landing on the side favoring LGBTQ inclusivity. Obviously, anyone who reads the...
Discerning Glenn Beck’s Influence: The Infiltration of Mormonism in Political Discourse
In the current landscape of American political and religious discourse, Mormonism, known officially as the Latter Day Saints, has gained a prominent place, thanks in part to influential talk show host, Glenn Beck. Beck, with his conservative political stance, often...
Andy Stanley Presents False Gospel to Congregation, Complains that Christians Don’t Believe It
Stanley has always been a controversial figure, but it wasn't until the last two years that he has been in the headlines quite a bit over the last year or so over his capitulation to the LGBTQ movement and his acceptance of it. Stanley's theology is aberrant and he...
Once Again, TGC’s “Best Movies” of 2023 is Filled With Sex, Foul Language, and Blasphemy
It should go without saying that The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has absolutely nothing to do with the gospel or any other biblical teaching or exhortation. The Gospel Coalition is nothing more than an outlet for the carnal consumption of worldly influence into the Church...
Why is Matt Chandler Posing in a Girly Pink Sweater?
There is something to said about the degradation of our modern culture. I've always argued that wokeness and effeminacy go hand-in-hand. And not that I want to be, but that argument continues to be proven right, especially in the Church. Once you give up objective...
Pope Says War-torn Muslim and Jewish Children are the “Little Jesuses of Today”
Blasphemy alert! There is but one God, and one mediator between God and man. There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. There is only one Jesus. There are not multiple Jesuses, and there is no "vicar" of Jesus on earth.Yet, the pope...
Why We Follow False Prophets: False Prophets are Masters of Disguise
by Tom Hill You’ve seen them. They appear everywhere promoting the latest health solution, money-making plan, or the “newest scoop” on popular people, complete with anonymous sources. These flim flam artists fool multitudes of gullible folks every day. Which one just...