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Adam Schiff Associate Arrested By LAPD On Pedophilia Charges

Adam Schiff Associate Arrested By LAPD On Pedophilia Charges

NEWSPUNCH -- Dr. Bruce Hensel, a long-term associate of Rep. Adam Schiff, has been arrested in Los Angeles on pedophilia related charges after he asked a 9-year-old girl to send him sexually suggestive pictures, according to prosecutors and law enforcement.  Rep....

Target Introduces ‘Gender Inclusive’ Gingerbread Sweater

Target Introduces ‘Gender Inclusive’ Gingerbread Sweater

In their never-ending crusade to stay on the bleeding edge of political correctness and inclusivity, Target has introduced the all-new "Gender Inclusive" Gingerbread Sweater for everyone. The Christmas sweater boasts a picture of a gingerbread m̶a̶n̶ ̶w̶o̶m̶a̶n̶...

How to Spot an “Approved” False Prophet

Why do people fail? Unfortunate circumstances? Sometimes. Poor training and lack of experience? Sometimes. Lack of sufficient finances? Often. The famous self-help book Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, lists 30 reasons why people fail. His list includes...

Matt Redman and Francis Chan Join Catholics for Alpha Conference 2020

Matt Redman and Francis Chan Join Catholics for Alpha Conference 2020

The Alpha Conference is hosted by two ecumenical organizations -- Major Change, a charismatic Evangelical organization, and Stone to Flesh, a charismatic Roman Catholic ecumenical organization. The two organizations have practically merged into one big ecumenical mess...

Catholic Church in Ireland Says Gay Men Are Welcome in the Priesthood

Catholic Church in Ireland Says Gay Men Are Welcome in the Priesthood

The Roman Catholic Church, much like the Evangelical Church in America, has been drifting more and more to the left over the past few decades. As a result, we're seeing an influx of liberalism, feminism, social justice, and homosexuality -- along with an unprecedented...

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Provisionism: Incoherent Hamartiology

Provisionism: Incoherent Hamartiology

Why did Jesus say men need to be born again if they are born innocent with a will that is not impacted by Adam's fall and a nature that is merely inclined to sin and not actually sinful? It is one thing to say we are born with a nature inclined to sin and another to...

Faithful Prayer in a Sinful World

Faithful Prayer in a Sinful World

"You can never believe greater or better things than God can do for you. Even sin itself, which is the great (and really the only) evil; it is His enemy as much as yours: and you may be sure He would not have suffered its being in the world if He had not a power to...

Will God Forgive Me For My Abortion?

Will God Forgive Me For My Abortion?

It's easy to think that you've done something so terrible that God would never forgive you. After all, abortion is murder, and what sins are graver than murder? Does God forgive murderers? Good news. Yes, he does! If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to...

Social Issues

Provisionism: Incoherent Hamartiology

Provisionism: Incoherent Hamartiology

Why did Jesus say men need to be born again if they are born innocent with a will that is not impacted by Adam's fall and a nature that is merely inclined to sin and not actually sinful? It is one thing to say we are born with a nature inclined to sin and another to...

Faithful Prayer in a Sinful World

Faithful Prayer in a Sinful World

"You can never believe greater or better things than God can do for you. Even sin itself, which is the great (and really the only) evil; it is His enemy as much as yours: and you may be sure He would not have suffered its being in the world if He had not a power to...

Will God Forgive Me For My Abortion?

Will God Forgive Me For My Abortion?

It's easy to think that you've done something so terrible that God would never forgive you. After all, abortion is murder, and what sins are graver than murder? Does God forgive murderers? Good news. Yes, he does! If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to...

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The Idolatry of Feminism

Feminism, like homosexuality, is one of the signs that God is judging a nation. When people turn away from God, apart from Christ, God gives them over to their sinful hearts. They rebel against God. Though they know Him, they refuse to acknowledge Him and they refuse...

Swiss Protestant Church Votes to Allow Same-Sex ‘Marriages’

Swiss Protestant Church Votes to Allow Same-Sex ‘Marriages’

EVANGELICAL FOCUS — The historic Protestant Church of Switzerland has voted to allow same-sex “marriages” in its churches. The Federation of Swiss Evangelical Churches (SEK) unites 26 regional Protestant churches in the central European country. After what was...

Black Power Rally Calls MSU White, Republican, and Privileged

Black Power Rally Calls MSU White, Republican, and Privileged

https://youtu.be/LoJx2UUMv1o MORNING WATCH -- A Black Power Rally at MSU “display[ed] black culture and...journey toward freedom,” cited MSU as a cage, and celebrated black pride. Titled “When We See Us,” the rally condemned the n-word while using the n-word. A...

Southern Baptist Leaders Guilty of Racism and Public Slander

Reformation Charlotte was the first to give a voice to the sheep at FBC Naples who have been mistreated and publicly slandered for voting against a pastoral candidate that they had legitimate concerns about. You can read about that at this link. After posting our...

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