Jonathan Merritt is an LGBTQ activist who was outed for a gay encounter he had with another man at a Christian conference in 2012. Merritt is the son of former Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) president, James Merritt. Jonathan has been an open advocate for homosexual inclusion and has done the bidding for child sex-predators and perverts who insist on having access to children in public libraries.
In an age where men are dehumanized by the worldwide cult of feminism, it should come as no surprise that the Beta males around the planet are attacking the few godly men who are left standing on biblical principles and aren’t afraid to speak out.
Jonathan Meritt, an author for Christian publications and good friend of anti-male feminist and Southern Baptist “Bible teacher,” Beth Moore, attacks John MacArthur referring to him as “this guy” — as though MacArthur is a nobody with no credibility and platform to speak — and says that he is “what misogyny looks like.”

“Misogyny” has become one of the most overused buzz words in the feminist movement — including in the Church. The word has lost all meaning. It is now completely sexist and misogynistic to believe what the Bible actually has to say about women in the Church. Below is the video that Jonathan Merritt references in his tweet.
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