The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) is neither Evangelical nor Lutheran. It is simply a progressive pit of hell that teaches, promotes, and acts in accordance with everything God and his moral law opposes. The ELCA completely abandoned the gospel a long time ago and exists for the sole purpose of leading homosexuals, feminists, and other people who hold to godless morals astray.
The ELCA is known for its gay propaganda — one prominent gay ELCA bishop even openly denies the existence of hell. The ELCA is also home to the infamous feminist pastrix, Nadia Bolz-Weber who created a golden statue of female anatomy to celebrate her hatred of biblical manhood.

Now, the denomination has created an app — FOR CHILDREN — where they can create a virtual world devoid of God’s laws and morals and create LGBTQ characters and marry them. The app, available in the Apple store — which, by the way, recently banned a Christian app for Christians seeking to leave the LGBTQ lifestyle behind — touts itself as “the Metropolitan New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s new and original app for kids.”
As children virtually enter the open doors of the Lutheran church, kids of all backgrounds, who speak any language, can enjoy this entirely visual interactive experience. The MNYS Children’s App is a joyful experience designed to engage and educate kids in the beauty of the accepting and welcoming love of God. Featuring six different games, children can play a game of memory that showcases various cultures; marry a couple at church of the ethnicity and gender-identity combination that the child chooses; color a variety of stained glass church windows; spot the difference in various Biblical illustrations; compose a piece of music at the organ with the help of a jazzy band of mice who accompany kids on the drams, bass, guitar, and piano; or simply read through various pictorial Bible stories. These games are fun and creative, allowing children to embody the radically welcoming inclusivity of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
It boasts “Easy, child-friendly navigation,” “Colorful and playful illustrations that bring Lutheran values to life,” and “Fun challenges that enable children to learn and grow,” and it claims that it is “Culturally, ethnically and LGBTQIA+ welcoming.”
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How sweet. A church releases an app to help groom children into a gay lifestyle.