Allendale United Methodist “Church” is already under fire for allowing minors to attend a drag queen show during its worship service, blatantly disregarding Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s legislation that prohibits exposing children to sexualized performances. One...
LGBTQ Issues
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Surprise! The SBC Church With Women Pastors Voting to Leave Over Law Amendment is a Pro-LGBTQ Church
Earlier today, The Dissenter reported that a major SBC church in Richmond, VA, was holding a vote later this month to leave the Southern Baptist Convention over the Law Amendment which forbids cooperating churches from having women pastors. According to a special...
Raphael Warnock Says Isaiah 40:5 Means We Need LGBTQ Perspectives to Understand God’s Glory
Raphael Warnock, the pro-LGBTQ pro-abortion senator and "pastor" from Georgia never ceases to amaze me with the amount of Scripture twisting he can concoct in order to advance his ungodly cause. Warnock recently preached a sermon claiming that Isaiah 40:5 was about...
Duke “Christian” University Publishes Book Praising Disgusting Homosexual and Queer Sex Acts
Duke University, which was founded by Methodists in 1838 back when that apostate denomination used to somewhat resemble Christianity, has abandoned Christianity altogether for the modern cult of wokeness. Duke University is now one of the leading progenitors of the...
Queer Pastor Says Homophobic Pastors Must Be Held Accountable for Club Q Shooting
There is an all-out war against biblical Christianity and anyone who actually believes and follows Jesus Christ. The Pagan society has made it clear—there is no room for all of us on this planet and those of us who take God at His word are not welcome to participate...
Pastor Hands Microphone Over to Drag Queen to Sing “Peace On Earth” to Church Filled With Children
The Apostle Paul warned in 2 Timothy 4:3 that a time would come when people would no longer endure sound doctrine but rather turn to whatever it is that causes them pleasure in a world filled with hatred and rebellion toward God. What could be more rebellious toward a...
Surprise! Colorado Gay Nightclub Shooter is a Non-Binary Queer That Uses “They/Them” Pronouns
After the Colorado gay nightclub shooting over the weekend that killed five people and injured dozens more, the left went crazy making their accusations against "white supremacy" and "anti-LGBTQ rhetoric" as the motive for the shooting. Many, even so-called...
Sodom’s Behavior: Homosexuality Or Gay Rights?
Many people attempt to reconcile homosexuality with the Bible. However, such efforts fail. You cannot reconcile truth with error. The battle to legitimize homosexuality begins with an all out attack upon the Biblical record of Sodom. This assault changes the story of...
Catholics and Protestants Join Forces, Launch Petition to Oppose Donald Trump and Support LGBTQ Rights
A group of Roman Catholic and Protestant leaders called Faithful America has launched a petition garnering over 15 thousand signatures to oppose Donald Trump's bid for the presidency. The group, which says they are "sick of sitting by quietly while Jesus' message of...
Major Evangelical Organization Associated With SEBTS, TGC, CRU, and Matt Chandler Says Speaking Ill of LGBTQ Kills People
Latasha Morrison is the founder and CEO of the evangelical race-baiting organization known as Be The Bridge. Be the Bridge is an anti-White training curriculum created by Latasha Morrison and is heavily promoted by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary professor,...
Don’t Let the Left Use a Tragedy to Dissuade You From Standing Against Sexual Indoctrination of Children
If we keep moving in the direction this country has been headed over the last few decades, the only things that will be illegal ten years from now are worshiping God, using gasoline, and owning guns. Every form of sexual rebellion will not only be legalized but...
Trans “Pastor” Explains How His Identity Politics Caused Him to Abandon Solid Theologians In Favor of Apostates
Last year, Seventh Day Adventist youth pastor at Walla Walla University Church in Redlands, California, Kris Loewen, came out as a "transgender" and began to act and dress like a woman. While serving as the youth pastor, Loewen made a Facebook post referring to God as...
Christianity Today Praises Same-Sex Marriage Bill, Calls it a “Good Day’s Work”
If you've been paying attention, you're probably aware that the Senate, with the help of enough Republicans to bypass a filibuster, passed the Respect for Marriage Act which codifies same-sex marriage into national policy. The legislation already passed the House in...
Woman “Transitions” to Man, Becomes First “Openly Transgender Man” Ordained to Old Catholic Priesthood
The Old Catholic Church believes itself to be the true representation of the Catholic Church and separated from Rome in the late 1800s. Somehow, as they all claim to be, that one true church has now turned into nothing but a joke—a caricature of the Roman Catholic...
Southeastern Seminary Highlights Paper on Marriage from “Same-Sex Attracted Disciple of Christ”
The Dissenter has published information before about Rachel Gilson, who says she is attracted to other women, from Campus Crusade (CRU) who has been teaching a pro-homosexual message to children in CRU. Gilson is heavily platformed by The Gospel Coalition as...
Parents Invite Drag Queen to Child’s Birthday Party
The sexual revolution is squarely in the hands of the LGBTQ movement and those that support it. And the fact that a large media company like Netflix can produce and broadcast a show that glorifies the sexualization of children and get away with it speaks volumes about...
San Francisco Launches Program to Pay Transgenders to be Transgender With Your Tax Dollars
What's the quickest way to turn an entire city into a bunch of queers? Pay them to be queers. Not that San Francisco isn't already the most queered-out city in the nation, but a new program promises to make it even queerer and attract more queers from all around the...
Imagine if These Were Your Children’s Teachers: Exit the Public School System ASAP!
The public school system has long been a means by which the left indoctrinates children and is the catalyst behind the liberal shift in our society. If you wonder why the world is descending into mass chaos, understand that Satan himself has commandeered the public...
Poll: 61 Percent of Americans Desire God’s Judgment as Republicans Join Democrats to Codify Same-Sex Marriage
According to a poll by Pew Research, 61 percent of Americans desire the judgment and wrath of God to be poured out on this nation by codifying same-sex marriage. In Romans 1, we see a description of a society that has been given over to sexual immorality not solely as...
Pastor 🤡 Says Vote for Warnock to Establish the Kingdom of God for Red, Yellow, Black, White, Gay, Straight, Etc.
Just when you thought the stupidity was over, another blaspheming heretic pops up and demonstrates exactly how biblically illiterate they are. During the election cycle, we saw GA gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams, visit church after church to receive praise and...
Drag Queen Defiles Church as He Dances on Pulpit and Does Sexually Suggestive Motions
The drag queen phenomenon in this world has taken many by surprise. But if you're familiar with the Scriptures, you know that a society that is being given over to sexual immorality is a sign of God's judgment on that society—and the sin itself is part of the...
Methodist Church Elects Second Openly Gay Bishop and Asks Conservative Leaders to Step Down
In 2019, the United Methodists narrowly voted in favor of holding to a biblical sexual ethic and disallowed LGBTQ clergy in the denomination after years of deliberation and battling. Believing that the denomination was headed for an inevitable split due...