In the wake of the controversy surrounding Alistair Begg and his censure by other Evangelical leaders for counseling a grandmother to attend her grandson's "transgender" "wedding," another controversy is brewing. It has been well-established by biblical exegesis and...
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Rosaria Butterfield Rebukes The Gospel Coalition for Supporting Preston Sprinkle’s Heretical Teachings
Preston Sprinkle, one of the original advisory board members of Revoice, the “gay Christian” movement within Evangelical churches, has been instrumental in shifting the church’s doctrinal stance on homosexuality and other aberrant sexualities. It is through...
Charismatic Quacks are Excited About the Chief’s Super Bowl Win Because “Apostolic Prophecies” or Something
Bob Jones was a famous false prophet who was known in the circle of false prophets known as the "Kansas City Prophets" and was heavily involved in the Latter Rain movement. Jones is regarded by many in the extreme New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) charismatic movement...
Joyce Meyer Preaches While Laying Over a Toilet Saying She Had One of Her “Greatest Spiritual Moments”
I wish I could say that this is satire, but sadly it is not. Charlatans like Joyce Meyer regularly turn the Christian faith into a joke and that's bad enough -- we don't need to add to it. When it comes to false prophets and false teachers, the best thing we can do is...
Beth Moore’s Daughter Affirms Lesbian Priest in Her Homosexual Rebellion Against God
There is a tweet circling the internet right now where a lesbian "priest" replies to a tweet by Beth Moore that appears to agree with Moore who is calling on people to stop being so dogmatic on certain doctrines -- but Moore does not give any indication to which...
Kobe Bryant was a Roman Catholic, Lest Ye Repent, Ye Shall All Likewise Perish
NBA star Kobe Bryant, along with his thirteen-year-old daughter, died yesterday in a horrific helicopter accident. That the life of a man who had so much temporal wealth and fame could be suddenly snatched away in an instant is shocking and speaks to the fragility of...
Trump’s Spiritual Advisor, Paula White, Calls on God to Terminate “Satanic Pregnancies”
While Donald Trump himself was attending the March for Life this past week -- making him the first U.S. president ever to do so -- his "spiritual advisor," Paula White is out praying and asking God to end what she calls "satanic pregnancies" in spontaneous abortion....
Flagship Protestant English Standard Version Translation of the Bible Changed to Create “Catholic Edition”
The English Standard Version (ESV) is the most widely used English translation of the Bible in conservative Protestant circles. The translation, which is published by Crossway, aligns closely with the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic texts from which they are...
Voddie Baucham Says Churches with Two Services are Actually Two Separate Churches
Voddie Baucham is one of the most prominent Reformed leaders in today's church and is a sought-after speaker and preacher in both Reformed Baptist and Presbyterian circles. Todd Friel recently discussed on his program a conversation he had with Voddie Baucham who said...
Recovering from Aimee Byrd’s “Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood”
Men and women were made to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. The scriptures show us how to fulfill this chief end by teaching what should be believed about God and what duty God requires from man. The first three Q&As of the Westminster Shorter Catechism explain this and Aimee, as an Orthodox Presbyterian, is undoubtedly aware of our general anthropologic purpose.
Son of Former SBC President Says the Bible Teaches Escaped Sex-Trafficking Victims Should Be Returned to Masters
Jonathan Merritt is an LGBTQ activist who was outed for a gay encounter he had with another man at a Christian conference in 2012. Merritt is the son of former Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) president, James Merritt. Jonathan has been an open advocate for...
Lisa Bevere Twists the Scriptures on Fasting, Says You Can Fast from Anything Other Than Food to “Indulge in God”
Fasting is not about “indulging God,” as Lisa says. Fasting is an involuntary response to an outward influence and the Bible says fasting is always tied to mourning or some extreme situation/decision. One does not wake up and simply decide to fast; we do not fast to “get closer to God” or to “hear God better.”
No, God Did Not Speak to You Through, Dreams, Visions, Voices in Your Head, or Divine Impressions
God speaks efficaciously to His children. He does not stutter or stammer. He does not leave you hanging. You know it was God speaking to you because of the supernatural imposition of the event itself. In other words, it is not possible for you to adopt the belief that God had not spoken to you when, in fact, He had spoken to you.
Demonic Kundalini Spirit at The Send Conference? Watch and Tell Us Your Thoughts
Kundalini is a Pagan occult practice closely linked to Hinduism but also prevalent in charismatic circles of various other faiths -- including charismatic "Christianity." What often accompanies charismatic "worship" music is repetitive lyrics and beats that will cause...
Evangelical Pastor and Author Max Lucado Endorses Pro-Gay Jen Hatmaker
Jen Hatmaker is the progressive queen of liberal pro-gay faux Christianity who advocates for the broad acceptance of homosexuality and other aberrant sexual orientations in the Church. Like her late counterpart, Rachel Held Evans, Hatmaker is known for her endorsement...
Francis Chan Soon to Apostatize? Catholic Priest is Convinced Francis Chan is Converting to Catholicism
Last week, Reformation Charlotte reported that Francis Chan seemed to be embracing the Roman Catholic doctrine of the Eucharist known as "transubstantiation." Chan stated in a sermon posted online that he has now "learned" that for the first 1500 years of Church...
Tim Keller Says Christians Cannot Reach the World Without “Great Christian Art”
Tim Keller is bad for the Church. Really bad. Like bad news and bad influence. Besides the fact that Keller is one of the foremost propagators of the serious error that one can reject biblical creation and still be a Christian, Keller has influenced the Church toward...
Francis Chan Rejects Protestant View of Communion, Embraces Catholic Transubstantiation
Francis Chan has been on a downward spiral for a long time. Chan is a graduate of both John MacArthur’s Master’s University and Seminary, an unusually solid, seminary that teaches rightly on such important doctrines as the sovereignty of God,...
Todd Bentley Panel Releases Official Statement Today Declaring Him “Supernaturally Gifted by God”
Nevermind that Todd Bentley is a false teacher who blasphemes God on a daily basis, performs fake healings, and practices idolatry on a level not seen since biblical times. Nevermind all that stuff. It's Todd Bentley's sexual immorality that finally, finally, gets the...
SBC Seminary President Backtracks, Heretic James Cone Might Be in Heaven
Showing a hint of intestinal fortitude yesterday, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a Southern Baptist seminary, Danny Akin tweeted -- rightfully so -- that James Cone was a heretic and most likely in Hell. Though I would have personally left out...
Charisma News’ Top 5 Dumbest Articles of 2019
Charisma News is one of the strangest "Christian" publications out there. While there are dozens -- hundreds -- of leftist, progressive publications in the blogosphere that call themselves "Christian," very few conservative-leaning Christian publications publish stuff...
Just Like New Age Gurus, Charismatic “Pastor” Claims That “Portals” Are Opened For Good and Evil
And this man who calls himself a pastor is deceiving the people who follow him and believe the trash of which he speaks. Simply because he mixes in a little bit of truth with his deceptive lies does not excuse him from his error.