Maybe you've heard of Todd White and maybe you haven't. If not, you're probably better off for it. But Todd White is a popular charismatic preacher who appeals to the young crowd for his alluring personality—but is the gospel he preaches laced with spiritual poison?...
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Why Having Pronouns in Your Bio Demonstrates Foolishness, Unbiblical Worldview
If you spend any time on social media, as admittedly, I do, then you probably see the constant back and forth between conservatives and those who profess Christ with liberals about having "pronouns in their bio." Names like Matt Walsh come to mind as he typically will...
What Does it Mean to be Born Again?
For those of us who were brought up within Evangelical and Protestant faith traditions, the expression "born again" has been deeply ingrained in our understanding and vocabulary. For us, the meaning of this phrase is straightforward: it refers to the moment when Jesus...
Even Old Testament Law Refutes Social Justice
The world we live in today is a shadow of its biblical foundations, marred by the consequences of Adam's fall and a complete disregard for its Creator. This rejection of God has left us with a flawed and obscured understanding of our purpose and place in the world,...
The Incarnation: God’s Saving Work in His Humanity
The fall of man, as described in the book of Genesis, was a monumental event in human history that drastically altered the course of humanity's existence. It was the moment when humanity's disobedience towards God resulted in a separation from their Creator, commonly...
Loving Your Neighbor: It Doesn’t Mean What Most People Think It Means
Jesus said in Romans Mark 12:30-31 that the greatest of God's commandments are to "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" and to "love your neighbor as yourself." These are powerful words...
Sola Scripture and Ultimate Standard of Truth: The Self-Attesting Authority of the Bible
The doctrine of Sola Scriptura, which translates to "Scripture alone," is a fundamental belief held primarily by the Protestant and Evangelical tradition of Christianity. This doctrine asserts that the Bible is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and...
Pastor Explains Why His Church Will Not Sing Bethel, Hillsong, or Elevation Music
Over the years, The Dissenter has been relentlessly exposing the corruption and deception within the charismatic music industry. Through multiple in-depth articles and investigative reporting, we have revealed the nefarious tactics employed by prosperity gospel...
Combating False Teaching: The Essential Duty of Pastors in Defending the Church
As a faithful steward of the gospel, it is the sacred duty of every pastor to combat the proliferation of false doctrine within the church. This is the urgent exhortation the Apostle Paul gave to his young protégé Timothy in the opening verses of the first epistle...
The Unshakable Doctrine of the Resurrection: The Cornerstone of Christianity
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is an essential and unshakable doctrine of the Christian faith. It is foundationally and definitionally crucial to the true Gospel and without it, the entire faith would crumble. The Apostle Paul, in his first letter to the Corinthian...
Forensic Justification and the Doctrine of Imputation: Where We Divide From Works-Based Religions
The doctrine of forensic justification holds a critical place in the Christian faith, as it explains how an individual can be considered righteous before a holy and just God. At its core, the doctrine teaches that through faith in Jesus Christ, God not only imputes...
Remembering Martin Luther King Jr.’s Heresy, Denial of Christ’s Deity and Physical Resurrection
While Evangelicals -- and Southern Baptists in particular -- are all in on Black History Month to talk about what a great "Christian hero" Martin Luther King Jr. was, it's important to remember that King denied several essentials of the faith that placed him outside...
Twisted Scripture: The Growing Trend of Re-interpreting the Scriptures to Justify Our Own Passions
The twisting of Scripture for personal gain is nothing new, but I have observed a rapidly growing and disturbing trend among politicians who claim to be Christians and religious leaders who support them, who attempt to reason that certain passages of Scripture hold...
Five Biblical Ways to Identify a False Teacher
As we find ourselves in the tumultuous and uncertain times of the church age, it is of utmost importance that we exercise discernment in discerning the truth of scripture from the plethora of falsehoods that seek to assail our faith. The great theologian and pastor...
From Rich Theology to Emotionally Charged Shallowness: The Evolution of Worship in the Modern Church
The modern Evangelical church often presents what appears to be a vibrant and pulsating atmosphere, a facade brimming with the fervor of the congregation as they begin to assemble. The ambiance is thick with a sense of anticipation and expectation as the lights dim...
The Immanence of God: A Source of Comfort for Believers
The doctrine of immanence holds that God is intimately and actively engaged in the world and the lives of human beings, rather than being detached and aloof. This doctrine posits that God is both transcendent and immanent, transcending human understanding yet present...
The Aseity of God: An Essential and Necessary Attribute
The concept of the aseity of God, or God's independence and self-sufficiency, is a fundamental doctrine in Christianity and constitutes one of God's key incommunicable attributes. This doctrine finds its roots in scripture, which attests to God's absolute sovereignty...
Making an Idol Out of a False Jesus: God is Not Your Genie-in-a-Bottle
It is a travesty that many so-called "professors of Christ" have turned Jesus into an idol, using Him as a tool to fulfill their own selfish desires. This type of false teaching is especially prevalent in charismatic circles, where God is treated as a genie in a...
Op-Ed: No, Witchcraft and Christianity are NOT Compatible
Do not be fooled, and do not let the scripture-twisting serpentine tongues of those who push the lie that Christianity and witchcraft can be syncretized together fool you. Witchcraft is a sin, as we will show, and along with all sin, will send you straight to hell, and true faith in Christ for your salvation is the only solution. It is not Biblical to add witchcraft to Christianity or to add Christ to witchcraft and call yourself a Christian. It doesn’t work that way.
Why Did Jesus Say That People Need to Be Born Again?
Surveys have shown that 3 out of 4 Americans relate that they have been born again. Sadly, most of these people misunderstand the nature of the new birth, as described in the Bible. Their confusion dishonors God, offends Christ, and grieves the Holy Spirit....
Uncovering the Truth Behind the Song “Mary Did You Know?”: A Biblical Analysis of the Nativity Narrative
Christmas is a time of celebration and contemplation on the birth of Jesus, who is revered in the Bible as the Son of God and the savior of the world. One popular pop culture Christmas song that claims to reflect on this miraculous historical event is "Mary Did You...
Does Deuteronomy 20:10-20 Suggest that God Condones Rape?
The passage in Deuteronomy 20:10-20 is often misunderstood and has been used against Christianity by non-Christians to suggest that God condoned horrific acts of violence such as rape. It is important to understand the context in which this passage was written and to...