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Church Holds Drag Show for Easter Sunday Service

Church Holds Drag Show for Easter Sunday Service

In an age where sanity and decency are increasingly in short supply, a startling trend has emerged within the bounds of what one might call the modern-day temple, the body of Christ. During this past "Easter" celebration, a time traditionally reserved for solemn...

Circus Clown, Bill Maher, Blames Christianity for Capitol Riots

Circus Clown, Bill Maher, Blames Christianity for Capitol Riots

Bill Maher, host of the comedy hour Real Time With Bill Maher, is an atheist who never wastes an opportunity to blaspheme his creator and demean Christians. Maher blabs an awful lot about "mass delusion" when it comes to religion -- particularly, Christianity -- yet,...

False Prophets: Masters Of Disguise (Fooled you?)

False Prophets: Masters Of Disguise (Fooled you?)

by Tom Hill False Prophets are Masters of Disguise You’ve seen them. They appear everywhere promoting the latest health solution, money-making plan, or the “newest scoop” on popular people, complete with anonymous sources. These flim flam artists fool multitudes...

Surprise! Gay Campus Crusade (CRU) Leader Joining Catholic Church

Surprise! Gay Campus Crusade (CRU) Leader Joining Catholic Church

Last year, Reformation Charlotte broke the story that a Campus Crusade (CRU) leader -- who identifies as "LGBTQ" was teaching students that the Scriptures do not teach that homosexuality is sinful. Quoting a lesbian TGC author, Rachel Gilson, Grant Hartley tweeted the...

What do false prophets give us?

What do false prophets give us?

Make no mistake, false prophets affect our lives. They exist as a common part of everyday life. Newscasts, internet sites, books, and seminars allow them to promote their error filled messages to us. For example, we hear them lecture on financial matters, recommending...

5 Deadly Sins of the Contemporary Church (Insufficient Faith)

5 Deadly Sins of the Contemporary Church (Insufficient Faith)

by Thomas Hill Matthew 17 records the miraculous healing of a demon possessed boy. It occurred after the disciples had failed to cast out the demon. Upon His descent from the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus healed the boy. This account gives a clear picture of the...

Church Displays a “Black Lives Matter” Nativity Scene

Church Displays a “Black Lives Matter” Nativity Scene

Last Christmas season, churches scrambled to see who could display the most blasphemous and progressive nativity scenes which produced such foolishness as the "kids in cages" nativity scene, the Roman Catholic "climate crisis" nativity scene, and the "two dads" gay...

Crisis in the Church: Inaccurate Diagnosis

Crisis in the Church: Inaccurate Diagnosis

The miracle recorded in Matthew 17.14-21 pictures the condition of the Church of Jesus Christ in the world today. The demon possessed boy depicts the world; the disciples show the Church. In the passage, the disciples could not cure the sick boy. They attempted to...

Purging The Church of Woke Theology: The Way Forward

Purging The Church of Woke Theology: The Way Forward

In this episode, I rant about the way forward for the churches in light of the recent infiltration of Woke-Liberation Theology. It is an infectious disease that is deadly if not rooted out. I talk about the deconstruction of Christianity, of the American idea, and a...

Nimrod’s Land of Shinar

Nimrod’s Land of Shinar

The Fundamental Economist -- The land of Shinar was vile and its first king would be a theological type of anti-christ:  A despot,  representing himself as the messiah/savior,  promoting a false gospel/religion, harshly discriminating those who reject him, and...

Pope Endorses Same-Sex Unions in New Documentary Film

Pope Endorses Same-Sex Unions in New Documentary Film

Reformation Charlotte has been warning about the pope and the Roman Catholic Church for years. Besides the fact that the Church of Rome is a counterfeit representation of the Bride of Christ with its false gospel doing all their deeds to be seen by others, making...

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