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Why We Follow False Prophets: False Prophets are Masters of Disguise

Why We Follow False Prophets: False Prophets are Masters of Disguise

by Tom Hill You’ve seen them. They appear everywhere promoting the latest health solution, money-making plan, or the “newest scoop” on popular people, complete with anonymous sources. These flim flam artists fool multitudes of gullible folks every day. Which one just...

How to Recognize a False Gospel

How to Recognize a False Gospel

In this episode of the Reformation Charlotte podcast, I wanted to give you five ways you can recognize modern false gospels that have invaded the modern Church. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqAShY8qqV4

Have You Bought Into the Great Delusion of the End Times?

Have You Bought Into the Great Delusion of the End Times?

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie... --2 Thessalonians 2:11 Paul the Apostle taught, preached, and wrote of things in the future. He explained how The Holy Spirit has been a restraining force in the world,...

Andy Stanley’s Church Baptizes Openly Flaming Homosexual

Andy Stanley, the pastor of Northpoint Church in Atlanta, is best known for blaspheming God and denying the Scriptures. Stanley recently announced that his own church would remain closed last year because of the coronavirus — despite the fact that the...

False Teacher of the Day #26: Bill Johnson

False Teacher of the Day #26: Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson is the lead pastor of the notorious false church known as Bethel Church in Redding, California. Johnson makes number 26 in our ongoing False Teacher of the Day series. Johnson is one of the most dangerous wolves in sheep's clothing because he is largely...

False Teacher of the Day #24: Christine Caine

False Teacher of the Day #24: Christine Caine

Christine Caine makes today's installment as number 24 on the list in our False Teacher of the Day series as she is one of the most popular public speakers among both men and women in the seeker-sensitive Evangelical activism movement. Caine is a “pastor” of a Church...

False Teacher of the Day #23: Todd White

False Teacher of the Day #23: Todd White

Todd White is the false teacher and faux faith healer who is known for his parlor tricks such as leg-lengthening and other fake healings. A simple perusal of White’s videos and teachings compared to Scripture easily reveals this to discerning Christians. Reformation...

False Teacher of the Day #22: Francis Chan

False Teacher of the Day #22: Francis Chan

Francis Chan makes number 22 on our False Teacher of the Day series for a multitude of reasons. Francis Chan is a graduate of both John MacArthur’s Master’s University and Seminary, an unusually solid school that teaches rightly on such important doctrines as the...

Religious Diet Cult Leader, Gwen Shamblin Lara, Dies in Plane Crash

Religious Diet Cult Leader, Gwen Shamblin Lara, Dies in Plane Crash

Seven members of the Remnant of God Fellowship along with its founder and leader, Gwen Shamblin Lara, died in a plane crash on May 29. Lara's religious cult was founded on the notion that being overweight was "a sign of greed and gluttony." In an interview with Larry...

Voddie Baucham on Joel Osteen – False Teacher of the Day #20

Voddie Baucham on Joel Osteen – False Teacher of the Day #20

Voddie Baucham joins us today (in spirit, of course 😉) to help us discuss False Teacher of the Day #20, Joel Osteen. Joel Osteen is probably one of the most famous false teachers of our time and, for the most part, most Bible-believing Christians already understand...

False Teacher of the Day #19: Joseph Prince

False Teacher of the Day #19: Joseph Prince

Joseph Prince was born in May of 1963 to an Indian Sikh priest and a Chinese mother. During his earlier childhood, he lived in Malaysia. In 1983, Prince helped found New Creation Church. He was born Xenonamandar Jegahusiee Singh, but in 1990 he changed his name...