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It’s Transgender Awareness Month: How Christians Should Respond

It’s Transgender Awareness Month: How Christians Should Respond

It's that time of the year again—November rolls in and with it comes "Transgender Awareness Month," a creation of the activist class who have marked it as a time to turn the national spotlight onto what they perceive as the plight of the transgender community. They're...

Baptist Pastor Issues Apology After Being Exposed as a Cross-Dresser

Baptist Pastor Issues Apology After Being Exposed as a Cross-Dresser

Baptist Pastor and Mayor F.L. “Bubba” Copeland found himself at the center of a storm, necessitating a public apology to his congregation after being exposed for his clandestine activities as a cross-dresser online. "I apologize for any embarrassment caused by my...

Untwisting the Bible, Part VIII: Slain in the Spirit

Untwisting the Bible, Part VIII: Slain in the Spirit

Picture this: a coliseum filled with crazy people whipped into a frenzy, arms flailing like windmills in a gale, eyes rolled back as if caught in a trance. The preacher, slick and telegenic, lays a hand on someone’s forehead, mutters a few words, and then—bam! Down...



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