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NAR False Apostle Denies Trinity on Stage at TPUSA Faith Pastors Summit

by | Oct 31, 2023 | Apostasy, Cult, News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Theology, US, Video | 0 comments

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If you think TPUSA is the guardian of conservative values, think again. Led by Charlie Kirk, this organization is nothing short of a Trojan horse in the conservative movement. While it claims to champion conservatism, it’s busy platforming and promoting ideologies that are anything but conservative—like embracing the LGBTQ movement to platforming heretics to blaspheme God.

TPUSA isn’t conserving the moral standards set forth by God—it’s diluting them, turning conservatism into a self-serving ideology aimed at broadening its base. And the worst part? Churches—yes, churches that claim to be conservative—are jumping on this bandwagon, compromising the gospel for self-serving politics. So, I won’t mince words, TPUSA is not helping us fight the culture war from a biblical worldview. Instead, it’s leading us down a path of moral compromise.

In a recent rally, the TPUSA Faith Pastors Summit, Che’Ahn, a self-proclaimed apostle from the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and pastor of Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, California, took the stage and made a statement so outrageous it’s hard to believe anyone in the audience could keep a straight face. “There’s no theology for the Holy Spirit. The Trinity has got the Father, got the Son, and got the Holy Scripture,” he declared. This isn’t just a minor theological difference, this is a full-blown, lights-flashing, sirens-wailing heresy. And he received no correction from the “pastors” in the conference.

The orthodox Christian teaching of the Trinity is clear that God exists as three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—yet one God. This isn’t some obscure, optional belief—it’s basic, fundamental Christianity. Nor is the Holy Spirit an afterthought or a theological void. He’s God. And Holy Scripture? While Christ is the Word made flesh, and the Scriptures are the inspired word of God, the Bible itself is not a member of the Trinity. Che’Ahn’s statement doesn’t just dip its toes into a pool of heresy, it dives headlong into it.

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Now, you might be thinking, “So what? It’s just one guy with a microphone.” But the problem is that TPUSA, an organization that claims to be the leader of the modern culture war, the primary restorer of conservative values, gave him that microphone. They put him on stage, in the spotlight, and let him spew this theological nonsense, damnable diarrhea, to an audience of young, impressionable minds. This is more than a one-time failure, it’s a betrayal of every conservative who takes their faith seriously.

And let’s not kid ourselves, this isn’t an isolated incident. It’s symptomatic of a much larger issue—the willingness to dilute, distort, and downright ignore core Christian beliefs for the sake of political gain. When you invite a false teacher to your rally, you’re not just making a political statement, you’re making a theological one. You’re saying that the boundaries of orthodox Christianity are negotiable, that they can be bent, twisted, or even shattered if it helps you win an election or get more followers on social media.

But here’s the cold, hard truth. Christianity isn’t a tool to be used for political maneuvering. It’s a faith that demands uncompromising loyalty and obedience to the truths revealed in Scripture. And the Trinity? It’s non-negotiable. You can’t claim to stand for conservative values, for the truth of the Bible, and then give a platform to someone who openly denies one of its most fundamental doctrines.

So, what’s the takeaway? Be discerning. Don’t let the allure of political power or social influence lead you to compromise on the non-negotiables of your faith. Because at the end of the day, it’s not just about winning an election or gaining followers, it’s about standing firm in the truth—no matter the cost.

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