It's rare that a call for division in the Church is biblically necessary. The Bible calls for unity among the...
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Results for "sam allberry"
First, TGC Pushes Gay Singleness, Now, Single-Parent Adoption
Back in January, The Gospel Coalition began an endeavor to promote single-parent adoptions and enlisted a gay Anglican...
PCA Host of Gay Christian Conference Mocks the Aquila Report, Threatens to Start “Aqueerla Report”
The gay agenda is a militant crusade -- almost Mafia-like -- that has the conservative Church so far in its grips that...
Why Are Homosexuals Leading the Church’s Conversations on Marriage and Family?
The Evangelical Church has a serious blind spot when it comes to homosexuals. Seeking a "softer approach" to...
Dr. Albert Mohler’s Opportunity for Historic Repentance and Reformation
Dr. Mohler very recently and very quietly requested his name be removed from the Manhattan Declaration! That’s a big...
Most Evangelical Leaders Have No Idea How the Gospel Works
The Evangelical-Industrial Complex has long departed the historic and Biblical Christian faith and exchanged it for a...
Living Out Removes Much of its Gay Filth From Website
Living Out is a website tied to the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and The Gospel Coalition...
TGC Promoting Hillary Clinton’s “It Takes A Village” Ideology
In 1996, Democrat First Lady Hillary Clinton published a book titled It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children...
Russell Moore Withdraws Support For Living Out Gay Ministry
Following a series of articles by Tom Buck at Alpha & Omega Ministries on a widely-accepted "gay Christian"...
Podcast: The Gay Christian Church Audit at Living Out
In Partnership with Tim Keller and other gay-friendly Evangelicals, Living Out has produced a pamphlet called How...
RZIM Doubles Down on Jesus “Body Dysphoria”
RZIM Says We Can Trust Jesus With Our Gender Because Jesus Experienced a Body Mis-Match The road to full transgender...
The Gay Christian Ministry Changing the Face of the Evangelical Church
Jesus ate with homosexuals, so we should be accepting of them. That is the argument of the progressive gay militant...
Anglican Church Instructs Clergy to Address Transgender by Their Chosen Name and Pronoun
The Church of England issued today a Pastoral Guidance document that instructs Anglican clergy to...
Southern Baptists Promoting Ministry That Believes It’s Natural For a Man to Desire to “Become One” With Another Man
The move toward homosexual inclusion in conservative churches has taken an unprecedented turn in the last few years --...
SBC Successfully Convincing Evangelicals to Embrace LGBT Special Rights
In a recent sermon entitled, How the Fall Affects Us All, SBC President and pastor of the Summit Church in...
The Slow Drift Toward LGBTQ Inclusion in Evangelical Churches
Any sane person with a shred of common sense with an IQ higher than the average fish can read the Bible and clearly...
The Gospel Coalition’s Christian ‘Gay Celibacy’ Movement is a Biblical Farce
Unless your head has been stuck under a rock for the last few years, you’ve noticed a massive paradigm shift in...
How Did a Gay Anglican Priest Become the Face of Evangelical Relationship Advice?
It used to be that Christians were not only held to a moral standard, but those who are pastors and deacons were held...
Southern Baptist Leader Suggests “Transgenders” Can Be Regenerate, Refers to Male Cross-dresser as “a Woman”
One of the new sexually perverted infiltrations in the Church now is the softening stance on gender identity. The...
What to Do with A Gay Priest
To be fair, Sam Allberry says there is a difference between same sex attraction and being gay. I just happen not to...
Man in a Dress Struts Down Red Carpet at Golden Globes
Stop the world, I want to get off! If you needed one more nail in the coffin of Western civilization’s utter moral bankruptcy, look no further than the Golden Globes, where Jonathan Van Ness, a “Queer Eye” male star strutted down the red carpet in a gown that would...
No, Charisma Magazine, Blood Moons Do Not Mean Anything
Good grief. Charisma Magazine—which is akin to Joel Osteen at a flea market checking out fake Rolex watches—has once again proven its unquenchable lust for all things sensational, diving headfirst into yet another delirious obsession with whatever glitzy,...
Author of ‘Widening of God’s Mercy’ Finds Out Just How Exclusive Jesus Really Is
Richard B. Hays, a New Testament scholar, was a heavyweight who began his career with what seemed like a solid foundation in conservative biblical theology. His earlier works ostensibly reflected, at least on the surface, a commitment to biblical accuracy. But...
Delusional Times: It’s Hard to Believe that “Christian Furries” Are Actually a Thing
Imagine a world where grown men and women don fuzzy animal costumes, prancing through life as if reality itself is a bad sitcom, pretending they can rewrite at will. That’s the furry movement in all its glory—an absurd cocktail of escapism and eccentricity, wrapped up...
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