Michael Brown is the world’s premier apologist for the ancient heresy of Montanism. Montanism is the heresy that...
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Results for "bethel"
Lisa Bevere Twists the Scriptures on Fasting, Says You Can Fast from Anything Other Than Food to “Indulge in God”
Fasting is not about “indulging God,” as Lisa says. Fasting is an involuntary response to an outward influence and the Bible says fasting is always tied to mourning or some extreme situation/decision. One does not wake up and simply decide to fast; we do not fast to “get closer to God” or to “hear God better.”
Charisma News’ Top 5 Dumbest Articles of 2019
Charisma News is one of the strangest "Christian" publications out there. While there are dozens -- hundreds -- of...
Charismatic Worship Artists, Kari Jobe Says She Was “Left in Tears” After Visit to White House
On December 6, Kari Jobe and her husband, Cody Carnes joined several New Apostolic Reformation cultists and...
Has the New Apostolic Reformation ‘Hijacked’ the White House?
When Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, Church Watch Central predicted that the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Apostles and Prophets would try to gain access to this ‘Christian’ President. Lance Wallnau and other ‘prophets and apostles’ have since labelled Trump as ‘Gods Chaos candidate’, proving the obvious nature and motivation of the NAR. What no one could have predicted was President Trump’s recent appointment of the self-proclaimed NARpostle (and notorious scam artist) Paula White to be his aide and ‘spiritual advisor’!
Village Church Pastor Says if Paul Were Here Today, He’d Write a Letter Endorsing Beth Moore
It has to be exhausting -- not to mention a monumental undertaking -- to continually elevate, apologize for, and...
Matt Redman and Francis Chan Join Catholics for Alpha Conference 2020
The Alpha Conference is hosted by two ecumenical organizations -- Major Change, a charismatic Evangelical...
Modern Worship Artist, Keith Getty Warns Modern Worship Music is “Dangerous”
Sometimes, you have to scratch your head and wonder if some of the people in celebrity Christianity have any...
Charisma Magazine Says Paul’s Words in the New Testament About Women Preaching are Evil
In the aftermath of John MacArthur's righteous rebuke of Beth Moore and her continual rebellion against God, the...
Jesus Culture Worship Leader Runs For Congress
Jesus Culture is a worship band out of the controversial Bethel Church in Redding, California led by the charismatic...
Megachurch Interviews Lesbian Married Couple Wearing Jesus Culture T-Shirt, Affirms Their Lifestyle
Net Church is a megachurch outside of Chattanooga, TN pastored by hireling, Ryan May. May ran a number of interviews...
Jackie Hill Perry Rebukes Judgmental Christians … in a Non-Judgmental Way, Of Course
Jackie Hill Perry is a rising star in the field of woke Christianity, platformed to fame by The Gospel Coalition for...
Michael Brown Defends the Worst of the Worst Blasphemer and Idolater
Michael Brown is the world's premier apologist for the ancient heresy of Montanism. Montanism is the heresy that...
Jackie Hill Perry Uninvited From Answers in Genesis Women’s Conference
Jackie Hill Perry is a woke feminist ex-lesbian who is a contributor at The Gospel Coalition and regular speaker in...
Nancy Leigh DeMoss Endorses Jackie Hill Perry’s Affirmation of Word of Faith Heresy
Yesterday, Reformation Charlotte reported that Jackie Hill Perry, the woke, feminist Gospel Coalition contributor had...
Jackie Hill Perry Says Word of Faith Movement Isn’t Heresy
Last week, Jackie Hill Perry, a woke feminist, spoken word artist, and Gospel Coalition contributor, announced that...
Steven Furtick Says God Reflects His Image
When Steven Furtick says things, it's often easy to just write it off as him "saying dumb things" without thinking, or...
Charismatic Preacher Calls Out Bill Johnson for Denying the Divinity of Christ
The entire charismatic movement is a false movement attributed to the Holy Spirit by those who adhere to the teachings...
Michael Brown Defends Blasphemers and Idolaters While Condemning Discerning Christians
Michael Brown is the premier apologist for the ancient heresy of Montanism. Montanism is the heresy that teaches that...
Michael Brown Cites False Prophet, Heidi Baker, As Proof of Continuationism
The canon of Scripture is closed and the apostolic sign gifts have ceased. This is an irrefutable biblical fact. Yet,...

Trump Must Do To Abortion What He’s Doing to DEI, Eliminate It
I ran across a tweet this morning, and the reality struck me—I couldn't argue against this fact. It read: The sheer weight of that number is staggering. Nine thousand innocent lives snuffed out in the span of a few days, while the so-called “pro-life” movement claps...

Idaho Drafts Resolution to Overturn Obergefell, and Leftists are Going Crazy
Leftists and LGBT activists are predictably losing their collective minds over Idaho’s new resolution against Obergefell v. Hodges, and frankly, it’s a spectacle worthy of popcorn. Like vampires hissing at the sunlight, homosexuals, queers, and every sexual...

Mike Pence Praises Jimmy Carter as a “Born Again Christian” Who Was a “Blessing to the Nation”
Former Vice President Mike Pence, in an interview with Russell Moore—the former chief of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission—praised Jimmy Carter for being a "born-again Christian" and even admitted to voting for him during his...

The Celebrity Pastor Phenomenon is Selling Out the Gospel for 30 Pieces of Silver
Michael Jackson moonwalked his way into the hearts of millions, perhaps billions, of people around the globe, a glittering icon who could do no wrong in the eyes of his adoring fans. They cheered, screamed, and wept at the mere sight of him, entranced by the aura of...
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