Jackie Hill Perry is a woke feminist ex-lesbian who is a contributor at The Gospel Coalition and regular speaker in the New Calvinist SBC/PCA speaking circuit. Hill Perry has been in the forefront of Christian news for the last several days due to her obstinance to correction regarding her approval of the false gospel-preaching chicken feather-dropping Bethel Church.
Hill Perry announced on Instagram that she isn’t “tribalistic” in who she fellowships with and that regardless of what other people think, she’s going to roll with heretics. Why? Because, according to Hill Perry, simply because teachers teach falsely doesn’t make them a false teacher.
Because she is heterodox, Pulpit & Pen has been aggressively pushing for Answers in Genesis to pull the plug on Hill Perry or for those others involved in the conference to distance themselves. Many others have been outspoken against Hill Perry’s attendance as well, as she has nothing valuable to offer her audience.
Reformation Charlotte has independently verified with Answers in Genesis that Hill Perry is no longer invited to speak at the conference and it seems as though some others working behind the scenes played a hand in making this happen as well. Hill Perry’s picture has been removed from the speaker line-up on the Answers in Genesis page — which was also confirmed by Answers staff.
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All we can say is “Kudos” to Answers in Genesis for listening to the discernment industry, those involved in the conference, and others who voiced their concerns, and making a judgment call which serves to edify the Church.