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ERLC Disinvites Sex Pervert From Conference Celebrating a Sex Pervert

ERLC Disinvites Sex Pervert From Conference Celebrating a Sex Pervert

Russell Moore, recently described the mischievous sexual behavior as demonstrating "that the pattern here was worse than what even those expecting the very worst could have imagined." He continued, "This report pictures not a mere “moral failure,” but a pattern of...

Lexington, KY Catholic Diocese Signs Statement Affirming Homosexuals

Lexington, KY Catholic Diocese Signs Statement Affirming Homosexuals

Nearly half of the priests in the Lexington, KY Roman Catholic Diocese signed a statement affirming homosexuals despite the historic position of the Catholic Church that homosexuality is incompatible with Christianity. While the affirmation is disguised as a statement...

Principled People Should Cut All Ties With the Episcopal Church

Principled People Should Cut All Ties With the Episcopal Church

The Washington National Cathedral has been dodging intense incoming missile fire since they apologized to livid LGBTQ bullies for having conservative author Max Lucado preach at its virtual Sunday service recently. The church invited Max to “build bridges,” but his...

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