In 2019, Joel Osteen, one of the modern-day princes of the Word of Faith prosperity gospel movement, was seen at Lady Gaga’s pride celebration at Apollo Theater on Monday night. The New York Daily News reports, Poehler wasn’t the only heavy hitter in the crowd. From...
LGBTQ Issues
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“LGBTQ Conservatives” Need to Stop Calling Themselves “Conservatives”
There has been a major shift in the LGBTQ movement and quite a number of them in recent years have turned toward supporting Republican politicians —particularly, Donald Trump. While Democrats still hold a near-monopoly on sexual aberrancy, Trump himself has garnered...
NY Pastor Suggests God and the Bible are Racist, Sexist, Because Bathsheba Didn’t Get Her Own Psalm in the Bible
Adrienne Thorne, the new "pastor" who is praised for being the first African American woman to lead the historic New York Riverside Church, recently preached a sermon questioning God and the Bible because the Bible states that David was repentant for his sexual...
Drag Queens Defile Pulpit, Lead Congregation in Famous Gospel Worship Song
Satan has found a way to attack the bride of Christ and defile the name of God with a new phenomenon that involves inviting the most perverse of all types of sin directly into the pulpits on Sunday mornings. The drag queen church movement is destroying historic...
TD Jakes Welcomes Extreme Pro-Abortionist, Pro-LGBTQ Politician, Beto O’Rourke, to His Church
When you have no actual Christian convictions and the only thing you care about is how to use the name of God to become filthy rich, it shouldn't surprise anyone that you end up with an anti-Christ shaking hands with the members of your congregation on Sunday morning....
Is Preston Sprinkle Right? Is It Important for Christians to Listen More to LGBT People In Order to “Love” Them?
Preston Sprinkle, one of the original advisory board members of Revoice, the "gay Christian" movement within Evangelical churches, has been instrumental in shifting the church's doctrinal stance on homosexuality and other aberrant sexualities. It is through Sprinkle's...
PCA Church With Gay “Celibate” Pastor Hosts Drag Queen Event
Greg Johnson, the pastor of Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Louis has been a vocal proponent of the "gay Christianity" movement known as Revoice. Johnson, a homosexual himself, has been instrumental in perpetuating the "gay Christianity" movement within...
Justin Peters Addresses More Homosexual Baptisms at Southern Baptist Megachurch
Justin Peters and Casey Butner have been thoroughly covering the story with First Baptist Church Orlando which has been regularly baptizing openly practicing homosexuals. In his latest podcast, Peters and Butner uncover more, and also talk more about the Posture Shift...
Non-Binary Queer “Pastor” Says Eunuch Baptism in Acts 8 is Proof That God Approves of Transgenderism
Just when you thought you've heard it all, something as insanely asinine as what you're about to hear goes out into the world for public consumption. The person in this video, Leo Wolters Tejera, self-describes as a "disenfranchised, post evangelical, queer,...
What is Wrong With This World That Parents Would Hand Their Children Over to Sex Perverts?
What was unthinkable just 10 years ago has become a celebrated phenomenon in our society today. The fact that parents are so eager and willing to hand their children over to perverted men dressed like insulting caricatures of women is really strange. Watch: Since the...
Gay Campus Crusade Leader and Revoice Speaker Compares Coming Out as Gay to Jesus’ Death and Resurrection
In 2019, Reformation Charlotte broke the story that a Campus Crusade (CRU) leader—who identifies as “LGBTQ”— was teaching students that the Scriptures do not teach that homosexuality is sinful. Quoting a lesbian TGC author, Rachel Gilson, Grant Hartley...
Nearly Naked Man in Drag Picks Up Child and Dances With Him on Stage at Pride Event in Columbia, SC
The sexual revolution is squarely in the hands of the LGBTQ movement and those who support it either actively or by their silence. That would include Evangelical church leaders, like JD Greear, who says we should use the "preferred pronouns" of transgender people as...
Christopher Yuan and the “Holy Sexuality” Movement. Is There Something Off Here?
I’ve been researching a rising star in the Evangelical ex-gay sexual ethics speaking circuit, Christopher Yuan. Yuan has what seems to be a strong testimony of coming out of a homosexual lifestyle and being saved by Christ. To summarize Yuan’s testimony, he says that...
Northwestern Univ. Celebrates “Coming Out Day” With “Gays and Gospel” Tribute to Queer’s Influence on Gospel Music
Northwestern University, one of the most prestigious academic institutions in the nation located in the greater Chicago area of Evanston, IL, recently celebrated National Coming Out Day by paying tribute to queers and homosexuals who have influenced "gospel" music....
Has Stacey Abrams Become a False God to Some? Chapel Preacher Compares Her to Jesus and John the Baptist
Watching many of these woke, leftist churches all but bow down and worship Georgia gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams, is quite a sight to behold. We've brought you many stories over the last several weeks demonstrating that not only does Abrams fans and followers...
New “Transgender” Doll Dressed as a Girl But With Male Genitalia Hits Market, Upsets Social Media
Imagine what an innocent and unsuspecting 3-year-old girl would think while changing the clothes of a doll she thinks is a girl and sees a fully-featured penis on this doll. Seriously, imagine what your child would think if they saw that. Shock? Horror? Confusion?...
The Church Has Failed by Not Speaking Out Boldly Enough Against This Perversion of Christianity
There is a great evil that is now pervasive in our society and it's greater than any evil we've ever experienced in the history of the Church. To be clear, homosexuality and almost every form of sexual perversion have always existed. In fact, it's been in existence...
Southern Baptist Megachurch Worships to Song by Feminist LGBTQ Activist Who Dresses Her Son as a Girl
If it isn't foul-mouthed bands, it's circus performances. If it isn't a circus performance, it's Hollywood. What passes as "church" and "worship" these days should invoke the righteous indignation of every true believer in the world. There is no fear of God in these...
Matt Chandler and Tony Evans are the “Mentors” of a Transgender-Friendly Megachurch in Dallas?
We've been covering a lot about the He Gets Us campaign over the last few days. Thankfully, Texas pastor Tom Buck has been actively joining in on the exposing of this movement and the Southern Baptist Convention's proposed partnership with it. This work ultimately led...
TGC’s Sam Allberry Says He’s Thankful for Gay Pride Because He Can Be Open About His Homosexuality
Today, the attack on biblical orthodoxy is not from the typical atheists, feminists, and homosexuals you would typically see at women’s marches and pride parades — it’s from various ministries within the ranks of the Church that are shifting the paradigm with gay...
Southern Baptist Leaders Partner With Gay/Trans-Affirming Ministry That Will Help People Find Pro-LGBTQ Churches
Yesterday, we brought to you the story that the Southern Baptist Convention's North American Mission Board (NAMB) is partnering with He Gets Us which is essentially a public relations campaign that is attempting to make Jesus more palatable to the public. NAMB, which...
“Christian Drag Clowns” Explain How Easter is About Coming Out as a Queer
There is a serious push by the world to redefine Christianity and pervert the religion into something completely foreign to even any semblance of God. The world and the enemy know that if they can accomplish this, they can lead more souls away from Christ and straight...