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Drag Queens Defile Pulpit, Lead Congregation in Famous Gospel Worship Song

by | Oct 25, 2022 | Apostasy, Cult, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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Satan has found a way to attack the bride of Christ and defile the name of God with a new phenomenon that involves inviting the most perverse of all types of sin directly into the pulpits on Sunday mornings. The drag queen church movement is destroying historic churches around the nation and turning them into little slices of Hell on Earth.

What could be more destructive to society than being given over to a debased mind, as the Apostle says in Romans 1, to do such things as these? The only thing worse is to attribute such blasphemies to God Himself—a clear sign that the judgment of God is on these wicked people. Just look at those who stand in the congregation to celebrate such evil. As Paul says in Romans 1:32, “Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.”

What more approval could those who claim to know Christ give to those who practice such wickedness than to stand, sing, and celebrate such a vile perversion of “church”? Well, that’s exactly what happened at First Church Somerville where they held a Drag Gospel Brunch led by a drag queen named Serenity Jones who sang the famous gospel song from The Color Purple, Maybe God Is Tryin’ To Tell You Somethin’ by Quincy Jones.

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