Greg Johnson, the pastor of Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Louis has been a vocal proponent of the “gay Christianity” movement known as Revoice. Johnson, a homosexual himself, has been instrumental in perpetuating the “gay Christianity” movement within Evangelical churches, particularly within the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
Johnson made headlines in 2020 when the church hosted an LGBTQ+ transgender art festival in its chapel venue. The church had already been hosting Revoice conferences which featured an apostate view of biblical sexual ethics. But this was, we believe, the first time the church had hosted such a blatant event promoting sexual immorality. According to the venue’s website, the Chapel Venue is fully supported by the church and its volunteers to showcase the voices and artwork of people they support and believe should be heard. The church venue offers two free alcoholic drinks to its patrons when attending events, including at this drag event.
Further making the news, Johnson, appearing on the Cross Politic podcast, told listeners that he was open to holding a pedophile conference at his church and has made it clear that he and his church are all in on the “gay Christianity” movement.

But the church has now moved past “transgender arts” and last month, the Chapel Venue hosted a drag show that featured an LGBTQ+ artist by the name Eldraco who is regularly seen wearing women’s attire, if anything at all, in his performances. The event, which was held at Johnson’s church on September 2, is boasted as “a uniquely bombastic concert event presented by The Chapel (Sanctuary For the Arts).” A cursory look at Eldraco’s social media pages will make you want to vomit, therefore, I will not link to them. The other performers, Elle Patterson and Brother Francis can be seen as well on their respective social media pages performing in ways that are diametrically opposed to a biblical sexual ethic, to put it nicely.
Since this event was exposed and published in St. Louis Magazine, the local Tennessee Valley Presbytery approved an official request that the church is investigated, once again, by the Missouri Presbytery that oversees the churches under its authority. According to Aquila Report, the following was sent to the Missouri Presbytery:
Tennessee Valley Presbytery to request Missouri Presbytery, in accordance with BCO 40-5, to investigate the Session of Memorial Presbyterian Church in Saint Louis, Mo. to determine whether hosting the event reported to have taken place on September 2, 2022 violated the vows of the elders of MPC or otherwise reflects grossly unconstitutional or delinquent action by “promoting uncleanness,” failure to keep “chaste company,” failure to preserve “the chastity of others,” and the failure to “shun all occasions of uncleanness, and resisting temptations thereunto.”
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Johnson and the staff at Memorial Presbyterian Church where these events continue to take place have found themselves once again in hot water with the Presbytery. However, from the last investigation, Johnson was cleared of any wrongdoing despite the fact that he lives and teaches in a way contrary to Scripture with his open homosexuality, continued use of church venues to host sexually immoral events, and promotion and alignment with Revoice. However, under the latest call for an investigation against Johnson, he and his fellow staff are urging the congregation to approve secession from the PCA:
It is with a mixture of sorrow and hope that we, the elders of Memorial Presbyterian Church, after fifteen months spent fasting, praying, waiting, consulting and listening, now write to call a meeting of the congregation for 5:30–6:30 p.m. Friday, November 18, 2022, in the Auditorium for the purpose of deciding on matters pertaining to denominational alignment. We are recommending the congregation vote to withdraw from the Presbyterian Church in America in accordance with Book of Church Order 25-11.
We hope that the PCA will hold Johnson accountable. The Scriptures clearly call on the Church to purge the sexually immoral from among our ranks as it defiles the Church (1 Corinthians 5:1-13). The call to purge men like Johnson from the ranks of the Church is without equivocation and those who continue to allow this evil to persist should, as well, be held accountable.