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New “Transgender” Doll Dressed as a Girl But With Male Genitalia Hits Market, Upsets Social Media

by | Oct 18, 2022 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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Imagine what an innocent and unsuspecting 3-year-old girl would think while changing the clothes of a doll she thinks is a girl and sees a fully-featured penis on this doll. Seriously, imagine what your child would think if they saw that. Shock? Horror? Confusion? Sadness? Would she laugh hysterically?

None of these reactions would be healthy for a young child, yet that’s exactly what the woke toy industry is now pushing on children. Believe it or not, this toy is now on sale in toy shops in Russia, of all places. And if these toys are being sold in Russia, you can bet you’re going to find them in your urban woke toy shops here, too.

We already reported that LEGO has introduced a rainbow set for LGBTQ children and that Hasbro has introduced a “gender-neutral” “Potato Head” (dropping the “Mr.”). Mattell has introduced a “gender-neutral” Creatable World Doll that lets children “choose” the gender of the doll and Marvel destroys its legacy by making a Captain America figurine into a flaming homosexual. Despite all of this, none of these toys featured any genitalia.

But the images of the doll posted on social media are clearly designed to teach children that genitalia is just a random act of nature and has no bearing on one’s gender, therefore, this obviously male doll can be dressed up just like a girl. Of course, children don’t understand this and its purpose is to confuse children. Why? Because the world is full of perverts who are hell-bent on destroying our children at any cost.

If you think this is bad, it’s only going to get worse. The LGBTQ mafia does not want you to be able to raise your children in the knowledge of the Lord and if you do, you’re going to be an outcast in society. If it’s happening in Russia, where LGBTQ is largely illegal, you can rest assured it’s going to happen here in the U.S. where the LGBTQ movement is celebrated as a religious ritual in and of itself. It’s possibly happened already, so be on the lookout before you buy your children any toys.

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