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“Christian Drag Clowns” Explain How Easter is About Coming Out as a Queer

by | Oct 12, 2022 | Cult, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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There is a serious push by the world to redefine Christianity and pervert the religion into something completely foreign to even any semblance of God. The world and the enemy know that if they can accomplish this, they can lead more souls away from Christ and straight into the pits of Hell. They do this because they are all of their father, the devil. And they will not stop until they capture every soul or until Christ returns.

But we, as Christians, know what the end is and the end is the destruction of evil. Christ has already won on the cross and evil will no longer prevail. Christ reigns supreme!

But that doesn’t stop us from pointing out the wicked tactics of these foolish people who believe that they can hinder the work of God. And the most perverse thing these demons can do is turn Christianity into an outlet for sexual immorality.

And that’s exactly what these so-called “Christian drag clowns” did at the recent Drag Con 2022. In the clip below, these “Christian drag clowns” explain how Jesus’ death and resurrection is actually about homosexuals and queers coming out.

In my church world, I’m a part of the United Church of Canada, and doing my drag there has brought me a lot of hope because, you know, I did a drag show this year for Easter, and we called it ‘Jesus Coming Out’, you know it’s about this whole story of Easter in a Christian context is, you know, Jesus kind of comes into and says, Yes, it’s me, I’m the Messiah. Faces persecution with his friends, Judas (unintelligible) One of- Judas turns him in, he gets killed, and the story is living into this purpose of, of resurrection.

And we draw parallels you know, queer folks, we come out, we embrace who we are, often we face persecution, but once we face that, we realize we’re living our truth, and we live what we’re meant to be. And I’ve seen two or three other churches now holding drag shows as well, two or three United Churches. And are asking me for advice or connections to performers or things like that and it’s really beautiful and it gives me a lot of hope for my church.

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