In 2019, Joel Osteen, one of the modern-day princes of the Word of Faith prosperity gospel movement, was seen at Lady Gaga’s pride celebration at Apollo Theater on Monday night. The New York Daily News reports, Poehler wasn’t the only heavy hitter in the crowd. From...
The Church
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In the Beginning, God: I Believe So That I May Understand
In the beginning, God. This is not just the opening line of the Bible, it's the foundation of all existence, knowledge, and truth. Before the universe, before light and dark, there was God—absolute, sovereign, the epitome of reason and the source of all that is...
The Gospel Coalition Calls on Christians to Affirm Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage
Yesterday, I ran across a post by a Twitter user who alleged that The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is now endorsing same-sex marriage. My first reaction was "there's no way." I mean, I've been following TGC for years, I've seen all of the unbiblical worldly stuff they...
“Lutheran” Denom. Will Combine Worship With Native American Mystics, Offer Prayer to Native American Gods in Week-long Event
Where do rebellious religious anarchists go when their conservative churches discipline them out of the congregation for unrepentant sexual immorality? The Evangelical Lutheran Church. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) is an apostate denomination that...
False “Faith Healer” Todd White’s Latest Leg-Lengthening Parlor Trick Exposed as a Fraud
Todd White is a charismatic preacher who is known for his parlor trick “healings” such as leg-lengthening and various other fake healings. White is the pastor of Lifestyle Christianity, a church in Watauga, Texas, and is well-known in Word of Faith and prosperity...
Southern Baptist Megachurch Does Live Cover of Foul-Mouthed Rapper, Kendrick Lamar’s N95
One Southern Baptist Church has been in the news quite a bit over the years as it is well-known for its carnal performances by their “worship band” performing covers of controversial rock, hip-hop, and pop songs. Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, made...
Prayer Is an Act of Submission to God’s Will, Not a Means to Change His Mind
Mostly prominent in charismatic circles, people will often claim that prayer moves God, and the more we pray—the more "prayer warriors" we invoke—the more we can move Him. But does prayer actually move God? In one sense, it does. First off, we have to understand that...
Desiring God Author Favorably Promotes Pro-Abortion Activist Who Defends Legalizing Abortion
From a Christian perspective, there should be no argument that abortion is murder, is always wrong, and the innocent should be afforded the God-given right to protection against it by the civil government. But it isn't just Pagans that are now defending abortion...
Basically, a White Person Becoming a Christian Automatically Makes One Guilty of Sin, According AND Campaign
Professional Evangeli-clown, David French, joined the director of the leftist "Christian" political organization known as the And Campaign, Justin Giboney, to argue in favor of slave reparations from Evangelical churches. Giboney, also a prominent The Gospel Coalition...
Leftist “Pastor” Sues DeSantis Over Abortion Ban Claiming it Infringes on “Religious Freedom”
The ancient pagan cult of Moloch, a Caananite god, would boil children alive in a bronze statue as a means of appeasing the god of child sacrifice. Today, that practice is deemed unacceptable and not protected by the "religious freedom" clause of the U.S....
Feminist “Pastor” Calls for “Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” Blames Mass Incarceration on “White Supremacy”
Nadia Bolz-Weber may be one of the most controversial people claiming the name of Christ who is still alive today. Next to the Pope of Rome, she is also among the most blasphemous. Bolz-Weber–who was awarded a golden trophy depicting female genitalia for...
Kirk Franklin Masquerades as a Man of God, But He is a Lost Cause Who Needs to Repent and Believe the Gospel
Kirk Franklin has become an icon in the Contemporary Christian Music Gospel genre and has gained even more notoriety after touring with and becoming heavily involved in the contemporary worship music collective, Maverick City Music. Franklin made headlines in 2019...
Evangelical Pastor Says He’s Affirming of LGBTQ+ Because of the Bible
If you take your children to this church, you are disobeying the commandments of God to "bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4). A growing congregation in the Austin, TX area is pastored by a man named Zach Lambert. I had not...
False Teacher of the Day #49: Becky Tirabassi
Becky Tirabassi markets herself as a "certified life coach" and is a circuit speaker on topics such as prayer, leadership, addiction, mentoring, and parenting. According to her bio, she speaks to men, women, and youth on a variety of topics traveling to speak in...
Steven Furtick’s Son Releases Music Video Praising Money and Fortune “My Life is Great”
If there has been a more blatant example of Matthew 19:24 being played out in modern times than the Furtick family, I've not seen it. Jesus's words were clear, "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of...
Dwight McKissic is Hopelessly Lost Apart From a Miraculous Work of the Holy Spirit
Of course, we're all hopelessly lost apart from a miraculous work of the Holy Spirit, but there are some who claim to know Christ who has demonstrated beyond all doubt that they have not been changed by the blood of Jesus. I ran across a thread by Dwight McKissic, a...
Gay CRU Leader, Revoice Speaker, Who Says Tim Keller Helped Him Shape His Views Brags About Dancing at Gay Bars
In 2019, Reformation Charlotte broke the story that a Campus Crusade (CRU) leader—who identifies as “LGBTQ”— was teaching students that the Scriptures do not teach that homosexuality is sinful. Quoting a lesbian TGC author, Rachel Gilson, Grant Hartley...
ERLC Socialist Who Compared Abortion to Climate Change Suddenly Dies of Heart Attack
In 2016, at the ERLC’s Evangelicals for Life Conference—which was headed up by the ERLC’s Russell Moore—one speaker, Ron Sider, an ecumenical social activist and author of Catholics and Evangelicals for the Common Good, gave an impassioned speech on what he thought it...
TGC Contributor Says We Should Have Allowed Hitler to Kill Millions of People Without Opposition
The Gospel Coalition, which has practically completely abandoned the gospel in favor of social justice activism, has been running a series of debates called Good Faith Debates. So far, these many of these debates have consisted of many social and political arguments...
False Teacher of the Day #48: Daniel Kolenda
Daniel Kolenda is a popular New Apostolic Reformation false teacher who calls himself a "missionary evangelist, pastor, author, and teacher, who has led tens of millions of people to Christ face-to-face through massive open-air evangelistic campaigns in some of the...
Andy Stanley Says Pagans Know When Christians Aren’t Following Jesus and “Appropriately Call Them Out”
Andy Stanly has made a number of dubious claims about the Christian faith and in particular, the Scriptures. Famously stating that Christianity needs to “unhitch” from the Old Testament, he told his audience that the Ten Commandments don’t apply to...
Southern Baptist Seminary President Who Supports Women Pastors Fires Conservative Distinguished Professor of Preaching
As we've reported at The Dissenter, Adam Greenway, the president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, has been on a crusade to undermine the Southern Baptist Convention's (SBC) long-held doctrinal position on women pastors. Greenway has been on social media...