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Basically, a White Person Becoming a Christian Automatically Makes One Guilty of Sin, According AND Campaign

by | Aug 3, 2022 | Apostasy, heresy, News, Racialism, Religion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Professional Evangeli-clown, David French, joined the director of the leftist “Christian” political organization known as the And Campaign, Justin Giboney, to argue in favor of slave reparations from Evangelical churches. Giboney, also a prominent The Gospel Coalition (TGC) contributor, has argued in the past that if one is not on board with the Marxist tenets of his organization, that person is a heretic.

French asks Giboney to explain why Evangelical non-denominational churches that don’t have a history dating back to the slave days in America but might only have a history dating back a few years, are still responsible for paying racial reparations.

Essentially, the crux of his argument is that no matter what, if you are white and you become a Christian, you automatically become guilty of a sin you didn’t commit.

I would say that you’re part of the culture and institutions that have benefited in general, right? Whenever we look at sin and we look at Christian ethics, you got to look at the spirit of it, because if we want to get out of something, if we want to be overly technical and be lawyers like you and I are, we can do that. I wouldn’t do that with God though.

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And I think if you really look at the spirit of, honestly, if you really look at the spirit of what that ethic is saying, have I in direct or indirect ways had a benefit? And even if I didn’t, has somebody been, has something been taken from somebody? What is my responsibility?

This is antithetical to the gospel. Seriously? If this were true, why would any white person want to become a Christian and join a church if doing so makes you guilty of sin? The gospel frees us from the guilt of sin, not condemns us.

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