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False “Faith Healer” Todd White’s Latest Leg-Lengthening Parlor Trick Exposed as a Fraud

by | Aug 4, 2022 | Apostasy, heresy, News, Religion, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Todd White is a charismatic preacher who is known for his parlor trick “healings” such as leg-lengthening and various other fake healings. White is the pastor of Lifestyle Christianity, a church in Watauga, Texas, and is well-known in Word of Faith and prosperity gospel circles. White was made famous by notorious false prophet and heretic, Patricia King, who helped him launch his career after his supposed conversion to Christianity from atheism and a life of drug addiction.

Todd White has made many foolish statements and blasphemies as a pastor and preacher over the course of his career and his association with some of the worst heretics in Christendom should already raise red flags. But when Todd preaches, he can actually sound very passionate and genuine.

This is what makes him the worst kind of false teacher.

White’s understanding of spiritual things is infantile at best. But in reality, the things he preaches are sometimes so outlandish that nobody should take them seriously. Last week, we reported that Todd White blasphemed Jesus by misrepresenting the doctrine of imputation and said that Jesus became the substance of such sins as “child pornography” on the cross. And last year, he preached a sermon where he claimed that Jesus wanted to climb into bed with you while you’re watching porn and be your climax. The utter foolishness of his statements places him outside of the realm of orthodox Christianity, for sure.

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Now, in his latest 2022 video of his most famous parlor trick, leg lengthening, Revealing Truth exposes how Todd White has no understanding of the gospel and instead just performs tricks to try to get people to come to his church. Todd White is nothing but a self-promoter who blasphemes God for the purpose of exalting his own name.

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