As we approach the 2024 elections, the battle lines are starkly drawn, particularly on the issue of abortion. Kamala Harris, in a recent MSNBC interview, laid out the Democrats' stance with unvarnished clarity. Under the guise of "trusting women," Harris and Biden are...
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Mormons, Catholics, and Seventh-Day Adventists File Court Brief Supporting NAMB’s Dirty Tactics Against Will McRaney
The North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention has found unlikely allies in its legal battle against Will McRaney. Catholics, Mormons, and Seventh Day Adventists have rallied to NAMB's side, a move that raises serious questions about the...
Podcast: A Response to Danny Akin’s Back-Pedaling on James Cone’s Eternal State
In this episode, Ed Dingess rants about how the issue of slavery is being used to deconstruct Christianity and redefine it in terms of black liberation theology and cultural marxism. In the process, I talk about the recent tweet from Danny Akin and then his immediate...
Woke Now Accusing SEBTS President, Danny Akin For Condemning James Cone Because He’s Black
Earlier this week, Reformation Charlotte reported that Danny Akin, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary tweeted that James Cone, the infamous racist out of Union Seminary who popularized Liberation Theology as it applies to blacks in America. After...
Daughter of Man Killed in Texas Church Shooting Forgives Gunman
CHRISTIAN TODAY -- The daughter of a man killed in a church shooting on Sunday as he served communion has said she forgives her father's killer. Tiffany Wallace told NBC News affiliate KXAS that her father, Anton "Tony" Wallace, was serving communion when a gunman...
SBC Seminary President Backtracks, Heretic James Cone Might Be in Heaven
Showing a hint of intestinal fortitude yesterday, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a Southern Baptist seminary, Danny Akin tweeted -- rightfully so -- that James Cone was a heretic and most likely in Hell. Though I would have personally left out...
Pastor Says He’s “Often Seduced” by Women Who Dress “Skimpily” at Church
Couple a denomination that's known for harboring sexually immoral people with the world's greatest hotbed of Word of Faith heresy and what do you get? "Pastors" who are seduced by women that are inadequately dressed. At times we’re tempted by skimpily dressed women,"...
Florida Politician Says He Was “Warned” at the Vatican For Holding Hands With His Gay Lover
Carlos Guillermo Smith is a Democratic (surprise!) member of the Florida House of Representatives who was elected in 2016. Smith became the first openly gay Latino to serve in the Florida state legislature. According to a recent Facebook post, Smith and his gay lover...
In the Wake of Failed Leadership, FBC Naples Members Urged Once Again to Vote Against Proposed Church Leaders
If you followed the saga surrounding First Baptist Church in Naples, FL over the last few months, you're aware that the church is dealing with the aftermath of a failed attempt to install a pro-social justice pastor after he failed to receive the required 85 percent...
Beth Moore Says She’s Going to Try to be “Less Annoying” in 2020
Beth Moore is arguably the most annoying person in the world, sure. But simply "being annoying" isn't really her problem. Beth Moore is arguably single-handedly at the root of some of the main reasons the Southern Baptist Convention is headed toward schism....
Charisma News’ Top 5 Dumbest Articles of 2019
Charisma News is one of the strangest "Christian" publications out there. While there are dozens -- hundreds -- of leftist, progressive publications in the blogosphere that call themselves "Christian," very few conservative-leaning Christian publications publish stuff...
Pastor Makes Panties With A Print Of His Face For His Female Congregants
According to Mathews, he was considerate of all the body sizes of the women before he made the panties and he assured his followers that their sizes were available.
Just Like New Age Gurus, Charismatic “Pastor” Claims That “Portals” Are Opened For Good and Evil
And this man who calls himself a pastor is deceiving the people who follow him and believe the trash of which he speaks. Simply because he mixes in a little bit of truth with his deceptive lies does not excuse him from his error.
Elevation Church Cancels Sunday Church Service In Favor of New Year’s Eve Party
Elevation Church is a mockery of God's true Church. It is not a church, it is an assembly of false converts which is led by a false teacher, Steven Furtick. It is the epitome of Matthew 15:14 -- the blind leading the blind. Elevation Church does not preach the gospel....
Christianity Today Editor Who Denounced Trump Referred to God as “Divine Drama Queen”
My late friend Vic often referred to Christianity Today as “Christianity Astray.” Indeed it is. The Drudge Report headline on December 20, 2019 was about the article written by Christianity Today editor-in-chief Mark Galli. The Christianity Today article has also been...
Catholic Church Complicit With Homosexuality as Vatican Reinstates an Openly Gay, Non-Celibate Priest
After a Dutch Catholic priest "came out" to his congregation in March, the Bishop of the Diocese of Haarlem-Amsterdam, Jos Punt, asked him to resign temporarily while disciplinary actions were sought. Netherland Times reported that Pierre Valkering "came out" during a...
Citing Tolerance of “Gay Christianity,” Prominent Church Pulls Out of the PCA Denomination
AQUILA REPORT -- 1. The toleration of Side B Gay Christianity, to include the hosting of the Revoice conference at a PCA church, the continued organizing and participation in Revoice conferences by members of the PCA, the presence of PCA pastors who have very...
Voddie Baucham Says God Doesn’t Need Celebrities Like Kanye West to Advance the Gospel
While Baucham didn’t mention West by name, it’s profoundly obvious that he and others like him are on his mind. It is actually much more refreshing that God has placed men like Baucham to speak truth into the culture and the Church than men like West who, since his claim to Christianity, has done nothing but compromise.
Soros-Funded Southern Baptist Leaders Now Calling For Donald Trump’s Impeachment, Conviction
Last week, the Evangelical blogosphere made waves after the far-left George Soros-funded Evangelical publication, Christianity Today ran a hit piece calling for President Donald Trump's impeachment over moral issues. In the wake of this dumbfoundingly stupid piece by...
Top Ten Reformation Charlotte Articles of 2019
After Reformation Charlotte's first full year of writing, we ended up in the 9K range on Alexa. That's a major feat for a small news blog that is manned by one person in his spare time. It would have been impossible without the supporters who've shared our posts on...
Declaring Himself the Anti-Christ, The Pope Says Atheists and People of Other Faiths are “All Children of God”
Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.1 John 2:22 While it is undeniable that the pope of Rome is as anti-Christ as they come, one would at least expect the leader of Roman Catholicism,...
Worldwide Megapastor, Phil Pringle’s False “2020 Vision” Prophecy of 2019 and Before Never Came to Pass, of Course
C3 Church is a large, multi-national multi-campus Pentecostal megachurch based in Sydney Australia. It is one of the biggest charismatic movements in the world which rivals Hillsong in its reach. Led by Phil Pringle, the network -- which is practically a denomination...