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Declaring Himself the Anti-Christ, The Pope Says Atheists and People of Other Faiths are “All Children of God”

by | Dec 22, 2019 | Apostasy, heresy, News, The Church, Theology, World

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Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.

1 John 2:22

While it is undeniable that the pope of Rome is as anti-Christ as they come, one would at least expect the leader of Roman Catholicism, the second-largest religion in the world — rivaling Islam — to hold fast to his religion. The Catholic Church historically and officially teaches that apart from it, there is no salvation. Of course, true Christians — those who believe the Word of God and have received the grace of God through Jesus Christ by faith alone — reject the idea that Roman Catholicism is even remotely Christian.

Yet, the pope has declared once again that all religions are the same stating that people of all faiths are all “children of God” and that Christians should not try to convert them. When asked by a student, “If an atheist came to you and asked you a fundamental reason to start believing what would you answer?” he responded with a backstory of how he made friends with people of other faiths in public school then said,

But we all played football together, we were all friends. This taught me so much, that we are all the same, all children of God and this purifies your gaze, it makes you human. In Argentina there is a small group of too closed Catholics who do not want Jews, do not want Muslims but this group, at least I have never liked it, is a group that is on the corner, they have a cultural magazine but they do not have incidence in society and when I taught I looked at them as they were, this is the secret. You must be consistent with your faith. It didn’t occur to me and it doesn’t have to be like saying to a boy or a girl: “You are Jewish, you are Muslim: come, be converted!”. You be consistent with your faith and that consistency is what will make you mature. 

Of course, this is false. Not that the pope would have anything true to say about Christianity. He has already denied that Jesus is the Christ. By asserting that people of other religions — and atheists, for that matter — are “all children of God,” he has denied what Jesus himself said,

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 14:6

The pope is friendly with just about anyone except for Bible-believing Christians and conservative Americans. The pope travels the world to unite with the worst enemies of God, including Muslims while affirming their unity in the “same God.” 

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He has openly advocated for homosexuals, saying “homosexual tendencies” are not sinful and even conducted a mass for gay Catholics. He’s joined up with the Mormon Church to dedicate a new Mormon temple in Rome and also says that those who oppose the Catholic Church are “friends of the devil.” 

While the Roman Catholic Church and the papacy itself is an ungodly institution, there is no doubt that this pope is like no other we’ve ever seen.

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