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Woke Preachers Pushing Vaccines From the Pulpit

Woke Preachers Pushing Vaccines From the Pulpit

The vaccine cult has formed a new subsect within the professing Church that is neither Christian nor scientific. The cult--which consists primarily of the same people who push Critical Race Theory and all of its tenets--has taken over pulpits to worship vaccines and...

False Teacher of the Day #44: Lisa Harper

False Teacher of the Day #44: Lisa Harper

False teachers are everywhere and range from mild and subtle to outright, rank heretics who obviously feed off of itching ears and are a judgment against those people. We cover them all--no false teacher is immune to our exposure at Reformation Charlotte. This is why...

False Teacher of the Day #43: Jackie Hill Perry

False Teacher of the Day #43: Jackie Hill Perry

The new Evangelical Sexual Revolution is a term that was coined by Reformation Charlotte to expose the movement within the Evangelical Church to shift its stance on human sexuality away from biblical fidelity toward a center-left view that embraces aberrant sexuality...

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