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False Teacher of the Day #44: Lisa Harper

by | Nov 17, 2021 | Apostasy, False Teacher of the Day, heresy, Opinion | 0 comments

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False teachers are everywhere and range from mild and subtle to outright, rank heretics who obviously feed off of itching ears and are a judgment against those people. We cover them all–no false teacher is immune to our exposure at Reformation Charlotte. This is why we continue our False Teacher of the Day Series; because Scripture tells us to:

Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. –Ephesians 5:11

False teachers aren’t just those who, like most people with a modicum of biblical sanity can spot right away, are bilking the blind for cold hard cash. Those obvious false teachers, like Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis, we’ve covered numerous times in the hopes that those people would come out. But false teachers also subtly creep into the Church (Jude 1:4), possibly even deceiving the elect (Matthew 24:24), and pose an even greater danger because they fit better within the walls of mainstream Evangelicalism.

One of those false teachers is Lisa Harper.

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Lisa Harper is a preacher at Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church–an apostate Southern Baptist church in Charlotte, NC. While she does not appear to be officially named as a “pastor” at Elevation Church, she certainly functions in this role as she regularly fills the pulpit and preaches to mixed audiences. Below is one example of this:

She has also filled the pulpit at other churches, including Cross Point Church, even during Sunday morning worship services. There is no doubt that Lisa Harper has committed an act of rebellion against God by usurping the role of men to function as pastors and teachers.

But it isn’t just that Harper preaches–and preaches to men. Harper also twists the Scriptures and teaches falsely. Harper, a prominent author at the Southern Baptist Convention’s publishing arm, Lifeway, twists the Scriptures and pushes the Enneagram. In the video below, you can see her doing both–she pushes the Enneagram and she twists the meaning of Matthew 18.

Matthew 18:15-20 is the Church’s instructions on how to discipline unrepentant sinners and remove them from the ranks of the Church if they fail to heed the warnings of Scripture to repent and submit to the elders of the Church. The historic, orthodox understanding of this passage has always been about church discipline. Yet, Harper twists this to teach something completely foreign to the text.

Harper goes on to teach that since this text says to treat unrepentant sinners like “a gentile or a tax collector,” that this passage is actually about love and acceptance.

“It’s right there in front of us and I’ve missed it my whole life,” she says. “I’m 56 years old. I have a Master’s in Theology and I’m two years away from having a doctorate in Redemptive Hermeneutics. I have studied my behind off because I’m single and it’s the only way I can get any kind of endorphins.” She goes on to say that because Jesus always accepts tax collectors and gentiles, that this is what this passage is about.

False! Completely and totally false! Jesus never, not once, ever treated an unrepentant sinner as a member of His body. In fact, he clearly stated the exact opposite. In fact, he meant it so much so that he said it twice in Luke 13, repent or perish:

And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” –Luke 13:2-5

Harper has also given her endorsement to several other notable false teachers that we’ve covered here, including the NAR “apostle” faith healer, Todd White, the prosperity gospel priestess out of Hillsong, Christine Caine, the queen of lady-preachers, Beth Moore, and various others including Joyce Meyer, Priscilla Shirer, and, of course, her own pastor, Steven Furtick.

Lisa Harper is also deep into the new age personality movement known as the Enneagram, as you can see from the picture above as well as the previous video of her preaching to men at Elevation twisting Matthew 18. Harper is not fit to be a Bible teacher, but she has been given credibility by mainstream Evangelicals through her involvement with Southern Baptist’s Lifeway and various other Southern Baptist and Evangelical pastors, churches, and organizations.

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