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Pastor of Second Largest Southern Baptist Church in VA Endorses Party of Child Rape, Abortion

by | Nov 2, 2021 | Abortion, heresy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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If you’ve been following the news at all, you’re probably aware that today is the election day for one of the most high-profile elections of the year in the country. The election is for the governor of Virginia–a thoroughly blue state–which actually has the conservative candidate slightly ahead in a possible upset victory for the Republican party.

The battle centers around parental rights, which hard-core leftists have deemed to be code for “white supremacy”–because of course, it is. Yet, even the moderate left appears to be shifting toward the Republican candidate after the Democrat candidate, Terry McAuliffe, vowed to strip even more rights from parents amid a left-wing child-rape cover-up in the Loudoun County, VA public school district.

Last month, a scandal broke out in the state–and nationally–after it was revealed that a father who was arrested at a Loudoun County school board meeting was trying to make his voice heard after his daughter was raped in the bathroom by a boy wearing a dress. The school board was attempting to enact a policy that would allow “transgender” children to use the restroom of their choice. The father was deemed out of order and silenced which ultimately led to Attorney General Merrick Garland employing the FBI to go after parents at a school board meetings.

Parents, like the father of the girl who was raped, were deemed “terrorists” by the Biden administration, and the Democrat candidate for governor in Virginia is in total support of this anti-parents’ rights movement.

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On the other hand, the Republican candidate–who as of this writing was showing a comfortable lead despite the state’s strong blue leaning–vowed to restore and protect parents’ rights.

Being that the right of parents to raise their children is a biblical value, one could only wonder why the pastor of the second largest Southern Baptist church in the state would endorse the child-rape party. Yet, that’s what Lance Watson, pastor of The Saint Paul’s Baptist Church in Richmond, Va has done.

Watson published a picture of his ballot on his social media page where he filled in the circle for McAuliffe and encouraged others to do the same.

As I argued in a previous article, the Democrat party now poses an existential threat to conservatives and Christians and it is time to take off the facade of “being civil” and oppose these enemies of humanity with everything we have. The Democrat party isn’t just the party of child rape, it is also the party of child murder, sexual deviancy, theft, Communism, and anti-religious freedom. Practically everything God hates, the Democrat party is for. People who continue to support these enemies cannot be considered Christians or brothers and sisters in Christ under any circumstances.

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