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False Teacher of the Day #56: Mike Todd, Transformation Church

False Teacher of the Day #56: Mike Todd, Transformation Church

It's been a while since I published an article in our ongoing False Teacher of the Day series. But here is one who has become increasingly popular in recent years, and though the spiritually discerning already know this, it is obligatory to point him out. All...

Has the New Apostolic Reformation ‘Hijacked’ the White House?

Has the New Apostolic Reformation ‘Hijacked’ the White House?

When Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, Church Watch Central predicted that the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Apostles and Prophets would try to gain access to this ‘Christian’ President. Lance Wallnau and other ‘prophets and apostles’ have since labelled Trump as ‘Gods Chaos candidate’, proving the obvious nature and motivation of the NAR. What no one could have predicted was President Trump’s recent appointment of the self-proclaimed NARpostle (and notorious scam artist) Paula White to be his aide and ‘spiritual advisor’!

Popular NAR Cultist, Reinhard Bonnke Dies at 79 Years Old

Popular NAR Cultist, Reinhard Bonnke Dies at 79 Years Old

A popular traveling evangelist and New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) cultist has died at 79 years old. Reinhard Bonnke was in close circles with false teaches such as Mike Bickle of IHOPKC and others who preached a false gospel of health, wealth, and prosperity. As...

How to Spot False Prophets and Overcome Their Lies

How to Spot False Prophets and Overcome Their Lies

False prophets in almost every area of life gather followers who esteem them. It seems that the wilder these provocateurs’ proclamations, often based upon nothing more than imagination, the more they enhance their popularity. Their presence has increased to significant numbers today.

Church Holds Gay Communion For Gays Denied Communion at Other Churches

Church Holds Gay Communion For Gays Denied Communion at Other Churches

Communion is for Christians and Christians are those who are saved by the grace of God and responded in repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. What does repentance look like? It's the natural response to regeneration -- the new heart that Christ gives to those he has...

Suicide is Apostasy

Suicide is Apostasy

If you've been following Christian news at all lately, you've seen a string of suicides by well-known pastors leaving many shocked and bereaved. The most recent incident was the suicide of a Southern Baptist pastor Jarrid Wilson who worked under megachurch pastor,...

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