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Would Massive Benefits to Mankind Justify One Brutal Act?

Would Massive Benefits to Mankind Justify One Brutal Act?

It is tempting to do one act of cruelty that would give sight to every blind person, permit the crippled to walk, and eliminate all deadly diseases in the world. However, my refusal would not be a lack of concern for others but because of personal honor, responsibility, and accountability.

At Least Two Women Have Died From “Do-It-Yourself” Abortion Service

At Least Two Women Have Died From “Do-It-Yourself” Abortion Service

Two women have died after taking ‘DIY’ home abortion pills according to a leaked “urgent email” sent by a senior chief midwife at NHS England and NHS Improvement on the “escalating risks” of the ‘pills in the post’ service that is being run by UK abortion...

Recent Coronavirus Outbreak in South Korea Linked to Gay Night Clubs

Recent Coronavirus Outbreak in South Korea Linked to Gay Night Clubs

With a propensity toward obsessive physical contact, a blatant disregard for personal space, and multiple unprotected sex partners, it's no wonder that the gay night club scene is a ripe environment for the spread of any disease, including the novel coronavirus. While...

Premature Baby Born at 22 Weeks Now Healthy and Safely at Home

Premature Baby Born at 22 Weeks Now Healthy and Safely at Home

A hospital’s youngest premature baby who was born more than four months early has been allowed to go home. Lilly Rae was born on 9 December at just 22 weeks and two days gestation at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. But despite weighing in at just over 1lb...

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