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Was J.I. Packer a Heretic? On His Sharp Turn in His Last Years

Was J.I. Packer a Heretic? On His Sharp Turn in His Last Years

Admittedly, I was never much of a J.I. Packer follower and haven't read much of his materials over the years. Many people in my circles, however, have and are avid defenders of him. In case you haven't heard, the famed author and theologian passed away Friday, July...

Atlanta Church Withdraws from SBC Because Al Mohler Supports Trump

Atlanta Church Withdraws from SBC Because Al Mohler Supports Trump

Earlier this year, Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and the most influential leader in the Southern Baptist Convention, announced that despite his previous grudge against the current president, he'd be supporting Donald Trump in the...

Is Black Lives Matter a Godly Movement or a Demonic Organization?

Is Black Lives Matter a Godly Movement or a Demonic Organization?

In the wake of the killing of several black men in recent weeks, a strong and vocal movement has been spearheaded by an organization called Black Lives Matter. While on the surface, it appears that such a movement could be noble, when we take a look at the actual...

George Floyd, J.D. Greear: The Vacuum of Leadership in Evangelicalism

George Floyd, J.D. Greear: The Vacuum of Leadership in Evangelicalism

In this episode, I rant about the inept state of evangelical leaders. Pastors who refuse to speak up about this issue and bring Scripture to bear on the current milieu reveal more about their true character than they realize. You should listen to what is being said...

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