On May 8, Ravi Zacharias family announced that a tumor on the apologist’s sacrum had metastasized and while the original tumor itself had shrunk, the metastatic cancer was not responding to treatment. His outlook was grim.
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Results for "sam allberry"
Anglican Church Launches LGBTI Chaplaincy Service to Make Church a “Safe Space for All”
The Anglican Church -- the apostate denomination of which The Gospel Coalition's Sam Allberry belongs -- has launched...
Gay Anglican Priest in South Africa Gets Married to Another Anglican Priest From Kenya
*Editor's note: this article previously used the wrong pictures of the people named in the article. We apologize for...
Historic Christ Church Cathedral at Oxford to Hold Six-Month LGBTQ-Friendly Sermon Series
Christ Church Cathedral is the historic Anglican cathedral in Oxford and has announced it will be holding a six-month...
New Documentary Ties Al Mohler’s Complicity to the “Gay Revolution” in the Evangelical Church
by Cathy Mickels SEATTLE, Feb. 4, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ -- Dr. ES Williams, a member of Charles Spurgeon's...
Lesbian Feminist Receives The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 Book Award for Evangelism and Apologetics
If you think it's an exaggeration to say that The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has embraced a new religion of homosexual...
Village Church Pastor Says if Paul Were Here Today, He’d Write a Letter Endorsing Beth Moore
It has to be exhausting -- not to mention a monumental undertaking -- to continually elevate, apologize for, and...
Hymn Society Releases “Queer Hymnal” For LGBTQP+ Anglicans
When you live in a world that celebrates homosexuality like the second coming of Christ, it should come as no surprise...
Charisma Magazine Says Paul’s Words in the New Testament About Women Preaching are Evil
In the aftermath of John MacArthur's righteous rebuke of Beth Moore and her continual rebellion against God, the...
Charisma News Blasts John MacArthur, Says He Should “Apologize to Women Preachers”
Charisma News is the primary news hub of charismatic chaos and the mainstreaming of outlandish false prophets and...
Gay Anglican Priest Slams John MacArthur, Defends Beth Moore
Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”1 Corinthians 15:33 Beth Moore has certainly surrounded herself...
ERLC Teaching Men Don’t Have to Get Married, They Can Be “Intimate” With Each Other
The ERLC has been promoting a progressive leftist agenda ever since Russell Moore took over the organization. The...
How The Gospel Coalition is Behind Campus Crusade’s Normalizing of Homosexuality
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is Evangelicalism's primary outlet for progressive thought, ideas, and calls to action with...
Gay Anglican Priests Get “Married,” Push For Church Approval
The Anglican Church is already an apostate denomination that, for the most part, has departed from the gospel and Word...
Russell Moore Speaking at Event in Conjunction With Adoption Agency That Hands Children Over to Homosexuals
We've been warning you for months that the gay Evangelical push for inclusion was leading down a dark path that no...
The Gospel Coalition Author Says Jesus Struggled With Sexuality, Gender, and Identity
One can only wonder how much longer Jesus will wait before unleashing full wrath and judgment on those who continue to...
Beth Moore Thinks Opposition to Her is About Re-Electing Donald Trump
Beth Moore, the Southern Baptist feminist egalitarian social justice advocate and preacher, thinks that opposition to...
Evangelicals Primary Race Baiter Now Defending Homosexuality
When we speak of same-sex attraction, we're speaking of homosexual desires -- what the Bible speaks of as "vile...
The Gospel Coalition’s Gay Priest Denies God’s Coming Wrath to Destroy the World
Sam Allberry is the gay Anglican priest who writes for The Gospel Coalition and appears regularly with Southern...
Presbyterian Church in America Central Carolina Presbytery Denounces Revoice Conference
The Revoice Conference is a coalition of gay "Christians" who collude annually to prop up their status as outspoken...
Despite What Leftist Critics Say, Homeschooling is the Best Option for Children
I don’t know who this person is, but his anti-homeschooling tweets keep making their way into my feed. So, I think I’m going to deal with them here. I doubt he’ll see my response, or care, for that matter. But for those who do care, here goes.Here’s his claim:...
Lesbian Firefighter Victim Blames Men Who She Isn’t Strong Enough to Rescue
In a time of crisis, when Los Angeles is being ravaged by relentless wildfires, the people of this region need to hear one thing from their fire department: reassurance. Reassurance that the people sworn to protect them—not to mention, paid by them—are the most...
Preston Sprinkle Claims 90 Percent of Illegal Immigrants are Committed Christians
Preston Sprinkle, a name that has become synonymous with theological compromise and unbiblical sexual ethics, has built his career catering to and supporting a baptized version of queer theory that is infiltrating evangelicalism. As the founder of the Center for...
Moody Pastor Says Mary “Gave Her Consent” to Conceive Jesus
Philip Miller, the current pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, succeeded the long-tenured Erwin Lutzer, is bringing his own pastoral approach to the historic pulpit by weaving contemporary social themes into his preaching. Before Christmas, Miller preached a sermon out...
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