There has been a lot of criticism against Christian Nationalism coming from the left. And quite frankly, if what's...
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Results for "bethel"
Bethel Pastor Says God Made Adam Both Male and Female and Broke Adam in Half to Create Eve
Bethel Church should just rename itself to Blasphemy Central as absolutely nothing that comes from the pulpit in that...
Bethel Pastor Says That Adam is “Procreating With God” When Naming the Animals
At some point, the true Bride of Christ has to expel the evil person from among them. But sadly, many churches today...
Bethel Pastor Says Jesus Frequently Ripped Verses Out of Context and Made Them Say What They Didn’t Mean
Bethel School of Prophets is run by Bethel Church in Redding California under the leadership of its two named...
YouTube Apologist, Mike Winger, Says He Would Absolutely Fellowship With False Churches Like Bethel
Mike Winger, a pastor and a popular Christian apologist has been the subject of controversy in recent days...
You Will Not Believe This Bizarre Explanation by Bethel on Psychics and Why it is Similar to What They Practice
Bethel School of Prophets is run by Bethel Church in Redding California under the leadership of its two named...
Bethel’s Foremost “Healing” Guru Says He’s Suffering From an Ailment He Wouldn’t Wish on Anyone
Please understand that this is not intended to make light of the current and past situations affecting individual...
The Central Theological Message from Bethel Church is “Make Love to Jesus”
Several years ago, Ann Voskamp released a book for women essentially explaining to them how they could seek out an...
Doug Wilson Blasts Bethel Music Leader for Painting Fingernails Like a Queer
Last week, we reported on Bethel's Cory Asbury who took to social media to explain why he thinks it's okay for him to...
Mike Winger and Ruslan Trash John MacArthur While Defending Bethel’s False Gospel
Mike Winger, a pastor and a popular Christian apologist has been the subject of controversy in recent days after...
Bethel’s Cory Asbury Held Drunken Worship Service at Post-Game Faith and Family Night “Bands and Brews”
The Bible does not forbid the consumption of alcohol, so I will not attempt to make the case that it does. However, it...
Bethel’s Cory Asbury Explains Why He Think’s It’s Okay to Paint His Fingernails Like a Girl
I’ve written a number of articles on Bethel Church and its various associated artists under the Bethel Collective...
False Prophet, Lou Engle, Posessed by Kundalini Spirit Tells of Absurd Vision About Deceased Bethel Pastor’s Wife
Last year, false prophet Lou Engle made headlines after "prophesying" about revival coming out of the black lives...
After Wife Dies of Cancer, Bethel Pastor Removes Article Questioning Salvation of People Who Aren’t Healed
In case you weren't aware, Beni Johnson, the wife of Bethel Redding's lead pastor, Bill Johnson, passed away last week...
Bethel Pastor’s Wife, Beni Johnson, Dies of Cancer
I want to preface this article with the disclaimer that this is in no way intended to be spiteful or distasteful nor...
Bethel Church Selling a “Declaration Clicker” to Tabulate Your “Declarations” and “Increase Your Faith”
If you’re familiar with the cult of Bethel Redding, you’re aware that they're known for their gimmicks such as...
Bethel Pastor Shares Ridiculous Testimony of Waitress Being “Activated” For Guessing What Customers Wanted
Bethel Church in Redding, California, is pastored and co-pastored by Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton, respectively,...
Bethel Pastor Leads Congregation in Song About God Worshiping Them
Yep, you read that right. Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry Pastor Dave Ward leads the congregation at Bethel...
Champion: Another Blasphemous, Self-Idolatrous Song by Bethel Music
The Dissenter (formerly Reformation Charlotte) has covered quite a few of Bethel's songs over the years, pointing you...
Bethel Music is a Stumbling Block to Biblical Worship in Spirit and in Truth
If you've followed us at The Dissenter (formerly Reformation Charlotte) at all, you know we've covered the...

Statement Signed by 100 Communist Clergy Demand J6 Prisoners Rot While Illegal Aliens Stay
A group of progressive clergy and rainbow-splattered religious activists have hijacked the already unbiblical celebration of “Lent” to push a blatantly leftist political agenda, a thinly veiled leftist activist manifesto framed as a "return to Jesus." The document,...

Woke-vangelical Establishment Silent as Thousands of Christians Slaughtered by Islamic Militants
I’ve been watching a story unfold that should be front-page news worldwide but has instead been met with a deafening silence. In Syria's coastal region, over 1,000 people, including hundreds of Christians, were brutally massacred in just 48 hours by Al Qaeda-linked...

ERLC Fellow Publishes Apologetic for Drag Queen Story Hour in New Book Against Christian Nationalism
The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), the Southern Baptist Convention’s long-decayed organ of political engagement, has spent the last decade or more morphing itself into a fetid hotbed of the woke mind virus defending progressive ideology. This...

Reasons Why You Should Not Observe Lent
Every year, like clockwork, Ash Wednesday rolls around and kicks off the Roman Catholic tradition of Lent—a six-week-long spectacle of public piety where everyone puts on their best "mourning over sin" performance. And, of course, it’s not just the Catholics anymore....
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