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Mike Winger and Ruslan Trash John MacArthur While Defending Bethel’s False Gospel

by | Sep 13, 2022 | Apostasy, Cult, News, Religion, Video | 0 comments

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Mike Winger, a pastor and a popular Christian apologist has been the subject of controversy in recent days after seemingly defending Revoice, the “gay Christianity” movement, and stating that he is open to female pastors and teachers.

As of late, however, WInger, who is the “featured teacher of BibleThinker online ministry,” which he describes as “a ministry dedicated to equipping people to think and live biblically,” seems to have a problem trashing true Christianity while defending the clearly, unashamedly false gospels of false Christian movements—like Bethel.

In the video below, Winger and his co-host, Ruslan, trash John MacArthur while they defend Bethel Church and insist that Bethel does not have a false gospel.

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