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False Prophet, Lou Engle, Posessed by Kundalini Spirit Tells of Absurd Vision About Deceased Bethel Pastor’s Wife

by | Jul 28, 2022 | Apostasy, heresy, News, Religion, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Last year, false prophet Lou Engle made headlines after “prophesying” about revival coming out of the black lives matter movement. He said that he interpreted a prophetic dream that one of his friends, Will Ford, had where they pulled up to a hotel and Martin Luther King walked out carrying a white bag with black handles. When he walked out of the building, Engle says that King shook the bag upside down violently and dumped out all of the contents.

Engle said he interpreted the dream to be “how black people handle white baggage.”

If that sounds stupid, it’s because it is. But wait, it gets even more bizarre. Engle then goes on to say that it means that if black people could “empty the bag and forgive us, they could lead us this nation into the greatest revival this nation has ever seen.”

But that was last year. This year, his dreams and visions have become even more bizarre as he stands in front of a crowd rocking back and forth—a phenomenon closely associated with those possessed by the Kundalini Spirit of Eastern mysticism—as he told about a vision he supposedly had about unifying all of professing Christianity under the “great communion” legacy of Beni Johnson while doing away with things like pulpits, missions, and evangelism.

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In the wake of Bethel pastor, Bill Johnson’s wife Beni’s passing, Engle thought it would be profitable to use her death as a means to promote himself. In this supposed vision, he says he asked Bill Johnson where he could catch fish on the Sacramento River. Johnson then told him he could catch them where the river turns red.

Then, after visiting Beni before she passed, this got translated into being a “river of the sacrament”—meaning, a river of the communion of the blood—and because Beni had been taking communion every day for the past year, this is supposed to be the “legacy” of Beni Johnson that Lou Engle is supposedly taking over.

One social media user commented: “This man’s WILD VAIN, SELF-SERVING IMAGINATIONS are always so ridiculous and empty. And his entire existence is ALWAYS CHASING to MAKE THEM come to fruition. God is NEVER in them…or him.” I couldn’t agree more.

Here is a rough translation of the video, I apologize as some of it was inaudible. But, you will get the gist. Video at the bottom of the article.

I had a dream, and in the dream, I was asking Bill Johnson, “where can you catch fish on the Sacramento River?”

He said, “you can catch fish where the river turns red.”

I ran down where the Sacramento River turned red. Fisherman where all along the banks. Catching fish.

For the last 20 years, I’ve had dreams about…a great coming communion of love and light. I’ve only heard the blood in these songs.

I had a dream…and I was trying to tell Bill Johnson the dream…it was like a sprit of prophecy came over me.

Suddenly I began weeping saying it’s the great communion revival. For two days I couldn’t get up…until I called Bill Johnson and said “can I come to Redding and take communion with you and Beni Johnson?”

You heard about Beni…she passed away.

I didn’t come here primarily to pray for healing, I came to pray for unity.

And if you pass, I want you to lay your hands upon me that I would carry your legacy. She’s been doing communion every day for a year. It’s the river of the sacrament. It’s the river of the sacrament. It’s the revival of the blood where the center will not be a pulpit. It will not be a missions move or evangelism…and the blood will break the accuser of the brethren.

And she laid her hands upon me, I said if you’ll allow me Lord, I will take Beni Johnson’s legacy, and I will carry the communion revival that she’s been leading for years. And why are we here on the very day she died unless there’s an anointing?

Halleluia! Halleluia!

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