Self-styled theologians, always cloaked in a facade of benevolence, are purveying a gospel that is a rude departure from the sound, uncompromising truths of Scripture. They twist the words of the Bible to advance a secular agenda, often under the guise of social...
Social Justice
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Jared Moore Throws Hat in the Ring for SBC Presidency
Every year, the Southern Baptist Convention holds an annual meeting where denominational business is conducted, resolutions are voted on, and the new convention leaders are chosen to lead for the next years. And every year, it seems, that dirty tricks are pulled to...
WWUTT Video Sparks Outrage From Anti-Christ Mother-Daughter Duo, Beth and Melissa Moore
If you haven't seen the video yet, you should. WWUTT, a discernment video ministry of pastor Gabe Hughes released a video outlining the problems of Melissa Moore, the daughter of the ex-Southern Baptist lady-preacher, Beth Moore. Here is the video....
Voting for Child Killers is Not a Matter of Conscience, It’s Sin That Must Be Repented of
Since the Supreme Court's decision to strike down Roe earlier this year, Evangelical leftists have come out of the woodwork exposing themselves showing just how aligned they are with the godless policies of the left. Prior to the decision, Evangelicals would justify...
Texas School District Ordered to Remove Bible From Library Shelves Amid “Content Review”
Keller Independent School District (ISD), just North of Ft. Worth, TX, has instructed the schools in its district to remove 40 "controversial" books from its library shelves amid a "content review," according to a spreadsheet published by the district. Keller ISD...
ERLC Joins Soros-funded Organization to Call on Congress to Allow Islamic Nationalists Permanent Residency Status
The Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT) is a front group for the National Immigration Forum (NIF). The EIT is not an entity that even legally exists in the corporate structure. It is nothing more than a group of Evangelical leaders who, at the behest of the NIF, carry...
SBC Mega-pastor Warns His Congregation About Wokeism, Critical Race Theory, and Marxism Invading the Church and Culture
I want to preface this article with the disclaimer that I am not really a fan of Ed Young Jr. and this should not be construed as a blanket endorsement of him or his theology. Young is a mostly pragmatic preacher who once invited a Mormon, Glenn Beck to preach to his...
Michigan Pastor, Tom Arthur, Says His Church Has “Repented” of Using the Word “Picnic” Because It’s Racist
Latasha Morrison has her tentacles everywhere—and I do mean everywhere. Latasha Morrison is one of the many professional victims embraced by the woke church sect of professing Christendom. Be the Bridge is the brainchild of Latasha Morrison. Latasha Morrison is a...
Tim Keller Says the Gospel Alone Isn’t Enough to Convince People to Turn to Christ, Social Justice Must Accompany
Tim Keller has proven himself to be a master manipulator of the Scriptures—so much so that some of the best and most well-intentioned pastors of our day have bought into some of the falsehoods he teaches. Keller is a perfect example of those Jude spoke of creeping...
SC Megachurch Pastor and SBC ERLC Speaker Invites Beth Moore to Preach Sunday Sermon
Derwin Gray, the pastor of Transformation Church in South Carolina and a speaker at woke Southern Baptist ERLC conferences. Gray also joined JD Greear and other pastors to complain about white people saying that he once had a white pastor reject his call to become a...
The Gospel Coalition Calls on Christians to Affirm Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage
Yesterday, I ran across a post by a Twitter user who alleged that The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is now endorsing same-sex marriage. My first reaction was "there's no way." I mean, I've been following TGC for years, I've seen all of the unbiblical worldly stuff they...
“Lutheran” Denom. Will Combine Worship With Native American Mystics, Offer Prayer to Native American Gods in Week-long Event
Where do rebellious religious anarchists go when their conservative churches discipline them out of the congregation for unrepentant sexual immorality? The Evangelical Lutheran Church. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) is an apostate denomination that...
Basically, a White Person Becoming a Christian Automatically Makes One Guilty of Sin, According AND Campaign
Professional Evangeli-clown, David French, joined the director of the leftist "Christian" political organization known as the And Campaign, Justin Giboney, to argue in favor of slave reparations from Evangelical churches. Giboney, also a prominent The Gospel Coalition...
Chicago Seminary Associated With Russell Moore Partners With Garrett Seminary to Offer Master of Divinity in LGBTQ Studies
Chicago Theological Seminary is a seminary that is academically affiliated with the University of Chicago though it is theologically affiliated with the United Church of Christ, an apostate denomination that has abandoned the gospel in favor of social justice...
Feminist “Pastor” Calls for “Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” Blames Mass Incarceration on “White Supremacy”
Nadia Bolz-Weber may be one of the most controversial people claiming the name of Christ who is still alive today. Next to the Pope of Rome, she is also among the most blasphemous. Bolz-Weber–who was awarded a golden trophy depicting female genitalia for...
How to Cause Racial Division in the Church: Details and Examples
There has been much written on racial reconciliation within the Evangelical Church, particularly when it comes to issues of hostility between the left and the right. The amount of work that has been done to try to bring people of color and white people into unity...
Kirk Franklin Masquerades as a Man of God, But He is a Lost Cause Who Needs to Repent and Believe the Gospel
Kirk Franklin has become an icon in the Contemporary Christian Music Gospel genre and has gained even more notoriety after touring with and becoming heavily involved in the contemporary worship music collective, Maverick City Music. Franklin made headlines in 2019...
Southern Baptist Seminary President Who Supports Women Pastors Fires Conservative Distinguished Professor of Preaching
As we've reported at The Dissenter, Adam Greenway, the president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, has been on a crusade to undermine the Southern Baptist Convention's (SBC) long-held doctrinal position on women pastors. Greenway has been on social media...
Southern Baptist Seminary Head, Adam Greenway, Continues to Argue for Women Pastors
One of the highlights of the 2022 Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting was when Rick Warren's Saddleback Church, one of the largest Southern Baptist congregations in history, was brought to the floor for a debate on disfellowshipping. Rick Warren made headlines...
SBC Pastor Says The More Ethnically Diverse a Church Becomes, the More Holy and Pure it Becomes
What a mockery of the Bride of Christ and what a shameful thing to say. There is not a single verse in Scripture that could substantiate this fact. The notion that the Holiness or Purity of the bride of Christ depends on its ethnic, socio-economic, or generational...
The Moral Devolution of a Nation: Watch Youths Brawl With Cops in NYC Subway as Nobody Steps in to Help
Because this nation has turned its back on Christ, God has clearly removed his hand of restraint and this nation continues to devolve into moral decay. Of course, God is not in covenant with America, He is in covenant with His people, the Church. But the general...
Pastor Preaches Sermon Complaining That White People Are Coming After Same-Sex Marriage and Affirmative Action Next
Fear-mongering black pastor, A. Byron Coleman III is the Senior Pastor of the Fifth Street Missionary Baptist Church in Oklahoma City. Coleman made headlines in April after preaching a sermon stating that "Negroes" that can't celebrate Ketanji Brown Jackson in Church...