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Black Female Preacher Says Black Jesus Would Be Pro-Homosexual

Black Female Preacher Says Black Jesus Would Be Pro-Homosexual

Austin Channing Brown, a woke author, speaker, and preacher, says that when it comes to issues of heterosexism, the Black Church isn't very good and that her "Black Jesus" would be against the traditional, conservative views. Speaking with Channing Brown, Kelly Brown...

God Hates America, a Modern-Day Sodom and Gomorrah

God Hates America, a Modern-Day Sodom and Gomorrah

Today, I was startled by an article that caught my attention over at The Federalist titled Illinois Bill Would Force Health Insurers To Buy Babies For Gay And Single People. To be honest, none of this stuff should surprise anyone anymore. America has completely...

Pastor Arrested for Saying That Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman

Pastor Arrested for Saying That Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman

John Sherwood, a 35-year veteran conservative pastor who was preaching the gospel at Uxbridge Station in west London, was arrested after making "homophobic" comments in public. "Homophobia"--which the UK defines as offensive comments toward LGBTQ people--is illegal in...

Methodist Church Seeks to Ordain Drag Queen Into Pastoral Ministry

Methodist Church Seeks to Ordain Drag Queen Into Pastoral Ministry

By now, anyone who believes the United Methodist denomination is not of Satan is foolish, at best, and quite possibly anti-Christ. The United Methodist Church (UMC) has repeatedly and continually dropped the ball, accepting sexual perversion, ordaining homosexuals and...

Pope Hangs Picture of Naked Jesus Caressing Judas in His Office

Pope Hangs Picture of Naked Jesus Caressing Judas in His Office

Pope Francis is by far the most secular, ungodly pope to take the high office of the Roman Catholic Church in modern history. While the Roman Catholic Church is most certainly apostate, and by no means should be considered a valid expression of Christianity, in recent...

Lutheran Church to Host “Queer Camp” This Summer for LGBTQ Teens

Lutheran Church to Host “Queer Camp” This Summer for LGBTQ Teens

If you want to turn your children away from God and indoctrinate them into a godless lifestyle and existence apart from the grace of Jesus Christ, what better way to do it than send them to church camp? No, seriously. It seems as though the vast majority of churches...

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