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Southern Baptist Leader to Join Globalist Elitist, George W. Bush, to Push Open Borders Agenda

by | Apr 23, 2021 | Immigration, News, Politics, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

Russell Moore, a deep-state globalist disguised as a Christian leader, is the head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s most influential entity and public policy arm, the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC). Moore, since his installation to his religious post in 2014 by global Marxist elites and approved by Southern Baptist Theological Seminary head, Al Mohler, has been using his platform as a launching pad for progressive politics and to turn the formerly conservative denomination to the left.

In an open letter to the Trump administration in 2019, Russell Moore and his Evangelical Immigration Table, a Soros-funded front-group for the National Immigration Forum, blasted border patrol and national security agents for the “mistreatment” of criminal trespassers who have willfully breached the nation’s southern borders. The letter called on the Trump administration to use tax-payer dollars to fund free healthcare, sanitation services, and quickly give legal status to these criminals who would otherwise “qualify” for it — despite the fact they’ve broken the laws and illegally invaded the country.

All in the name of Jesus, of course.

Despite the Southern Baptist Convention’s efforts to deceptively downplay Moore and the ERLC’s links to George Soros — which have been proven demonstrably false — Moore and the ERLC have continued to advance their pro-mass immigration and pro-open borders agenda. The fact that Moore has never had to explain his association with George Soros is telling of the direction the denomination has gone. The Southern Baptist Convention is now primarily an outlet to propagandize semi-conservative pew-sitters with left-wing politics.

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During the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, Moore and his elite colleagues at the NIF pleaded with the Trump administration to release illegal immigrants into the streets. Further, he has demanded that the current administration allow more illegal immigrants into the nation.

It should come as no surprise then that a man who believes Western culture is demonic is joining with former president and globalist elitist, George W. Bush, to continue to promote anti-American open borders policies.

Moore will join Bush on May 6 to try to convince Evangelicals that America as a nation has no sovereign right to its own land and that because illegal immigrants are “made in the image of God,” that this nation should relinquish control of its borders and allow lawlessness to proceed. What’s worse is that Moore believes that someone like George W. Bush has anything of value to say to a Christian audience.

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