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Gay Pastor Says Jesus Doesn’t Desire Our Worship Because Only Gospel of John Says He Does

by | Apr 20, 2021 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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Brandan Robertson has been in the headlines quite a bit in the last year or so as he is an openly gay, self-described “pastor” who opposed traditional, biblical theology while installing himself as a biblical scholar and theologian. Robertson is an advocate for sexual immorality and teaches that premarital sex is “good” and “healthy.” Of course, conservative Bible-believing Christians would never consider Robertson’s claims to Christianity valid, but the world sees things like this and brings reproach upon Christ.

Robertson made the news last month when he claimed that Jesus used a “racial slur” in Mark chapter 7 during the account of the Syrophoenician woman. Robertson said that the woman essentially bucked up to Jesus causing Jesus to “repent” of his racism and then “do the work” he was supposed to do. Obviously absurd.

Now, Roberson claims that Jesus does not desire our worship, but desires our obedience–as though the two could be separated. How does he come to this conclusion? He says that because in the first three gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus never claims to be God and never says he desires our worship and that it wasn’t until the Gospel of John was written that Jesus made these claims.

Again, obviously absurd. To name a few, Jesus forgives sins in Luke 5:20, an act of which only God can perform according to Isaiah 43:25. Further, in Luke 10:22, Jesus claims authority and says that he, himself, is unknowable, just like God, except to those whom he chooses to reveal himself to.

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The theological gymnastics performed by these God-hating, sin-sick homosexuals looking for an excuse to practice their rebellion against God is mind-blowing. Robertson is leading people to Hell and it is abundantly clear that he is aware of this. He knows what he teaches is false, yet he chooses to teach it anyways.


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