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German Catholics to Bless Same-Sex Marriages Despite Vatican Ban

German Catholics to Bless Same-Sex Marriages Despite Vatican Ban

EURONEWS -- Germany's powerful Catholic progressives are openly defying a recent Holy See pronouncement that priests cannot bless same-sex unions. They are offering such blessings at services in about 100 different churches all over the country this week. The...

Revoice Leaders Promoting “Homosexuality is a Blessing” Nonsense

Grant Hartley, a former Campus Crusade leader who turned to Roman Catholicism after spending years teaching students at Campus Crusade retreats that homosexuality isn't sinful, recently tweeted a thread insisting that LGBTQ+ can't be reduced to a desire for gay sex...

Eric Mason Says “Negroes” Who Don’t Speak Out Against Racism Are Selling Out Gospel, Going to Hell

Eric Mason Says White People Can Never Call Black People Racist

Eric Mason is the author of the book, Woke Church, and founder and lead pastor of Epiphany Fellowship, a Southern Baptist church in Philadelphia and a staunch proponent of Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory (CRT) has become one of the predominant schools...

The Postmodern Culture and The Death of Authority

The Postmodern Culture and The Death of Authority

Postmodernism is a reaction to the idea of the assumed certainty of things like science, or any objective efforts to explain reality. It is, at its most basic level, anchored in skepticism which is itself a self-defeating concept when it’s all said and done. However,...

Black Female Preacher Says Black Jesus Would Be Pro-Homosexual

Black Female Preacher Says Black Jesus Would Be Pro-Homosexual

Austin Channing Brown, a woke author, speaker, and preacher, says that when it comes to issues of heterosexism, the Black Church isn't very good and that her "Black Jesus" would be against the traditional, conservative views. Speaking with Channing Brown, Kelly Brown...

God Hates America, a Modern-Day Sodom and Gomorrah

God Hates America, a Modern-Day Sodom and Gomorrah

Today, I was startled by an article that caught my attention over at The Federalist titled Illinois Bill Would Force Health Insurers To Buy Babies For Gay And Single People. To be honest, none of this stuff should surprise anyone anymore. America has completely...

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