If you’re not aware of who Kyle J Howard is, consider yourself lucky. Howard is a social media-addicted race hustler who claims he was a former member of the notorious Crips in Atlanta who nobody, not even his affluent attorney parents or his fiancée knew he was a part of, and who he just walked away from without any repercussions, and now, conveniently, all members of his squad who could corroborate his story are either dead or in prison.
Howard, who calls himself a “racial trauma counselor,” takes to Twitter daily to get his fill of praise from mostly naive white girls who follow him as he retells racially traumatizing fairy tales ranging from white girls storming a volleyball court at a “minority park” and taking over the game to selling drugs in a strip club parking lot where the strippers now refer to him as “Rev” and ask him for spiritual guidance.
Perhaps Howard’s greatest fairy tale is his story of being “traumatized” on the campus of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary where every one made fun of him for being black (he’s half white)–teachers, staff, and students.
Howard claims that both he and his wife, who is Asian, were so traumatized on this Southern Baptist campus that they can’t even walk on it without being “triggered.” Howard claims that a professor told him that “black theology,” whatever that is, was inferior which traumatized him. He also claims that other white students talked about him behind his back because he was so good in preaching class that they didn’t want to have to compete against a black man.
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Now, he says he can’t even go on campus to walk down the aisle to get his diploma because his experience at SBTS was traumatic and dehumanizing.

And Lecrae, another who has apostatized into the cult of anti-racism and race hustling, compares Howard to Moses. Apparently Lecrae thinks that Howard is going to lead all of God’s people out of the Southern Baptist Convention. In reality, though, Howard is only going to lead a bunch of lost people off a cliff to their own death.
One SBTS professor challenged Howard’s false claims and made a great suggestion–if he hates the school so bad, he should not accept the degree.

Unfortunately, Haykin later caved and apologized.