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R.I.P. Indi Gregory, Another Casualty of Universal Healthcare

R.I.P. Indi Gregory, Another Casualty of Universal Healthcare

In the wake of a heart-wrenching legal battle, the world bids farewell to Indi Gregory, an eight-month-old girl whose struggle has ended not by irremediable natural causes, but by a system that claims to protect the very essence of life. Indi, born into a world of...

Evangelicalism’s Trojan Horse: The Social Justice Movement

Evangelicalism’s Trojan Horse: The Social Justice Movement

Many Southern Baptist leaders are caving in to the social justice movement which -- a Trojan for the Democratic agenda of liberalization and secularization of Christianity as a political tool. Some well-known pastors such as Thabiti Anyabwile have completely forgotten...

Two Planned Parenthood Locations to Close, Thanks to Defunding Efforts

Two Planned Parenthood Locations to Close, Thanks to Defunding Efforts

The left calls it the "war on women" while the right, for the most part, recognizes it as common sense. Thanks to the defunding of Title X provisions for "women's health" clinics that provide abortions or even refer patients for abortions, Planned Parenthood has...

Abortion Is Not Avoiding Pregnancy

Abortion Is Not Avoiding Pregnancy

When people talk about why some mothers abort their preborn children, the main reasons given are rape and incest, the most-horrific cases. In reality, those are only about 1% of abortions. They are used as a smokescreen to prevent a real discussion of the...

The Bible and Sacrifice by Abortion

I recently heard about the person described in this news story. He claims to be a Christian abortionist who is doing God's work. However, according to the words of that God, the man is an apostate under judgment for pagan sacrifice. I am sad to say that the reason...

Three Weapons in Our War Against Abortion

Three Weapons in Our War Against Abortion

There are many battlefronts Christians spread throughout the earth have been commissioned to engage. There are missionaries to unreached nations and there are Pastors called to disciple converted middle-class Americans. One frontline that I am vitally passionate about...

The Dangerous Cult of Hillsong

The Dangerous Cult of Hillsong

With familiar tunes and upbeat rhythms filling the sanctuaries in churches everywhere, Hillsong is by far the most popular producer of mainstream Christian music in the world. They mass produce music from their multi-campus world-wide bands under the labels Hillsong...

Unregenerate Hearts in Our Churches Breed Liberalism and Progressivism

Unregenerate Hearts in Our Churches Breed Liberalism and Progressivism

I previously wrote an article titled If You're a Democrat, You're Probably Not Saved. I stand by that one-hundred percent. The Bible teaches that God is the standard of morality -- not creatures. And certainly not the moral relativity of unregenerate lost people who...

Vimeo Removes Church’s Account For Not Supporting Homosexuality

Vimeo Removes Church’s Account For Not Supporting Homosexuality

It is no secret that the secular world is against Christ. Right now, the world stands with homosexuals, transgenders, and abortionists. But God opposes them. Jesus said, "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you." This couldn't be more...

Girl Scouts Honor Teen For Pro-Abortion Work

Girl Scouts Honor Teen For Pro-Abortion Work

CBN -- A Girl Scouts of America chapter has openly revealed its pro-abortion stance by honoring an Arizona girl for her work on so-called "reproductive health justice." LifeNews reports that the Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona granted Meghna Gopalan the Gold...

An Encouragement to Christians in These Dark Times in Our Culture

An Encouragement to Christians in These Dark Times in Our Culture

It seems as though the onslaught of media attention given to horrifying news across the world, especially here in America, has increased exponentially in recent times. News report after news report about the next piece of legislation expanding abortion access or...

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