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Unregenerate Hearts in Our Churches Breed Liberalism and Progressivism

by | Mar 13, 2019 | Abortion, Politics, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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I previously wrote an article titled If You’re a Democrat, You’re Probably Not Saved. I stand by that one-hundred percent. The Bible teaches that God is the standard of morality — not creatures. And certainly not the moral relativity of unregenerate lost people who hate God. It is the unregenerate heart that breeds such things as moral liberalism and social progressivism.

Liberalism is a product of a mind that is set on the flesh — a mind that is hostile to God. Romans 8:7 says, “For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot.” It’s the kind of mindset that causes people to think that homosexual desire is a condition rather than sin, or the kind of mindset that causes people to desire reparations for the sins of preceding generations. It’s the kind of mindset that produces a range of ideologies from socialism to abortion activism.

The mindset is self-centered rather than God-centered. And it’s not just outside of the Church. We see a major push within the Church to not only tolerate but to adopt these ideas into mainstream Christianity.

The social justice movement is really just the latest push for acceptance of godlessness among the ranks of Christianity. We see Evangelical leaders — like Thabiti Anyabwile, Russell Moore, and Tim Keller — who are neck-deep into social justice advancing a cause that was born not out of biblical Christianity, but progressive liberalism. In other words, the movement is born from the ideologies of unregenerates like Karl Marx.

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While I’m not going to argue the individual state of everyone associated with this movement’s heart, I would argue that the reason this movement is so attractive to so many within the visible Church is because the Church has allowed so many unregenerate people in. The Church is supposed to be a sanctuary for the redeemed people of God. But, because of heresies such as easy-believism and seeker-sensitivity, we’ve allowed far more people into the ranks of Christianity than those who are actually saved. And now, to keep them in our churches, we have to cater to their mindset — a mindset which is geared towards self-entitlement and bitterness — rather than a mindset that is set on the things of God.

So, whenever you see a movement away from historical biblical Christianity towards things like liberalism, progressivism, LGBT inclusivism, remember that it is the vast amount of unregenerate hearts that our churches are plagued with that is the root of these wicked movements.

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