Kirk Franklin, the so-called “gospel artist” associated with Maverick City Music, has consistently used the facade of Christianity to push his secular social ideology. Franklin's “Christian” career has been marked by a blatant disregard for biblical truth, using his...
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Southern Baptists Vote to Continue Funding ERLC and Leftist Agenda
In a disheartening turn of events at last week's Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) annual meeting, messengers voted overwhelmingly to affirm the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), defeating a motion that would have defunded the entity amid a clear...
University of Michigan Medical Students Stage Walk-Out at White Coat Ceremony Amid Pro-Life Keynote Speaker Address
If your doctor acts professionally and is part of an ethical practice, don't think this is the norm. The vast majority of medical professionals today are either given to the woke movement or part of a shrinking minority who will ultimately be cast out and shunned for...
Pastor Preaches Sermon Complaining That White People Are Coming After Same-Sex Marriage and Affirmative Action Next
Fear-mongering black pastor, A. Byron Coleman III is the Senior Pastor of the Fifth Street Missionary Baptist Church in Oklahoma City. Coleman made headlines in April after preaching a sermon stating that "Negroes" that can't celebrate Ketanji Brown Jackson in Church...
Southern Baptist Pastor Compares Abortion to Eschatology, Says Southern Baptists Must Accept Different Views
Abortion is the taking of innocent unborn life. Abortion is cruel, intolerable, and for the true, born-again believer who understands the value of life given by God Himself, is a repulsive act of rebellion against our Creator. But that doesn't matter to Southern...
Planned Parenthood Redefines Ectopic Pregnancy to Justify Abortion
In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, leftists have been scrambling to do anything they can to protect their sacred cult ritual of abortion. The Democrats are desperately attempting to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law while even...
Russell Moore Says Trump Voters NOT Vindicated Because of Recent SCOTUS Ruling on Roe v. Wade
While most of the Evangelical landscape is celebrating the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court, there are a handful out there who are hell-bent on destroying the pro-life movement by hijacking it to include a socialist and Marxist agenda. Russell Moore—the...
Lady “Pastor” Uses Story of Zaccheus to “Prove” That Jesus Saves Us When We Subsidize Birth Control, Welfare Programs
In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the world has no shortage of opinions coming from practically every mouthpiece in the nation, especially from the talking heads of the professing Church. It’s not unexpected that the liberal wing of...
Pastor Says People Against Transgenders are Against God, and Anti-Abortion People Actually Have Abortions
Progressives everywhere are throwing a hissy fit in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. The fact is, these people love abortion—it is their sacrament into their religion of death and destruction. That goes for those calling themselves...
Prominent Pro-Life Leader, Get This, Says an Abortion is NOT an Abortion if it is Performed on a 10-Year-Old
Pro-life leader, Catherine Glenn Foster, an attorney and President & CEO of Americans United for Life, was recently grilled by leftists during a House judiciary committee hearing and demonstrated, inadvertently, exactly why the pro-life movement, led by people...
Pastor Preaches That We Wouldn’t Have Abortion if the Church Ordained Women Pastors Before the 20th Century
The world hates God and blames God for all of its problems. The world seeks answers outside of God and His word for guidance and for hope. But it is a whole new phenomenon that all of the "woke" progressive churches of this century have completely abandoned the gospel...
Episcopal Church Puts Out Resolution Condemning Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Apologizes for Supporting Them
A few weeks ago, The Dissenter reported on an Episcopal priestess who preached a sermon "lamenting" the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Winnie Varghese, one of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Atlanta’s “pastors,” denounced in one breath the decision to overturn Roe which...
CDC Directs Underage Children as Young as 13 to Online LGBTQ Chat Forum Run by Planned Parenthood
Last year, we reported that the government-funded "health" organization, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) had been paying underage children hundreds of dollars to report their homosexual activity on an app called "MyPeeps." It is no longer deniable that the...
You won’t’ Believe This Belly Tattoo the Pro-Abortion Death Cult is Celebrating
This world is doomed. We know that because the Bible tells us that the whole creation groans awaiting salvation and apart from that savior, who is Jesus Christ, there is nothing but death. Sadly, there are many who are doomed to death and destruction, enemies of God,...
Smoking Gun: FBC Orlando’s Danny DeArmas Baptized Openly Gay, “Married” Man-to-Man Homosexual
The Dissenter recently reported on First Baptist Church Orlando’s capitulation to gay ideology. It began when the associate pastor and former chair of the North American Mission Board (NAMB) took the stage to boast and brag how the Southern Baptist church...
AME Pastor Says SCOTUS Took Away “Most Important” Right to Abortion, Congregation Must Elect Stacey Abrams 🤡🤡🤡
The president of the AME Church's Lay Organization, Matikane Abednego, recently preached at Antioch AME Church in Stone Mountain, GA, giving a message of hope to all the suffering people in the state of Georgia in the wake of the devastating Supreme Court ruling...
Sick! Abortion Activists Pour Blood All Over Themselves and Protest on Steps of LA City Hall
There is little more stupidity in the world than what can be found in the general population of liberal California. True, there is quite a bit in other leftist strongholds, but the mass psychosis stupidity found in the deepest darkest corners of California...
Beth Moore Praises Pro-Abortion Pro-Homosexual Activist for Receiving “Public Understanding of Religion” Award
Beth Moore is one of Evangelicalism's foremost progressive activists who has used her platform to advance some of the most godless ideologies into the Church which are contrary to the doctrines taught in Scripture. Today, Moore exposed herself once again after...
Liberal Methodist Worship Band Rewrites Popular Hymn to Worship “Mother Earth”
In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, churches have been acting crazy, throwing temper tantrums, preaching sermons against the pro-life movement, and just all around coming out of the woodwork to expose who and what they really are—not...
ERLC and TGC Contributor, Michael Wear, Proposes Federal Law Legalizing Abortion Up to 15 Weeks
A prominent Obama campaign staffer tied to Russell Moore, the ERLC, and The Gospel Coalition, has proposed a federal law legalizing abortion up to 15 weeks. Who is Michael Wear? According to Wear’s website for his “Reclaiming Hope” initiative, he is former president...
Pastor Says it Was “Racism” and “White Supremacy” That Caused People to Take Issue With His “God is Pro-Choice” Statement
Last week, we reported that the pastor of Radiant Church, Mike Thomas, made an absurd and ridiculous statement that God is "pro-choice." During that sermon, he preached that we shouldn't bother with legislation against abortion because "God has set before us life and...
The Gospel Coalition Says Abortion is Morally Acceptable in “Rare Exceptions”
In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the world has no shortage of opinions coming from practically every mouthpiece in the nation, especially from the talking heads of the professing Church. It's not unexpected that the liberal wing of...