On March 27, 2023, a mass shooting occurred at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, which resulted in multiple fatalities. The attack was carried out by a transgender leftist who had written a "manifesto" which has currently been withheld due to public records...
The Church
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False Teacher of the Day #58: Jonathan Cahn
It is appropriate that we continue to warn Christians about the dangerous teachings of Jonathan Cahn, who positions himself as a modern-day prophet and decoder of biblical mysteries. Despite numerous bold predictions about economic collapses and national disasters,...
Megachurch Pastor, Mike Todd, Now Stepping Into Anti-Trinitarian Heresy?
(Protestia) — Three weeks ago, a new video came to light featuring Transformation Church’s Lead Pastor Michael Todd preaching modalism, using vats of water, ice, and dry ice to show that in the same way these are all “expressions” of H₂O, just in a different form, so...
Smoking Gun: FBC Orlando’s Danny DeArmas Baptized Openly Gay, “Married” Man-to-Man Homosexual
The Dissenter recently reported on First Baptist Church Orlando’s capitulation to gay ideology. It began when the associate pastor and former chair of the North American Mission Board (NAMB) took the stage to boast and brag how the Southern Baptist church...
AME Pastor Says SCOTUS Took Away “Most Important” Right to Abortion, Congregation Must Elect Stacey Abrams 🤡🤡🤡
The president of the AME Church's Lay Organization, Matikane Abednego, recently preached at Antioch AME Church in Stone Mountain, GA, giving a message of hope to all the suffering people in the state of Georgia in the wake of the devastating Supreme Court ruling...
Bethel Church Selling a “Declaration Clicker” to Tabulate Your “Declarations” and “Increase Your Faith”
If you’re familiar with the cult of Bethel Redding, you’re aware that they're known for their gimmicks such as practicing grave sucking (or grave soaking) whereby people lay on the graves of dead people to “soak” the anointing from them. Bethel also puts glitter in...
Southern Baptist Church Has Woman Preach Sunday Morning Service on 4th of July
One Southern Baptist Church has been in the news quite a bit over the years as it is well-known for its carnal performances by their "worship band" performing covers of controversial rock, hip-hop, and pop songs. Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, made...
Bethel Pastor Shares Ridiculous Testimony of Waitress Being “Activated” For Guessing What Customers Wanted
Bethel Church in Redding, California, is pastored and co-pastored by Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton, respectively, who believe themselves to be prophets and Apostles of God. Bethel is well-known for its debunked “manifestations” of the Holy Spirit, including its...
Three False Gospels That May Be Masquerading in Your Church
The visible church today is undoubtedly full of false gospels. There are, of course, the cults like Mormonism and the Watchtower Society. There is the Roman Catholic Church, which distorts the gospel into a form of works righteousness coupled with idolatry. We have...
Beth Moore Praises Pro-Abortion Pro-Homosexual Activist for Receiving “Public Understanding of Religion” Award
Beth Moore is one of Evangelicalism's foremost progressive activists who has used her platform to advance some of the most godless ideologies into the Church which are contrary to the doctrines taught in Scripture. Today, Moore exposed herself once again after...
Liberal Methodist Worship Band Rewrites Popular Hymn to Worship “Mother Earth”
In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, churches have been acting crazy, throwing temper tantrums, preaching sermons against the pro-life movement, and just all around coming out of the woodwork to expose who and what they really are—not...
Southern Baptist Seminary Professor Likes Leftist Tweet Calling for Ban on “Assault Weapons”
The Southern Baptist Convention is woke. And because of that, Southern Baptist seminaries are even woker. Sadly, our seminaries are the ones producing our next generation of pastors, missionaries, and teachers — and the garbage they are being fed continues to grow in...
ERLC and TGC Contributor, Michael Wear, Proposes Federal Law Legalizing Abortion Up to 15 Weeks
A prominent Obama campaign staffer tied to Russell Moore, the ERLC, and The Gospel Coalition, has proposed a federal law legalizing abortion up to 15 weeks. Who is Michael Wear? According to Wear’s website for his “Reclaiming Hope” initiative, he is former president...
Two “Married” Dads Give Father’s Day Sermon During Mass at Chicago Catholic Church
The Roman Catholic Church, like modern Evangelicalism, has been on an increasingly rapid drift toward progressivism and the embrace of liberal ideas. Among ideas are sexual immorality, feminism, and various other pagan pet social causes. Of all the things the Roman...
Pastor Says it Was “Racism” and “White Supremacy” That Caused People to Take Issue With His “God is Pro-Choice” Statement
Last week, we reported that the pastor of Radiant Church, Mike Thomas, made an absurd and ridiculous statement that God is "pro-choice." During that sermon, he preached that we shouldn't bother with legislation against abortion because "God has set before us life and...
The Gospel Coalition Says Abortion is Morally Acceptable in “Rare Exceptions”
In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the world has no shortage of opinions coming from practically every mouthpiece in the nation, especially from the talking heads of the professing Church. It's not unexpected that the liberal wing of...
Creflo Dollar Admits He’s Taught Falsely on Tithing But Says He Won’t Apologize for It
A few years ago, famous and wealthy well-known prosperity charlatan, Benny Hinn announced that he'd been teaching falsely on the doctrine of prosperity. In a shocking video, Hinn admitted that he’s been preaching a false prosperity gospel, that giving money and sowing...
SBC Pastor Blames “White Supremacy” for Shooting as Shooter Wears “Trump for Prison” T-Shirt
The Southern Baptist Convention's resident race-baiter and Critical Race Theorist, Dwight McKissic, retweeted a tweet blaming the shooting in Chicago last night on far-right extremism and "white supremacy." But even a cursory look at what happened, and by just looking...
SBC Seminary Head Urges Churches, Christians Not to Divide Over Doctrine, Takes Swipe at “Fundamentalists”
One of Paul's last warnings to the Romans was to turn away from those who are teaching false doctrines, doctrines contrary to what he and the Apostles taught. "I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the...
Ligon Duncan, Mark Dever, Muse That Pastors Should Hide Their Political Ideologies From Church Members
I’ve refrained from stating what I really think about people who pervert the gospel to advance their own ideological agendas, particularly those who would brush off the practice of abortion as an optional issue for Christians to concern themselves with the legality....
Kentucky Catholic Church Holds “Service of Atonement and Apology to LGBTQ People”
“Sexual immorality is the evidence that a society is under the divine judgment of God for that sin.” —John MacArthur In the last couple of decades, we have witnessed something that is foreign to the historic Christian Church. We have seen more and more of the...
Pastor Angry About Abortion Ruling Urges Congregation “Let’s All Go Get Vasectomies,” “America is Going to Hell”
Pastor William Murphy from The dReam Center Church went on a tirade this weekend over the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. In his tirade against the ruling, he urged all the men in his congregation to go get vasectomies as he stood there and proclaimed...